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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a weekend!!!

We had the annual Memorial Day picnic at our home yesterday. As always we all over ate. The weather was great and the rain held off so that we could eat on the deck. All 12 of us. There was a mad dash to throw it together as my sister told me Saturday it was at my home. So of course the mad dash to clean my house began and ended after I went to the Fiber Arts show on Sunday. All in all it was so fun to have everyone over and enjoy a holiday at our home.

On another note... my hubby is installing my new foyer floor. I looked high and low for a tile that would scream brick floor. Well, my sister found it for me and I had to have it. It's amazing she knew my style. After begging and pleading my hubby started to lay the floor. There is no grout yet but the floor is down. YEA!!!! I can't wait to repaint the walls now.

I'll keep you posted as time goes on and I decide what color I want to do.


  1. ve the new floor!!
    i am so glad to find your blog!!
    i have missed talking to you so much!

  2. whoops! i meant i love the new floor!! lol

  3. Hey Kim how'd ya find me??? Glad you stopped in!!!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I ove this floor - where did you find it and what is it called? It is amazing.

    I'll have to skip on over to your website as well.

    hugs, Linda


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