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Monday, July 28, 2008

Oh Yay it's Monday... AGAIN!!!

I have been debating as to what to post today. I have several things that I'll be sharing this week, but I couldn't decide what to start with. I know what a terrible dilemma. LOL. As usual the weekend went by so fast. Friday night for my sons birthday we went to Red Robin per his request. My sister and BIL and nephew joined us. All I can say is I'm glad I don't have a 2 year old anymore. LOL. My nephew is the ornriest little boy you've ever seen. Not that it matters, but my sister adopted him and he is an only child and is SPOILED!!!! I just shake my head because before she had kids she had all the best parenting ideas about what she would do and not do and how her child would act. Well..... that all went out the window with her son. LOL. Too funny! Of course they brought my son an ice cream sundae and sang to him. My son does not like to be embarassed like that and if he could've slumped down in the booth any more he would have been on the floor.

Saturday I again worked on some more fall crafts. I will have those to share with you on Wednesday. My daughter went with my hubby to the farm to cut hay and do some other chores. She loved it because he let her drive the combine in the field. She has never done that before and it scares me to death because she gets so confused easily. Which reminds me I got the kid's achievement test scores this week. My daughter did awesome since her IEP allowed her to have help with hers. She had the most help on her writing portion. She was allowed to have a scribe write down what she tells them because of her disability her brain is going much faster than her hand can write and she misses words and parts of thoughts. So she gets low scores because her writing doesn't make sense. So she passed both the reading and writing portion, but failed her math portion only by 8 questions. This is much better than the last time she took this test so I am overjoyed. Another part of her disability is that she does not understand abstract ideas and math is one of those. The doctors have told us she will always struggle with math and is in the learning disabled class for this. I have to tell you I am so glad we moved to a better school system. It is a huge relief and blessing haveing teachers who can help my child. As for my son well... I now have leverage when he comes home and says 4th grade is too hard. He scored in the highest categories of both reading and math. He does not work to his ability because he doesn't think school is important. I am thinking he is bored and is not paying attention and that is why he thinks school is hard. Anyway, I am so proud of both my kids and their scores.

Alright I know stop with the boring stuff and get on with the good stuff. I just had to brag a little you know. :-) Just so you know I am working on a tutorial for painting a floorcloth. I think what I'll do is break it down into a couple weeks so it isn't all coming at you at once. Plus it makes you come back and read to see when I add the next part. See I'm thinking now. hehe. Yes, Yes, I hear it now you are pounding your head on the desk saying stop blabbering and get on with some pictures... I AM SO BORED WITH YOUR TALKING MARY STOP I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! LOL. OK OK

So my Mom gave these to me last week. Aren't they cool. It is a set of little books. There is no date on them as to when they were printed. Each book is maybe 8-10 pages. They were my great aunts who is 92. I am thinking I need to get some big frames and put them under glass and put them on the walls. Just a couple in each frame. Not sure though.

Aren't the graphics just awesome.

Some of these I have never heard of.

Couple of close ups of a few of the books.

Then I found this newspaper in the bottom of a trunk I got from my great aunt. Not sure you can read the date but it is from August 24, 1934.

Thanks for hanging in there with me everyone. I'll try to shorten it up this week in my other posts. Yeah right you all know me too well. LOL. Although, I may not post every day as hubby is taking a couple vacation days and we are hoping to do some things with the kids. So til next time.


  1. Great job by your son always test well but never lives up to it on a daily bases. (BOYS!)
    Love your books to! Beth

  2. Mary, I'm so excited to hear you're going to make a tutorial about a floor cloth. I bought a large piece of linoleum from a thrift store for $4.99. I want to put it in my bathroom but paint it to look like a floor cloth. I had planned to do it this summer but time is just spinning by and too much going on. Can't wait to see how yours turns out. BTW, I'm starlove5 on Webshots:)

  3. Those are real treasures. I would love those little books and yes a shadow box type thing would be perfect for them.

  4. Those liitle books are so neat!! I like your idea of putting them in frames. And that's awesome both of your kids got great test scores!! Have a wonderful day!

  5. You aer never boring! I love reading your posts! :) Congrats to both kids for doing so well on their tests! Bragging is a parental right, you know!
    And conragts on the sweet books from your Mom. How nice to have books that belonged to your great aunt! They look so neat! Wish I could sit down and read them all!
    Have a great day, girl!

