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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday Tutorial #3

Alright today is the last day for the Tuesday Tutorial on floor cloths.  Please see the bottom of the post for the other two parts :-).  Please everyone keep in mind that I am not a professional and this may not be the best way to make these, but this is the way I do it. If you want to check out some awesome floor cloths and have any further questions I can't answer check out this blog

So where were we.... oh yes.... I was finished painting.

After I made sure it was dry I decided to make mine a little darker. An aged look if you will. I happen to have Chestnut Minwax gel stain on hand so that is what I used. You will thank me later when I tell you to wear rubber gloves and old clothes. I used an old t-shirt sleeve to wipe the stain on. The first coat I wiped on in one direction. I tried to wipe some off as I was going, but that didn't go to well so what I did was kept going over it with the sleeve to lighten it. I then let this dry for a few hours and went back to put on a second coat that I then went in a circular motion with the stain. This picture is after the first coat.

After the stain dried completely after a few hours... ok days.... I couldn't get back to it right away. I then put 4 coats of polyurethane on it letting it dry completely between coats. If you happen to have polyacrylic that works just as well. After it dries completely you are ready to use it. In order to clean it you should be able to use mild soap and water to wash it then dry it off. I do not recommend you use it outside as the weather will eventually ruin it. Also if you live anywhere that gets snow and salt don't use it at the door where you come in. I highly recommend you put one of those rubber floor mats under your floor cloth so that it does not slide. If you made a small one sometimes you can buy the rubber shelf liner and that works great too. Like I said this is where I decided mine should go. Again my dog would not walk on it at first he stood at the top of the steps of my DD room and whined.

Now a question for all of you... Where can I find blackboard paint the cheapest?

Floor cloth Part #1

Floor cloth Part #2


  1. Needless to say, you did a great job!!

  2. Thanks for the great tutorial. Yours turned out nicely.

    As far as cheapest blackboard paint, I don't know. I get mine at Home Depot. Walmart doesn't sell it.

  3. Your techniques are really good and very helpful.
    I know that blackboard paint is pricey and I haven't bought it for that very reason so I'll be interested to know what other say.
    Great job on your floor cloth. Can't wait till I get in a house to do one for myself.

  4. Mary when you are packing up your black cabinet and other goodies to bring to me, please roll that up very carefully and bring it too. Thanks! Brady and I both appreciate it!

    Seriously, that was a great tutorial!! And I love the design you chose too. I just know it is going to be fun watching more and more of your homestead come to life the way you want it too!

  5. I love it! I really want to make one for my kitchen.

    As for the blackboard paint, I got mine at Walmart but I am sure Lowes, Home Depot or even A.C. Moore might have some. I think I paid $3 and some change, but dont quote me on it.... I still have it sitting here since I never used it, lol.

  6. Thanks again for the great tutorial. I can't wait to try one! Your's are so prim and wonderful!

    I got my chalkboard paint at Wal-mart but it was a couple years ago.

  7. wow someday i would love to try this...i will add it to my list of things i want to make it seem so easy....

    and i wanted to answer your question about the way my daughter decorates...she likes primitives as well...but she also likes me to do the decorating...she feels like she doesnt know how to pull it together....i bet she does but knows how much i love doing it...wink she lets me have my fun...hehe

  8. Dumb questions from your do you clean one of those??? And, does it stay put on your hardwood floors???

    I was just thinking...if it's easy to clean and stays put...then you should make me one for my birthday!!! LOL!!

    I love your blog! I love your crafts!! I love your simple way of teaching!! And most of all...I love you!!!!!

  9. That turned out great! You are my hero...I'm amazed at the work you do!! I recently bought blackboard paint at Lowes. Don't remember what I paid for it, but I don't think it was too much!

  10. I bought my blackboard paint at Walmart...It was 3 dollars cheaper then anywhere else. I don't know if all Walmarts sell it though.
    I'm posting a craft with blackboard paint on my blog soon. Oh the ideas you that runs through a mind on the ways to use blackboard paint! :)

    Great job on the tutorial Mary~!
    Thanks so much

  11. I love it. You are very talented and I would love to have one of those in my house. the only problem, I live in utah and I don't have a spot that doesn't get salt on it in the winter.
    I might just have to figure somethin else out!

  12. The floor cloth looks great :) Very simple instructions.

    I believe I bought my chalkboard paint at Wal-Mart but it may have been Lowe's :) I painted Shane's closet doors with it :)

    I actually bought magnetic paint to do the kids doors into their bathroom for their artwork. I just haven't gotten to it yet!

    Have a great day!

  13. Thanks everyone for the chalk board paint places. I have a project in mind obviously or I wouldn't ask.

  14. Mary...thanks soooo much for a great tutorial...I'm behind on my floor cloth painting...will post when I complete it.. as you know it is such a hectic time of year.

    Thanks so much.

  15. I love it and I love where you put it. I hope you'll continue to make more and post pictures of them.

  16. Mary,

    I don't think I would ever have the patience to do one of those! Yours looks absolutely wonderful! I would love to have that in my home! Love it!

    And by the way, I'm on my 5th day of no aspartame....Yay! Feeling better actually!


  17. i am loving the floorcloth!!!
    mary, i happened by chance to get my chalkboard paint at lowes. it was in the "oops" section so i got it for $5.00 a gallon.
    i am not sure how much it is regularly.. i will check around.

  18. Your floorcloth looks great! I followed along but did not make one. Maybe another time, though. I will refer back to your instructions :)


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