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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Watcha Workin On Wednesday

I hate to disappoint everyone, but I haven't been working on much except the floor cloth for the tutorial. There are a few things though that are on my list to do. Remeber last week when I went to Goodwill and didn't show you everything? Well, that is one of the projects I need to work on.

I finally found a tater bin. I was patient long enough and found this beauty that I am going to paint.

My other finds at the Goodwill that day. The blueberry muffin candle still smells.

I am working on a few items for my website for fall. Which reminds me I really need to work on that too. My son is anxious about getting his school supplies so that is what we will do today, along with cookie baking, and light bulb changing he informed me. LOL. Hubby also informed me there is a family reunion on Sunday that I need to make food for that I told him I was not going to. I know that sounds bad, but it is his side of the family that I do not know even after almost 11 years. I have only met his grandmother twice and she only lives an hour away. I am just not comfortable going. Tiffany from Tiffany's Primitive Place is my SIL and I'm not sure if she's going. If not I'm not going. LOL.

I'm not that exciting today, but other people on Leslie's list are so make sure you check them out.


  1. icant wait to see what you do with the tater bin...... its funny you posted that cause i am contemplating redoing mine. its in the bottom of a hutch.

  2. Love the potatoe bin, I know you will prim it up to perfection:)
    I hope you figure out what to do for the reunion sometimes we have to do things that we just don't want to do:)
    Have a good day!

  3. GREAT Goodwill finds! Love the picture of your's just beautiful! :)

  4. Sounds like you're working on quite a bit there! Can't wait to see that potato bin all primmed up. That will be so nice. I think I'll start looking for one too. I find if I wait long enough, I always find what I need at the thrift too.

    School supplies! Don't you just love smell of new box of Crayola crayons. Its one of the joys of coming autumn for me.


  5. Looks like you have quite a bit going on! I know how ya feel about the reunion, I hate going to stuff like that, i am never comfortable! Good luck with that!

  6. I have always wanted a tater bin! I think the reason I haven't found one yet it because I don't have the space! LOL One day, I will find me one when I have the space for it ;)

    Family reunions are tricky. I don't mind if I feel comfortable but if not, please don't drag me there! LOL I'm having some "issues" with the in-laws currently and I, for the life of me, can't figure out which way my hubby wants things. He says he doesn't need them, doens't care, is sick of it but then he does things that just baffle me to "keep the peace". Which way do you want it?


    Can't wait to see your bin made over!

    Have a great rest of the day!

  7. Mary...what great finds...anxious to see what you do with the potato bin...I have one out in the building waiting to be primmed up.
    I have not forgotten your question about the granite...I'm not sure why. Just taught to use granite for pickles and always use a wooden spoon when canning.I will ask my canning source:)


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