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Friday, August 29, 2008

Fat Friday and an Award

I am so thrilled a brand new friend Jan gave me a this awesome award "The Primitive Excellence Award". She told me she has "quietly" been reading my blog. I am so glad she left a comment as like I told her I like meeting new friends and reading new blogs. So, for those of you others who quietly read my blog please speak up.

Of course there are rules for this award so here they are.

1.) Copy and put the Award Logo on your Blog.
2.) Add a link to the Person who awarded you.
3.)Nominate 7 blogs who haven't received the award yet.
4.) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5.) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!

Here are the seven I chose:

Cranberry Crossings
Country Girl at Home
Black Sheep Prims
Peper Creek Gatherings
Raggedy Angel
Tomato Creek Primitives
Cozy Coop Corner

Well, to those who read my blog daily I am sorry no post yesterday, but I made myself decorate for fall. I am 3/4s of the way done because I ran out of stuff. Can you believe that? I am so excited though because my MIL called me Wednesday and asked if I wanted to go shopping in Berlin (Ohio Amish Country) on Saturday as they are having a sale from 8a-10a with 20% off in one of my favorite stores. So of course I told her YES. I tell my hubby I am going becuase I ran out of stuff so he says "You really ran out of stuff? I thought you had a lot more could you be out. But what you've done so far has put me in the fall mood." My hubby is very supportive of my style and decorating. I did tell him not to get used to it because it would probably change. He said " I don't get used to it until the fall comes down and you decorate for Christmas. That way I know you're done moving it around." LOL. So I moved furniture cleaned and dusted. I always say things have to speak to me on where to put them. For now I do have to tell you it is already somewhat different than the last pictures you saw. BUT no pictures yet. I will wait when the sun is out to take them. I also went to the thrift store and bought yes more fabric and zinc lids for my jars. I am at work today so no other pictures today. Sorry.

BUT here is my Fat Friday recipe:

My lasagna...

lasagna noodles uncooked
1 lb of browned hamburger or sausage
1 container of ricotta cheese
1 bag of cheese (I use cheddar)
2 jars of spaghetti sauce (or one big jar)
other things that you like mixed in peppers,mushrooms, or whatever

Brown your hamburger and add onion if you'd like. While you are waiting for that I start assembling my lasagna. I pour sauce in the bottom of a 9X13 glass baking dish enough to cover it well (Keeps the bottom from burning) Next place your uncooked noodles on the sauce one single layer. Then after the hamburger is done I put that on top of noodles. I then put a whole container of ricotta cheese on the meat. If adding anything else throw that in too. I then put a layer of cheddar cheese and top with more uncooked noodles one layer. I then pour more sauce on top of the noodles and cover with foil. I put it into a 350 degree oven for 1 hour. Once done pull out and put more cheese on top and let it melt. So easy !!!


  1. Now I'm in the mood for lasagna.
    Well, have fun in Amish country. These are my old stomping grounds and I miss living and working there.
    say hi to those rolling hills for me.
    a well deserved award. I enjoy reading your blog very much

  2. I have been one of your "quiet" readers. I use this lasagna recipe, I love it because it is very good and very easy! Hope you have a great time in Berlin. I also live in Ohio and have visited Berlin several times and it never disappoints me. Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. Oh girl - 2 days without pics? You are killing me! OKaaay because you are so sweet I'll forgive you - specially since you do deserve the excellence award. Congrats! It will just make the updated pics even more fun to see! I hope the work day is uneventful and you have a great weekend.

  4. Awwww, thank you so much for the award! That is so sweet of you! And you have made my day!

    We love lasagna too! Now I want some! LOL!

    Looking forward to seeing your fall pics! Have a great weekend and a fun shopping trip!

  5. Hi Mary!
    Thanks so very much for giving that great award, I'm really honored because there are soooo man other ones out there:) I'll post about it I'm going to post the winner on my giveaway, I'm just waiting for Syd and Sam to get here.
    Please let me know about the amish bonnet and also how you would want paid. Here is my email:
    Thanks again!

  6. Mary,

    First of all, thank you SO much for the award! Gosh, I feel honored because I feel there are so many awesome prim decorators (just like you!). I really appreciate that and will post it tomorrow.

    Your lasagna recipe is different from one we've used but yours sounds really good and my husband often talks about his mom making it with italian sausage that he loved. I will have to try that! Thanks for sharing!

    Have fun on your shopping trip! I wish we had more places like that around here! Shopping together for prim decor...sounds like so much fun!

    ~ Tammy ~

  7. Hey Mary,

    Joy wanted me to tell you that she liked your idea of making curtains from fabric scraps. She is learning to sew in a Girls' Club this year at church, so she liked that idea alot! lol!


  8. Congrats on your Award Mary, and thank you so much for mine!

  9. Thank you for the award Mary ! :-)

  10. Mary,

    Congrats on your award. I love your decorations. You have a really nice touch. I also like your almost new lighting in the diningroom, it really goes well with your furniture. Have a great day!, Prim Blessings,



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