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Friday, August 22, 2008

Some Fall Eye Candy... Fat Friday Recipe

Well I have been talking about my good friend Kim's shop I go to. Well, I spent the day with her in the shop on Wednesday helping her take some pictures and get things in order for something awesome she is working on! So while I was there for 8 hours LOL I yelled at her to send me the pics so I could show all of you her shop. I am so excited because she asked me if I would mind working in the shop every now and again for her. I told her absolutely as she would never have to write me a check I would just spend what I earned on stuff. I can't wait!!!! Anyway, I am going back next week to help her again. So ladies feast your eyes on my most favorite shop.... Salt Creek Mercantile... Fredericksburg Ohio

My MIL bought this dry sink...

Need I say more.... It is so fabulous. Kim is just like me in how we tell people what is on our mind and are very straight forward. I think that is why we get along. I am humbled that she asks my opinion on things in the shop and what my thoughts are. I am just so excited to work for her!!!! I know I need another job like a need another hole in the head. LOL.

Now if that wasn't good enough my Fat Friday recipe.

Puppy Chow

1 cup sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup butter
3/4 cup peanut butter
8 c Crispix cereal
2 c powdered sugar

Combine chocolate chips, butter and peanut butter. Heat in microwave until smooth. Pour over cereal: toss until cereal is coated. Sprinkle powdered sugar over coated cereal. Or put powered sugar in ziploc bag put the cereal inside and shake until coated. Great grab and go snack.

I was going to show you my thrift store finds, but I thought the store pics were much better. I show my goodies on Monday. Have a great weekend as I really need to get some stuff done around here, so I'm not posting again til Monday. I will be stopping in to read all your blogs periodically though.

OH and a hug THANK You to Andrea and Leslie for giving me the "I LOVE your blog" award. I am so humbled by everyone's generosity in the blog world. Thanks again ladies!!!!

And a birthday giveaway at Purty Girl Primitives make sure to leave a comment to be entered in the contest!!!


  1. Hi Mary you lucky thing to work in a shop like that,i am with you i would just have the goodies in place of the money.I would love to open a shop like that and a tearoom next door with maybe a small garden centre.Well i am of to buy my lotto ticket for the Euro it is 55million tonight so fingers crossed.Have a great weekend~kate

  2. I just wanted to come by and say thanks for your sweet words on my blog. It's been a rollercoaster for a couple of weeks but I'm so grateful to have people around who really care. Thanks so much!!!

  3. Oh my gosh Mary. I soooo wish I lived closer. I would be in there shoppin' my heart out. Everything looks wonderful. I am so ready for fall.

    Congrats on your award.

    Hope you have a great day.

  4. How Awesome is that. I would love to work in a store like that. You lucky lady. I do think I need to make a trip up there one of these days and soon!

  5. Oh just stop it with all your bragging about that great shop. I'm so jealous I don't think I'm gonna talk to you. Just kidding, sounds like fun.

    We don't have anything like that around here. There is one country store across town but it's too country and not enough prim for me. Also WAY TOO expensive for me.

    And the only other country stores I know of have both closed this month.

  6. What an AMAZINGLY beautiful shop! I wish there was something like that near me. We have one craft store and it's not that great.

  7. What a great shop~ Love the pictures! That will be a fun place to work ! :-)Janae

  8. Oh oh oh - working to earn prims. Now that is MY kind of job! The shop looks great! I bet that was so much fun helping her. Yup, that was eye candy my friend! Thanks!

  9. I would love to work in a shop like that! We have a nice one in Lincoln that is 20 minutes from us that is always looking for Holiday help. But I know they wouldn't hire me because I make crafts. They are extremely competetive.

    Thanks for sharing us some eye candy and the recipe! Have a great weekend!

  10. I can see why you like that place so much. Its awesome!! And I love that puppy chow recipe too. Only we call it ghost turds or snowballs, depending on the season.

  11. thanks for the recipe...I had this one many years ago and forgot about it...I think I will make this for the kiddos this weekend!...who wouldn't love this?!

  12. Oh I could totally work in a store like that, how fun. I used to work in a fabric store, sometimes I really miss it. Yea, a lot of my paycheck usually went towards fabric.

  13. What great eye candy! Just love it and your mil is one lucky lady with that dry sink.
    Oh I wish I could land a job like that too.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. OH MY GOODNESS...Her shop is like a little bit of heaven on earth! AND you get to hang out there and help-This is so cool... It really makes me miss my floral shop I used to own. You guys are really going to have fun.
    Thanks for another great recipe Mary...I really love your recipes.
    Have a great weekend-and don't work to hard (yeah right) :)

  15. OMG her shop is to die for.... so awesome. I wish I had the chance to work in a prim shop and just work for goodies, lol

  16. I am loving those pictures. I love the wire basket with fall gourds or pumpkins in it. How fun for you. And smart girl for having your camera with you! Love it. Wow if that doesn't get you in the mood to come home and redecorate your whole house, I don't know what will! I'm going to come back and look again (after work) Yippeeee. thanks for the eye candy!
    Blessings, Debbie

  17. MARY, omg!! i was going to post the puppy chow recipe!! i posted the white trash one instead. now how weird is that??!! i am loving that store!! definitely going to have to stop there. i am not surprised that she asked for your advice at all. you got a great eye for decorating and prims.
    hugs, kim

  18. Oh my, I do love the pics of that prim store. Lucky you to get to help her out some, I would love a job in a place like that!! I saw lots of goodies I would buy...wish we had a store like that near me. Thanks for the recipe, sounds delicious.... can't wait to try it.
    blessings, kathy(homeonthehill)

  19. Oh Mary you are gonna love working is so fun to see people get excited about primitives...the things we love! Congrats and thanks for the recipe. Beth

  20. Wow! Greta prim shop! How sweet that she asked you to work for her, but not surprising, seeing how talented you are. What a fun job that will be!

  21. Sometime I will just have to go check that shop out.
    Have hubby drive me there
    New shop?
    Wooster Ohio

  22. she has been there maybe 5 years or more, but since Fredericksburg isn't on a main routs no one seems to know she's there. Which means when I get there there is still plenty to buy. LOL


  23. I have been to Audreys Attic in downtown Orrville.
    It is a neat store.
    We hubby and I stopped in there when we were going to
    Browns Furniture
    We are from WV lived for 20
    years in Michigan now for 10 in Wooster. This is such a nice area.
    Downtown Wooster is so
    pretty and so well kept.
    Susan (RN)

  24. How fun to be able to work in your favourite store. Although, you may end up owing her on payday!

    I've made puppy chow for years. My kids love it and so do I. Nothing like peanut butter and chocolae together! Yum.

  25. Yummy!
    Denise Nantasket Beach Mass.


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