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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Have Been Awarded Twice and Strawberry Pie to Celebrate

I have been awarded the Arte y Pico Award for Blog excellence from two people!

My first award came from Kim of Simple Needs. I am met Kim awhile back on on PM forum. She was so sweet and accepting of me. Kim has a beautiful garden and loves prims just as much or more than me. Since she has been blogging I have read her blog every day.

Rondell from Tomatoe Creek Prims has also awarded me the Arte y Pico award for blog excellence. She is one of my super sweet blogging pals. She has a really awesome blog that I go to for inspiration. She accepted me and welcomed my comments right away after I found her blog. Thank you again and keep the inspiration coming!!! I visit with Rondell everyday now to see what she does next.

OK, here are the rules and remember if you already have the award just accept and that's all you have to do!

1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.

4.The award winner and one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.

5. To show these rules.

Ok My 5 recipients and good friends are of course in no particular order...

1. Linda from Behind my Red Door. This woman knows how to decorate and can show you the look I'm trying to achieve. She has awesome ideas and pics to go with it.

2.Primlin from Primp Your Pad at Gathered Treasures All I can say is WOW!!! This woman can decorate... She always has decorating ideas for the prim home. You know why I say that is her home will be featured in Country Sampler magazine!!!!

3.Ann from This Simple Life of Mine She is so thrifty. If you looked at her posts you would wonder what will this girl come up with next. Is there anything she can't do. She inspires me and is truly a really good friend of mine who I also know from the PM forum.

4. Songbirdtiff She too is thrifty... I love that in a person. She says she doesn't have a lot of time, but you should see what she can whip up in no time. She has some great projects. Even though I just met her she is so sweet and it's like I've known her for a long time.

5. Joann from The Carter Clan Jo-Ann is a thrift store girl after my heart. She is one of my super sweet blogging pals who took the time to email me about her family when I had a question. She too will take a board and turn it into a table shelf!!! She can use power tool and in my book that's pretty cool!

Now I know you are only suppose to do 5, but I have one more I'd like to honor...

Jill from Fruit of Her Hands... I found her blog a long time before I ever started blogging. She always has awesome tutorials, advice, and handmade items to look at. I tld her she won and I am sure she looked, but when I put it on beofre I didn't save it correctly and it disappeared. I bet she is going to think I lied.

OK, I think this calls for pie!!!! I made this strawberry pie last night and I promised you the recipe awhile back. Well, I was going to take a pic back then but hubby couldn't stay out of it. So, in this pic it was still warm and hubby was out mowing so I quick took a pic. Now this is not like the normal "gel" pie because I get sick on that stuff it's too sweet.

One frozen pie shell baked (cuz I can't make a pie crust to save my life :-( )
Strawberries (a lot of em)

Cook together until boiling and clear
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 TBSP heaping Corn Starch

then add 3 TBSP Strawberry Jello and mix well and cool just a little. While still kinda warm pour over the top of the strawberries in the pie shell and let it run down in between them. Viola!!!! Strawberry Pie. Courtesy of my MIL.

Boy this getting to be a long post hang in there I'm almost done. I cut out a pattern for another stocking what do you think those who said I needed a higher arch...

Then this is the other finished grubbied and drying...

Well, I also had a bathroom redo I did yesterday, but I'll wait til another day to show you that since this post is really long already LOL!!!!


  1. I love your stockings Mary! So cool, you have done a great job on them and I like where you hung the red one:) You sure are going prim so fast, the strawberry pie looks delicious!

    Blessings Rondell

  2. I'm getting a lot of fun summer treat recipes today! That looks so yummy! Your stocking looks great! I sure like that cabinet that it's by. :) Have a great day!

  3. First, Thank you so much for the award. To be honest I didn't know what I was going to post today and now I do.

    Second, the pie looks yummy and I have a pie crust thats perfect. I will post about it just for you.

    Thirdly- good job on the stocking.

  4. Congrats on the awards :)

    Your pie looks YUMMY!!!

    The stockings are coming along great :) I don't think I commented yesterday but I thought it looked good, too.

    Can't wait to see your bathroom pictures! I love seeing how others decorate!

    Long post...awww...don't feel bad! I ALWAYS have a long one! I can't help it, I talk too much!

    Hope you have a great day!

  5. Cograts on your win! I like your stocking and I would really like a slice of that pie! Beth

  6. First of all - thank you so much for the award and kind words! I just received and posted about it last week though so I am going to pass on posting again.

    The stockings look great - I want to see more of your house. What I see behind the stocking looks intriguing! And don't keep us in suspense too long waiting to see the bathroom girl - we need our prim fixes! LOL

    I make the same pie recipe but use gingerale instead of the water. It is awesome!

    have a great day - hugs, Linda

  7. I love your is so prim! And I do want to see more of that prim home!

    Your strawberry pie looks yummy...I've been seeing great looking food all day on the blogs and I think I'm hungry!

    Also wanted to thank you for all the sweet comments on my blog. I really enjoy your visits!

    ~ Tammy

  8. Mary...thank you so much for the award and all the nice things you said about me! I was so surprised!!!
    You are too kind!! :)

    Love the stocking. It looks perfect. I will surely be trying the strawberry pie recipe...thanks for sharing!

    Can't wait to see the bathroom pictures!

  9. Hi Mary :)

    Thank you so much for coming by! Congratulations on your award :)

    That pie looks really good... yum!

    Have a beautiful night,

    PS Go Bucks! ;)


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