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Monday, August 4, 2008

Watching Paint Dry...

I am back from my fun filled weekend of class. It was kinda like my title says watching paint dry. It was the most boring class yet. I came home Saturday with a hanging over the toilet nausea migraine. Went back for more fun Sunday. Most of my class mates were so nice though. But yes I was the only female in the class. Talk about lonely. LOL. I still have this coming Saturday yet to go. However, both days were beautiful and I had a 45 minute drive one way through Amish country. I will have to take my camera and take some pics of the scenery. Sunday was Amish church day so everyone was on their way to church in their black and white. It was so neat to see. They have their wheat stacked in the fields to dry. Beautiful flowers are blooming everywhere.

Well, I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure, but NO I'M NOT PREGNANT!!!! LOL. Don't have those parts anymore. My home is not being featured in Country Sampler. It is being featured in the online prim magazine The Olde Prairie Register. I was contacted by the editor Michele of Holly Tree Primitives and she asked if I would mind. I am so excited. I believe the issue will be coming out today. Many of the pics you've seen in my Webshots, but I threw together some fall pics too. So please check it out as she has some other great articles too.

I found a place for my flea market find and I LOVE it, but you'll have to wait to see where I put it because I haven't decorated it yet. I think I'll wait til I pull out the fall stuff.

One last thing the other day when I was at the pharmacy I had time to look through the magazine rack and found a magazine I'd never seen before. It is only printed three times a year. I wasn't sure I'd like it since it said Country in the title, but I tell you what I LOVE it.

The magazine is Country Accents. It has some awesome ideas and actually tells you where to buy the stuff in the pics. In this issue they talk about kitchen redos. All the way from less than $500 up to $30,000. It discusses different flooring options like bamboo and cork. Sorry about the glare.

It even has a prim section. This is one of the pics. I LOVE this entryway!!!!!

Very Simple...

Love this too...

I really like the walls in this bathroom.

I might have to look for this magazine again. I've already read it several times. LOL.

Remember tomorrow is the next step of painting a floorcloth. Make sure you check back if you are ready to start. Even if you aren't stop back anyway because you know I always have something else to say too. LOL.


  1. I have not got that mag in a long time but that looks like a good one. Sorry you have to attend the boring class! Beth

  2. Congrats on being chosen for The Olde Prairie Register. I think that's great. I'll have to head over there later to check it out!! And I'll have to look for that magazine! That sure looks like a good one! Have a great day!

  3. I just found that magazine too! I like it but not as much as my country sampler.

  4. Congrats on being featured in the online magazine! That is so much fun and you deserve it!!

    And thanks for the heads up on another magazine. I have to look for it now. Have a great day!

  5. yea!! i will definitely be here tomorrow!!
    i have bought a few country accents but will defintely check out the new edition.
    i am so ready for fall!!

    i took an ACLS class one time and i was the only woman... geez, what fun!!

    yes, get us some pics next weekend. i love amish country. i envy you for being close. :)

  6. I love that magazine and I get it every chance I find it.
    Sorry about your migraine. I'm a fellow sufferer and there's not much worse than one of those that gets you sick in the tummy.
    I love that others are appreciating your home. I'm glad you share your pics and ideas.
    Have a great week

  7. That is WAY cool about your home being featured! Congratulations!!! I had to read the line about you not being preggars twice. I was thinking that I missed something while I was on vacation!!!!

  8. Congratulations on being featured!!! I can't wait to go see your home!! I must have gotten a sympathy migraine for you on Saturday night, it just hit out of the blue!! I hate getting them!! I love country Accents but haven't been able to find it for sometime now so glad you found it I'l have to look again! Hope you have a great day!!~Wendy

  9. Just stopping by to say hello :o) I know the feeling of driving through Amish County, it's relaxing and renewing.
    Congrats on being featured in the online magazine, what an honor!
    Shayne Louree

  10. Congratulations on the feature in the online magazine. It's only a matter of time before your home gets featured on the paper pages of CS. My current issue is pretty much all prim style.
    I haven't seen Country Accents for ages. I have some old issues somewhere in my magazine stash. I need kitchen ideas so I'll have to look for it.
    Have a great day! :)

  11. Thanks Mary! How exciting that your home got featured. All the pics look great!

  12. I love your blog and read it everyday!Please check out my blog,I am new and need to be more faithful about posting!

  13. Hey Mary...Congratulations that is so cool! I will have to go check it out~

    I love that magazine you found..I will have to look for it. I love simple. That is my house summed up in one word. Simple. :)

  14. Congratulations on being featured in the Ole Praire must be sooo excited.

    Please take your camera as you ride through Amish Country...I would love to come along.

    I will post how to make yellow squash pickles tomorrow and look forward to your tutorial.
    Have a great evening!

  15. Congratulations on being featured, that is soooo exciting. I just went over there to see your pictures. They were fun to see. Your home is beautiful. I love the way you decorate!

  16. That was such fun! Your home is gorgeous, comfy, and very homey. Congrats on being featured in TOPR!

  17. Congrats! I am so happy and excited for you!
    And I love Country Accents and have been buying it for many years! It used to be one of my favorites, but I have not seen them sold around here for awhile. I will look for it again this week.

  18. How cool to be in the online magazine, Mary!!! I am going there straight away to check it out!

    Sorry about your migraine...they are such a pain (literally). I hope you are feeling better now.


  19. Look at you getting your home featured!! Way to go!!
    That magazine looks neat-I don't think I've seen it before.

  20. Congratulations on being featured in The Old Prairie Register. Your home is just beautiful :)

    I am not sure if they sell that magazine around here in New Brunswick...I have never heard of it nor seen it before. Must check out Walmart or our local grocery store to see for it.

    Have a great week ;)

  21. Thanks everyone!!! It came as a compete surprise to me when she asked.

  22. Congrats on your home being featured.

    I've read that magazine before. I'll have to see if I can find it again.

  23. I subscribed to that magazine for about a year but thought it was a bit pricey for what it was. The houses featured were like the poor-man's version of Country Sampler--ha ha. But, I won't complain too much; there isn't much out there for us "primsters" other than this magazine and Country Sampler.

  24. Barb I will agree with you Country Sampler is still my fav. Would I subscribe not sure? I need to see a few more issues. But I did like this one becuase there were also some paint techniques in the back.


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