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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Watch Working on Wednesday

It is time once again for Leslies's (My Country Home) Watcha working on Wednesday. I'm thinking I need to rename it Watcha NEED to Work on Wednesday! I have soooo many things I need to get done. It just keeps piling up on me. I go and buy fabric or craft stuff with high hopes of doing something with it, but then I don't. Then I have this lady I work with who used to own a fabric store and she closed it but still has tons of stuff for sewing. She keeps giving me stuff. Some I will probably never use, but most of the fabric I will one way or another. Oh wait... I'm getting off track here. So what I'vebeen working on. Well, you all saw my fall crafts on Monday that is part and of course that closet door I've been working on. Are you sick of hearing about it yet. I finally went to the hardware store and bought stain. I thought I would give gel stain a try. I bought Chestnut for the color.

Not sure I like how it is turning out. I sanded the best I could, but there is so many bad spots in the wood and wood putty that I don't know what to do. It is so hard to get a good pic for you to see as the door is huge and in my garage so they don't come out too well. I already have 2 coats on it I guess I'll put a third one on it today if I have time.

Hey Rondell... you asked me how I had the stitchery hung on my cabinet door. Here's a pic to show you. I should have used a flat tack so you don't see it, but I don't have any. I figured there was no way I was going to hammer a nail in the wood, so this would make a tiny hole where no one would see it when I decide to change. The little pieces of wood were added later by someone and weren't original. I wish I knew what originally what was there though. Was it glass or tin? You all should see the punched tin sides on this cabinet. That is why I bought it. OH yeah... duh hey Mary quit having a blonde moment go take a picture of it. I'll include that tomorrow. LOL.

Oh my word I just had a heart attack. I forgot and just clicked out of this post without saving and thought AACCCKKK it's all gone. My hard work all gone in on single click. I forgot it automatically saves and updates. Shewwwww!!!! I was not going to retype everything if it didn't. Well, off to get my daughter ready to go canoeing with her Dad and my son and I are going to go somewhere too. It is suppose to be 91 degrees today so we'll have to do it this AM. Til tomorrow.

Oh before I forget is anyone else having problems with certain functions on blogger working. I'm wondering if it is my puter or what. My blog roll disappeared yesterday and now today and post a picture in my sidebar. It keeps telling me invlaid image URL. I've posted every other picture the same way. GRRRRR....


  1. Sounds like you're busy! By the way, thank you, thank you, thank you for tagging me! You are so sweet.

    For some reason, I can't see your pictures on this post today. I did have a problem yesterday with Blogger--it wasn't showing my blogroll, either. Hmmm.....

  2. What a great idea to hang your stitchery on your cabinet!

    Yes, I've been having trouble with the blogroll and some pictures are not popping up. :(

  3. Yes Mary, I'm having problems too, my favs list disspears too! Thank goodness I read your blog I thought it was my computer! Now I am having problems with pics in other bloggers posts for instance I only see the door pic in yours the others have a square box with a red X in them. Hopefully it will all be fixed soon.


  4. Mary,

    I love how your door is turning out. It's not going to be perfect because it's old but you can still appreciate it for that fact since you love old things :)

    I know I have been very relieved a time or two that Blogger saves on it's own, also! There is something that when I go to open it, I can't think may be Picasa, that resets my Blogger but my Draft is always still there safe and sound! YAY!

    Have a great day! Oh, and GET TO WORK! LOL

  5. Hey Mary,
    I tried to come from Leslie's link and it wouldn't work. Hopefully, its works itself out soon.
    I am so in love with that door!!

  6. Mary,
    Your door is looking great! I like that color of stain!

    Night before last, blogger kept saying internal error and wouldn't let me upload ANY pics. I gave up and came back the next morning and it worked okay then. For some reason, my post didn't show up this morning too when I first looked, then it was there the second time...who knows? Thank the Lord that it automatically saves your posts because I'm sure that would have happened to me several times had it not automaticlaly saved it!

    Have a fun day!

  7. Hi Mary! Congrats on receiving your award and thank you for passing it along to me.
    I love your door. Think of the imperfections as character. We have one original door in our home (main bath door). It has many layers of paint and is chipping badly. DH wants to replace it but I told him "no way".
    I checked out your crafting from the weekend, you're one talented gal!
    Enjoy your day! :)

  8. Your post just gave me such a chuckle :) And please -- bring on the fall decorations and crafts. It's my favorite season!

    My blogroll and playlist have been doing funny things too...

    Have a great day!

  9. Hey Mary...
    Great minds think alike...I already bought Landon a gift to give him when the baby is born...Being we are taking a bunch of things over for the baby. I will have to get another little something from the baby to give his big brother too
    Then Lori at Morning Glories & Moonflowers told me her sister-in-law gave her a box of chocolates after she had her baby (She had gestational diabetes like my daughter does) So to See's candy I go! Have fun with all that extra fabric-I know you are going to make some really neat stuff with it and I can't wait to see it all!

  10. I have had several problems with my computer lately, spy ware :( Anyway, I know the feeling of NOT working on things...Maybe it's just summertime? I don't know but I need to get some fire under my butt!


    Take care,

  11. Hey I know what you could do with all your extra fabric, a giveaway :) Just teasing, if your like me, it kills me to part with a good piece of fabric, and the moment you do you end up needing it. Love the door, I can't wait to see the finished project. Thanks for always leaving sweet comments on my blog, I always appreciate them.


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