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Friday, August 15, 2008

Fat Friday Recipe...

I don't have anything out of this world this week. I've been so busy working and school shopping I haven't had a lot of time to cook great meals so I'm going to tell you a favorite of my kids. This recipe is basically from Pampered Chef.

Taco Ring
2 cans of crescent rolls
1 lb of ground beef browned with onion if you so choose
1 package of taco seasoning
cheese (we use cheddar)
taco garnishments

Preheat your oven to whatever the crescent can says. I think normally 425 degrees. Brown your ground beef and add your taco seasoning according to the package. Set aside. Take the crescent rolls and break them apart on the dotted lines so that you have triangles. Place the long pointy tip so that it points toward you on a cookie sheet. Lay the remaining pieces in a circle that reminds you of a sun (I sometimes have 2 left out of both cans). Now I use my little pastry roller and use it to indent the dough in the middle leaving a "lip" around the center. If it makes it easier place a small bowl in the middle of the baking sheet so that you leave a circle. Now take your taco meat and pile it in the indent around the circle. Keep piling until you have mounds. I then take and sprinkle cheese on top of the beef. Take the points that are facing you and pull them over top of the beef towards the middle and pinch it to the lip you left. Continue all the way around. You should be able to see some of the beef peeking out in places. Place it in your preheated oven for about 12-15 minutes until golden brown and done. Serve with taco garnishments like tomatoes, olives, sour cream, taco sauce, or whatever you like. I've seen people take a red pepper clean all the insides out and fill with sour cream in put in the circle in the middle.

We went and got the kid's hair cut yesterday. All went well we'll see how my DD hair styling and cut go. We got more layers cut into it and thinned out. She actually has a style now. Still very easy to take care of though. I love the girls that cut our hair. It is a little two seater shop in a very small town with just a post office and one restaurant. $21.50 for two haircuts. I can handle that.

I decided since we were out we'd stop at the Goodwill to see if there were any school clothes for the kids and of course treasures for me. My son was looking at golf clubs, which I already bought him 4 at a $1.00 a piece during my last shopping trip. I couldn't keep my DD interested in looking at clothes so she went to look at the books. She found the book "The Notebook" and had to have it. Hmmmm... ask to buy a book to read absolutely I'll buy it. I did happen to find her a pair of shorts that covers everything and with a higher waste that would be suitable for school. My son refused to try on a pair of jeans so we left them. I knew this trip would be fruitless for them so I looked for me. I was looking at all the picture frames when I spotted two small chalkboards. Score I'm thinking I don't need the chalkboard paint after all. They were $.50 a piece. I told my son my plans for them and he got excited and grabbed them. We looked around a little more and went back over to the junk section as I call it where they have headboards and huge ugly pictures and such. My son pulls out a big chalkboard. Oh I got really excited except it had something printed at the bottom in permanent paint. So I was bummed. That was going to work a ton better than these little ones. I kept looking and Voila I found exactly what I was looking for. Yes it is laying on my painting mat getting ready for a face lift. I will hopefully be able to show you the redo by Wednesday next week. I am so excited. My kids are excited about it too. And if you are wondering $3.50 for my chalkboard. I still bought the smaller chalk boards too at the urging of my son, who has already painted the frame of his. (smiling) What a good boy I have.

Earlier yesterday morning I ran to the post office to bid fair well to some of my goodies to their new homes and decided to drown my sorrows at a local furniture store that is closing up. They are having a sale. Right now it is only 35%-40% off. So I looked around a found a few things on my wish list and bought a few things. The lady told me they would be marking stuff down each week a little bit. So hubby says we need to make it a weekly trip to see. I couldn't leave empty handed so this is what I came home with. No I didn't pay the $29 dollars you see in the grain measure. Are you kidding me??? I don't pay full price for anything. I knew I had to have the candle holders at $5.00 a piece. They area all different sizes and will look awesome in a grouping for fall.

I have decided that next week I will start pulling down my summer and spring decorations in preparation of fall decorating. I can't wait any longer. This will be a long process as I have to clean and dust too before anything goes back up. Anyone else starting yet??? Is it too early??? Let me know.


  1. Sounds like you have had a full week for sure!
    Can't wait to see your chalkboard!
    And congrats on the sale items! I collected pewter candlesticks at one time. I have since sold them all but one, that came from England and is hallmarked. It dates from 1830, so a nice find, eh?

  2. Even if it is too early for fall, I am starting this week too! I can't wait any longer!!

  3. I love your finds. I'm with you, I can't wait to start decorting for fall. I have more fall decorations than Christmas, I just love fall and Halloween. I love all the new stuff in your shop. How big is the sitting scarecrow? He is so cute.

  4. Mmmm ... that recipe sure sounds good. I may just run to the market so I can make that for tonight! Thanks.

    I'm so happy that you found those chalkboards ... and how nice that you son helped you in the hunt. That was the very part of all. Can't wait to see your before & afters!


  5. I was purchasing some fall stuff yesterday since I can't seem to find my stuff in my storage building, arrggghhh! I'm ready.
    love that recipe and can't wait to see the chalkboard project.

  6. I think I'm ready to start incorperating some fall into my home too!! that taco recipe sounds like a winner!!! Can't wait to see your chalkboards done!!! And I love your candlesticks!!! Have a great Friday!!~Wendy

  7. Now Mary, if we told you it was too early to start fall decorating, would you REALLY stop doing it? lol! (If I wanted to do it..I'd be doing it anyway!)

    I'm actually ready for fall decorating too, but we're tackling a kitchen painting job this weekend, but I'll be doing it pretty soon! I wish it would turn cooler and stay cooler here!

    That recipe sounds like just my anything mexican!

    Like you, I can never turn down when one of my kids ask for a book...are you kidding?

    Have a great weekend and have fun with that fall decorating....that I KNOW you'll be doing! :)


  8. Forget Fall I'm already decorating for Christmas! (I'm kidding) I too am doing all fall stuff right now Mary just like you!

    Hey I love your finds and am excited to see what you do with the chalkboards!

    Wish I lived in your town...Seriously a hair cut over here in Seattle runs close to $100 dollars! This is why my hair keeps getting longer and longer! :) Have a great weekend girl!


  9. i can't wait to see what you do with the chalkboard!! i love mine!!
    i started decorating for fall last night. i can't

  10. Fall can't come fast enough, I've had enough of the heat we've been having. I'm looking forwards to seeing everyones fall decorating too.

    I have a recipe for a crescent roll ring too, but with ham, broccoli and cheese. Haven't made that in ages.

    Have fun checking for weekly bargains. Sweet deal that you got the inside information on the weekly price drops.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  11. Ooh, yum-I love that taco ring recipe. And those candlesticks are awesome!! I generally try to hold off Fall decorating until Sept. 1st. We should hear about an offer we put in on a house, so that will decide exactly when the Fall stuff comes out. I am excited about it though!!

  12. yum-o! That recipe sounds so good!! Thanks!!


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