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Monday, July 7, 2008

My New Step Back Cupboard.

Wow what a weekend! I didn't go and do anything special. OK, we went to the fireworks on Saturday night here in town with my uncle who lost his wife a year ago and had no kids. My daughter didn't go with us she decided to go with her Father. We picked a new spot to sit this year. We pulled off the road about 5 minutes from our house and looked out over some farm land. It was the clearest view we've ever had even going downtown. Then another town was having their display too directly behind us. So we a had two for one.

I also have been working on some Christmas crafts. I spent all day yesterday trying to figure out how to make this one thing. I kinda got it, but I need to improve it. As many of you know I don't use other people's patterns if I can help. I like the challenge of trying to figure it out on my own. Plus I have never seen a pattern for this anyway. I will show you in time what I'm working on because I don't reveal it until I love it. I also rearranged my living room/dining room AGAIN! So, I will post pics this week of that. My hubby also told me the porch decorations looked cluttered so I had to clean and rearrange there too. Ok so I lied I'm going to add a pic of what I was working on... small crocks that I'm going to make into ornaments for the Christmas tree. I am also working on bigger crocks also. These are made out of fabric. I know you're saying to yourself fabric??? why fabric??? when you can have the real thing. To be honest... don't know except for I can paint them anyway I choose. See the second picture...

Now on with the step back. I should save this til Wednesday, but I finished painting my foyer woodwork and the little wall leading from my foyer to my living room. and moved my cupboard in. It fits perfectly.

This is looking in my front door. Never mind the open bathroom door.

Closer view of the top part.

Closer view of the bottom... Well, I LOVE the color on the woodwork. It really looks drab and kinda like army camo. Hey, why does my dog always want in my pictures. I had to tell him to get out from in front of the cupboard to take this one.

I haven't painted the doors yet. I got to looking and thought maybe it would be too much. So.......... I asked hubby to take the door down and I stripped the paint off. I'll show you that project on Wednesday. This is what I spent most of Friday doing. I just got a sander last night from my BIL so I will sand tomorrow as I have to work today and tonight. It is beautiful under all that paint. Of course a little beat up, but once I decided on a stain and do that it'll look awesome. Hubby says it's my project to do as I please.


  1. Just beautiful! Love that cupboard and how you have it decorated too:)
    Have a good day!


  2. Mary,
    I love the cupboard and everything you are working on :)

    I totally agree that if you can't have what you want and you are able to make something else look like what you want, GO FOR IT!

    You have been pretty busy with your house and it's really coming along. I like all of the changes you have done recently :) It's a lot of hard work but totally worth it!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the cupboard and the display. It all came together so nicely and looks awesome on that new floor! Enjoy my friend!

    hugs, Linda

  4. Love the cupboard and I really love the color of the woodwork, too. Girl, you are hardcore making Christmas decorations now.

  5. It all looks great! Love the step back.

    Interesting idea to make mini fabric crocks as ornaments. Thats something I think others would buy ;-)

  6. I love your cupboard. I like your crock idea, you need to make into a
    pattern. I have stopped using a lot of patterns to, but I would buy yours!

  7. I love your stepback cupboard! Really love it! I also like where you have it and how it's accessorized!

    What's the color of the wall behind the cupboard? Is it a green? I'm trying to decide a color for my kitchen.

    I think the fabric crocks are a neat idea!

    Have a great week!

  8. Mary,
    Stop over because I've tagged you and also your SIL:)


  9. I just LOVE the cupboard, did you make it or buy it and re-paint it? It's my favorite color too! Good idea about the crocks, you should make em' and sell em'.

  10. Thanks everyone for your comments. I did buy this piece from a local shop. Unfortunately waiting for hubby to build it would take forever. LOL.

    As for the crocks... you might see a pattern as well as a few for sale. The hardest part is making the bottom the correct size to match the sides. I am working with a math whiz today and she gave me the mathmatical formula for figuring it out. Go figure eye balling doesn't cut it. I'll keep you posted.

    As for the wall color... check out my June 22nd post and it is the color in the middle. If anyone wants the name give me a holler.

  11. Your cupboard is gorgeous!! And your cloth crocks are so cute, I love the Americana one!! Have a great day!~Wendy

  12. I just love your entryway and cupboard! Your home is just beautiful and can't wait to see more! Oh and love the crocks! Have a great evening!

  13. Oh, I like how you painted the trim work. I've always liked the look with the light walls and painted trim, be it a putty, colonial red, green etc. My DH would probably give me one of those "looks" if I tried that. I'm painting the new baseboards..dare I say it..white. It's not a bright white as it has yellow in it. They're just primed MDF but so much better than the plastic ones we had before. Yes, plastic.
    You've been a busy bee too, the cupboard is awesome and you already have it dressed up. It's perfect!
    Interesting idea with the little crocks. They'd be cute on an ornie tree. I don't think you'd have any trouble selling them if you go that route.


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