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Friday, August 8, 2008

Fat Friday Recipe!!!!

So sorry this is late, but I had a very busy night at work last night and I came home a crashed for 2 hours. So now I am running so far behind. Today I should have been cleaning, but I decided to make crafts today. I am working some things for my website and as of now I just need to prim them up and they'll be ready.

For my recipe I thought I would share one of my Grandma's recipes and words of wisdom. When I married the first time at my bridal shower everyone was to bring a copy of their favorite recipe for me to have when I got married. My grandma went and bought a spiral bound index card booklet to start writing down recipes. Unfortunately, she got brain cancer and passed away not too long after she wrote part of this so it was never finished. So I will share with you today her recipe for Lemon Sauce.

Lemon Sauce
2 TBSP cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
lemon flavoring and a dash of nutmeg

That's all she wrote. However, she added these words of wisdom.

Good to use on stale cake or cupcakes. Put cake in a saucer and pour over. You can't throw away stale cake. You have to learn to save if you ever want to save any money. We did on $15.00 a week and paid $20.00 a month rent.

Can you imagine??? $20.00 a month rent. Or only making $15.00 a week. But times were different then as she was born in 1911 and my grandpa was born in 1907. They both have been gone for quite some time now, but I am so happy to have what recipes I do. I remember going to her house and she always frosted her cookies with a colored sugar glaze type frosting, but, she never told me that recipe. Or she would make me grits for breakfast when I spent the night which was rare. Oh to be able to talk to her now.

As promised I will take my camera tomorrow on my way to class and take some pics if it doesn't rain. So come back Monday and hopefully I will have more to share. Sorry about no pics, but I don't want to give away what I've been working on. LOL.


  1. I can't wait to see what kind of prims your working on for your website. I'm very excited! Have a great weekend!

  2. tomorrow is last day of class, right??
    i have recipes that my grandma wrote . they are so precious. i found a note that my grandpa had wrote to her before going in the hayfield one day. he called her "sweetheart", and a couple grocery lists. they were all in her cookbook. i get emotional over little things and these are one of them., i would give anything if my grandparents were still here....

  3. Hi Mary,
    That lemon sauce sounds yummy AND easy-I love lemon anything. Sorry to hear you lost your Grandma-She sounded like a special giving lady.

    Looking forward as always to seeing your crafts-

    Have a great weekend and don't work too hard!

  4. What precious treasures to have some recipes from your Gram. It is so fun to hear about those olden days.

  5. I have pieces of paper with recipes written on them from my grandma--miss her so much:( But, all I have to do is look at my hands and know she's still with me; we have the same hands:)

    I think we're getting back to those days of not throwing anything out. Someday, your grandchildren will be looking back at your blog and reading how you made this or that out of whatever:)

    In fact, the other day, we were really craving something sweet. I couldn't think of what to make. Then, I found a bunch of boxes of imitation Pop Tarts from the dollar store in the pantry. They're awful to eat plain, but I didn't want to throw them out. So, I had my daughter crush them. Then, I mixed them with a melted stick of butter and a stick of margarine and a handful of flour. I put it in a pan sprayed with butter spray and baked them at 350 for about 15 minutes. We topped them with cream cheese frosting. It turned out delicious. So, you're grandma was right. Don't throw away stale cake!

  6. Mary,
    You've got my curiosity up now...can't wait to see what you're working on!

    It's so neat that you have special notes on the recipes from your Grandma! That's something to treasure!

    And how do you do, class, craft, clean house....???


  7. How wonderful to have such a special momento from your grandma. Thank you for sharing her recipe. My grandma was also born in 1911. She died about 2 years ago. I miss her everyday. She was such an example of love, kindness and long-suffering to me.

    I am looking forward to what you have to show us!!

    Have a nice day, Mary!

  8. That really does sounds good. I love thrifty ideas that are yummy too. What a great combination!

    Mary, Mary, you know I can't stand waiting! But I guess I'll have to. Can't wait to see what project you're working on!



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