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Friday, July 11, 2008

Fat Friday.... And My Living/Dining Room Pics

I know what you are thinking... aren't we all horizontally challenged everyday??? My answer is a loud resounding YES! So, in order to keep my perfect score going I am declaring Friday... Fat Friday. Now, I am no cook or baker by any means, but I have a few recipes. After reading many of your blogs you have been sharing recipes all along. There have been cobbler recipes, pies, cakes, brownies, vegetable recipes , OK I could go on and on. Starting today I am going to post recipes that I use here at my house. And I am going to try to post pictures to go with them. I would love to open this up to all of you. Yes this means you... you know the ones who like to stop by and read what boring stuff I have to say and not say HI (lurkers) Patti and Debbie you know who you are LOL. hehe I know both of them are going OMG I can't believe she said that. Anyway, even if you are not a blogger you can still leave a comment. I will post directions in the side of my posts for you OR you can email me and I will post your recipes on my blog. Now, I wanted to give advance notice to those bloggers who don't have anything planned to say today. I am going to make mine this morning and post the pic and recipe this afternoon. So in other words check back. If you leave a comment that you would like in on this I will post Mister Linky if I have enough people. But until I get back here this PM here are some pics I hope you'll enjoy!!!!

OOPS forgot this one...


  1. Oh that looks great! I love the paint colors and yout big prairie doll!

  2. Your home looks so comfy, cozy....I could just have a cup of coffee and chat. Great pics. BTW, I'm not a cook. don't really enjoy it, but I like a good recipe that is already tried and true and will give one a chance so please post. I'll like this Fat Friday thing.
    Have an awesome weekend

  3. Thanks for the pictures, I have a long way too go. I only started converting my home to prim less then a year ago. I know this is going to sound funny but I don't allow myself to decorate my home until a have lived in it for 6 months to a year. I believe a home will tell you what it wants to be and you have to give it time to talk to you. ( not literally talk, don't worry I'm not nuts )

  4. WOW!!! I love your home and it is so comfy & cozy looking:) All your prim things look so good...I'm off to the Country Store:)
    What do you have on your doors of your china cabinet or cupboare, I know one is homespun but can't figure out how you have the other hanging or put there?


  5. Your home pics look great! I love the colors you are using. I have added you to my blog list and I see that you have added me. Thank you! That made my day!
    About the recipes, I will have to think on that. LOL! I don't plan to cook tonight! It's hubby's birthday! :)

  6. Your place looks like a cozy little bed and breakfast. Lovely!

  7. Yay!!! I see you changed the things around that we talked about! They look great! Anyways, I'll be up that way tonight or tomorrow morning!!

    Love ya

  8. Oh my goodness...I love everything I see! I want a ladder like that! And I love your prairie doll! Well it's hard to pick a favorite because I love it all!

    Can I come visit? :)

    ~ Tammy ~

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh Sure - I justy start to get caught up and you tell me to come back tonight? LOL OKaaaaaay, just for YOU I'l try!!

    And if I do, will you show me MORE wonderful pics of your home? PLEASE?? PRETTY PLEASE??

  10. I'm so glad you're posting more pictures of your home. I've been secretly hoping you would.
    I just read your profile today, my soon to be 16 has Asperger's (among other things).
    Check in with you later,

  11. me ? a lurker ? hehehehe...gurl u know I wubs u, ur home, and all that u do~~~
    (((many hugs))) my friend~

  12. Everything looks so cute! I have the same problem with the livingroomdiningroom combo! I love what you did. Jen R

  13. You sure have a knack at decorating! You sure inspire me to get out there and look for more things for my home! I love it all! Thanks for adding my to your faves. I'll add you to mine!

  14. Wow everything looks so beautiful! You got some awesome goodies for great prices too!

    Take care,

  15. Mary, can I move in with you?? Love it to pieces!!

  16. Your home looks like it could be featured in that country living magazine. I love all you little decorations. I really love the shelf with the star and basket, I need to take a picture of my shelf sometime, it's not decorated as cute as yours though.

  17. Oh! Oh! Oh! I love so much of it! Great work decorating and collecting all of those wonderful items!

  18. Your home is sooo beautiful and the colors are awesome.

  19. I love your home and all of your primitive decor. It is great!!! I would have loved and old farm house.

  20. Hey, it was YOU!!! You're the one that I saw the cheese box and thought that I needed to find another one to make my stack higher. I just thought it was two. I didn't look closely enough to see you have an extra tall one. That's neat! Never saw one like that before.

    I haven't decided what to do with my new one yet. I don't want to paint over the stained one at all. I have had that for 9 years now and I love it as it is (do you know what's in it? Some of DH's Playboy' nice, huh? LOL) I just don't know if I want to stain the other one, too. Maybe a different color? I want them to stand out against one another somehow.

    Thanks for all of your tips and advice and for sharing your inspiration pics!. You have helped me a lot!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.