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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Watcha Working on Wednesday

This is my Watch working on Wednesday project that Leslie over at My Country Home started a few weeks ago. There are a few of us that are playing along and be sure to check out everyones projects that she lists on her blog in Mr. Linky.

Well, once again I have been working on those darn small crocks but that's not what I'm going to show today. Someone said I must be hardcore working on Christmas. LOL. No I sell some of my items to prim stores and one girl has been after me to come up with Christmas. Then another one of my stores said she wanted Fall so I need to change gears. I need to be a season ahead, but I have a difficult time doing that.

Anyway, you all know I painted my foyer, but I got to looking at my closet and bathroom door. I thought maybe it would be too much if I painted them. So, I talked hubby into taking one door off (the closet) and letting me strip the paint. I wanted to see what kind of shape they were in. So we went to the hardware store and bought some citrus smelling stripper that you paint on like paint and went to work. I did learn one thing do not wear latex gloves when doing this. hehe.


After the first coat...

After the second coat of stripper and mineral spirits....

The paint and stain (shellac) that comes off is terribly sticky and sticks to the scraper your hands hence the gloves just ripped apart. All I have left is to sand and decide if I still want to stain the doors. Depends on how well they look after I sand. If not I will paint them again. Hey remember in the one post I couldn't figure out what that white round thing was on the closet door (see the before pic)? Well, it was to make sure my front door knob didn't hit the closet door. You can see in the 2nd picture after the second coat where it did and the tried to putty it in. Other than that I haven't done much around the house. I do need to though. I'm just kinda in a funk and can't concentrate on anything.


  1. The door is just beautiful! All that would be a shame to cover up that wood with paint. Even thought I am a paint fan. :) The door is screaming stain!

  2. Hey, the door looks great stripped down to the wood. What a pretty door as far as I can tell in the pic.
    Enjoy all your projects

  3. The door is going to take a lot of work but it will really, truly be worth it! It looks so nice already!

    I get that they didn't want the doors slamming into the other door but maybe they should have planned better? LOL Then that wouldn't have happened. The front door would just need to swing from the other side! DUH! LOL

    Have a great day!

  4. So the mystery of the little white knob is solved! That makes perfect sense now, doesn't it? lol!

    You've been busy lately! I think your door has lots of character! I love that door, period. Whatever you decide will be great..whether you paint it or stain it...but I can't wait to see what you decide!

    Oh, and I definitely want to see what you make for the prim stores...hmmm..everyone's thinking towards fall and Christmas...making me think that way....a little...

    Have a great Wednesday!
    ~ Tammy ~

  5. You did a great job stripping that door! We have the same stripper and I'm getting ready to use it on a table.

  6. I hear ya on that gooey mess! My theory is it's the old varnish or shellac that turns all sticky when you try and strip it. I started stripping some woodwork in DS's room and had the same problem.
    The door is gorgeous under all that paint. If you decide not to stain it, at least you have a nice base to work with for painting instead of re-painting over layers and layers of paint.
    Have a great day! :)

  7. Wow you have done alot of work just in stripping that door but it will be so worth it!!! I hope you stain it so the beauty of the door shows!! Great work!~Wendy

  8. WOW! That door turned out great!! I would stain it and leave it :)


  9. What a great door!! We have these flat, ugly, hollow doors around here. I love your home, BTW.

  10. love the door!! dont paint it....
    mary, i am heading to seville this week- (tomorrow maybe) with a friend she has to see a dr. in cleveland.. oh pretty pleae give me some names of good thrift stores in the area. i got the 2 in amish country. never could find the one near lehmans... email me at

  11. Wow...You have been busy-I haven't checked in on your blog for a bit and I had a lot of catching up to do! I really love the wood on the door...I know it was yucky work (I've done it before) but what a wonderful difference-AND I love your porch.LOOOVE it!
    Come on over and visit my blog I'm having a giveaway that might help you relax.
    Take Care,

  12. Boy, you have really been working! I love the door it has turned out so nice, well worth the hours put into it.


  13. What a beautiful looking door, all the work striping paid off. I think any way you decide, it will look great. I hope you take a photo when you get it done. Would love to see it.



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