  6. Mary...I am so excited to hear about your kids excellent test results! I know how encouraging it is to have positive news after such a struggle. Thank goodness for the teachers who understand and support us parents who have children with disabilities.

    Those little books are a treasure. I can't wait to see what fun things you do with them!!

  7. Wow! What an awesome job your kiddos did! My sons have Asbergers and Autism, so I know how it is to have some learning difficulties.

    What a wonderful gift your Mom gave you! Those are real treasures! I would definitely frame those! So graphics are just so cute and whimsy! Love them!

    oooh a tutorial! How fun! Can't wait to see that! You have such a neat blog, so glad I found ya!
    Blessings and smiles,

  8. Once again you read my mind - I wanted pictures LOL! Too funny.

    I am so glad this school system is helping your daughter now. It makes such a difference! Looking forward to your tutorial to see if you do it like I would. Notice I said WOULD - haven't gotten around to making the one I want for the living room!

  9. Just love those little books...can't wait for the floor cloth tutorial...purchased a piece of cloth about 2 years ago...this has motivated me to work on it...can't wait for the tutorial to begin.
    Come over for a visit sometime.

  10. those little books are very cool

  11. Yay for the kiddies!! Those books are neat-I love old stuff. Its just so cool.

  12. Hey nothing wrong with a little braggin!!:0)....Those books are awesome!!!What a treasure for sure!!! can't wait for your tutorial as I have always wanted one!! Have a great day!!~Wendy

  13. The books are awesome! Very nice and even better that they belonged to someone that you know :)

    Did you read the newspaper? When we were cleaning out Jer's Dad's attic (the house belonged to Jer's step mom's parents and there is lots of old junk up there) I found one and just had to read it. It's so funny to see what they wrote about! There was a story about a bad thunderstorm that went through the area and they used very descriptive words, like a book! It's not so much about the NEWS we see today, some is gossip, like there was a letter in there from a woman that wanted it to be known that she was NOT eloping...she just went on vacation to visit her aunt in another state! LOL Too funny!

    I chuckled a little about your sister. I know lots of people that know exactly how to raise kids that don't have any and when they get them...look out!LOL You just never know what you're going to get or who you will become until you're there!

    Have a great day!

  14. Hello, just thought I would drop by your site, I've seen it on most I visit:O) I just love your front porch, that is soo beautiful!!
    Shayne Louree

  15. hey dont shorten the posts!!
    i love reading them!! i cant wait to see the tutorial!! just an idea but, maybe you could list the supplies we need. we could start gathering things. kinda like taking a class.:)

  16. Hi Mary... Wow those books look very familiar... So sweet.
    Thanks for sharing your post today-I always enjoy what you have to say! :)

  17. I love those books Mary and the newspaper would be neat to read thur! Congrats to your kiddo's too:)

  18. Congrats on your kids test scores, who ever new parenting could give us such heart ache sometimes. I can't wait to see your new fall decor, I am so ready for fall I just love it. Ya need to look those books up on e-bay, not that you'd ever sell them it would just be interesting to find out what there worth. They are beautiful books, they would look so cute framed.

  19. Hi Mary, those books are so neat and they would make great wall art. You're a creative gal, I'm sure you'll come up with an interesting idea to display them.
    My son struggles with the same issues as your daughter. I know how tough it can be.
    Have a great eve!

  20. Mary~~~ I truely love reading what u have to say~
    Sending big Congrats to your children!!!
    ewww I LOVE the books too. Please let us know and post picture(s) when u decide how you display them~~~
    Hugs my friend,

  21. Hi Mary :)

    You crack me up! LOL

    Congatulations on your kids test scores!!

    I love those books!

    Have fun with your family :)


  22. Mary,

    Oh, I want to READ all those can't put them under frames! lol! They look great! What a treasure you have there!

    Congratulations on the kids' test scores! And I hope you all have fun as a family spending a couple of days together!

    Thanks, as always, for your visits to my blog and your sweet comments!


  23. mary....i just took a tour of your home and i love hat goes out to you girl...those books are just wonderful...what a treasure...i come by to visit quite often and love reading your blog...thanks for visiting my blog too...i have met some great gals through blogging....and you are one of them


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