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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Stepping outside the Comfort Zone

There was a post on Prim Mart not to long ago about making dolls. It basically was about stepping outside the box and making a doll that maybe isn't your style. I find this very difficult because I usually make things that I like that I decorate with. I like old, dirty, dark prim things. Well, I challenged myself to make a doll that wasn't quite my style. Here she is...

Her body is actually made from a Ball jar covered in fabric. I thought she was kinda cute, but like I say not my style. Not sure what I will do with her yet. Maybe my website maybe Ebay OR... if someone wants to deal I am open.

Guess what??? I started on Christmas items a couple nights ago. One thing didn't turn out so well... Note to self ... NEVER coffee stain fabric after you printed on it. Why you ask... well.. ummm... the print runs and disappears. LOL. One project down the drain. It happens what are ya gonna do. Live and learn I guess. For me it is so hard thinking Christmas today as it is 81 degrees and muggy. YUCK!!!! But I guess it's better than 40 like at the beginning of the week. My DD is at a pool party that I was for sure it was going to be too cold, but again I was wrong. More on my Christmas in June coming in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. The doll is cute. I think it's a great idea to step out of the box on occasion.


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