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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Little Bit of the County Fair

Before I get to the fair I found out something very interesting while doing a little crafting. As you all know I have told you that it is a good idea to wear rubber gloves while staining. Why you might ask? Well if using oil based stain it does not come off with regular soap and water. OK... this would be why my arms are covered in stain at the moment even though I wore gloves. How did that happen? LOL. So anyway I then needed to do some coffee staining too yesterday. I ran out of gloves, which I sometimes bring home from work in my pockets. Don't worry they are clean... LOL. I headed down to my basement and I had a pair of staining gloves that I figured I'd use for the coffee mixture. Now, I use really cheap instant coffee for my staining. I took all my stuff out to the back deck and started to stain my fabric with my staining gloves on. Did you know that coffee and water will dissolve oil based stain. The old stain just rubbed off the gloves and they looked new again. Hmmm.... imagine what it does to our stomachs. LOL. I think I need another cup!!!

I didn't get a lot of pictures of my DD since she went off with her friends. As you arrive you are greeted by this covered wagon and tractor. Wayne County is mainly and agricultural county. Lots of 4-Hers and farmers. I was once told, but not sure if it is still true that cows out number people.

Once in the gates to your right are the cow barns... I had never seen a cow getting a haircut like this...

Here's looking at you kid... I watched the cows eye follow me through the door.

The kids wanted to ride the rides, but there is a problem when you are short like my son. He's too old for the kiddie rides, but yet to short for the big rides. He got so bored I felt bad for him. I don't ride any rides as I get sick easily. I think he was a little bummed that he didn't see any of his friends to ride with so he was stuck with Mom. He did go on the huge slide that is his favorite. But as the day went on the line got longer and he didn't want to wait.

We went through the barn that has all the fresh produce from peoples gardens and these pumpkins were huge... That's 1010 pounds!!!! You like my unwilling assistant LOL.

I LOVE Indian corn... can you tell???

Of course my son then wanted to see all the tractor displays and tell me what each piece of equipment was and what you use it for. He climbed on a mower so of course more pictures...

Thought these were cute displays and beautiful flowers. All of my flowers have died. LOL. I gave up watering when we weren't getting any rain.

It was very hot but beautiful yesterday. My DD got sunburned on her face. She stayed a little later and her friend's parents brought her home as my son got bored and we left. I came home and did some crafting. We finally got rain last night. Even a thunderstorm!!! YAY we are in need of rain!!!

I also got this awesome award from BasketsnPrims. Thanks so much Pam!!!

The rules are:

Choose award, copy & put a link on your blog.

Add a link to the person who awarded you.

Nominate 5 other blogs who you think ROCK

Add them to your blog list if they aren't already there

Leave a message for your nominees & let them know you think there blog rocks.

Now I am taking the easy way out. If you are reading this blog then you rock so please post it on your blog!!!


  1. Mary, I love all the pictures from the fair. I can't believe the size of that pumpkin! How in the world did they ever get it there? They must have used a front end loader. I always wear gloves when I stain but I usually end up a mess anyway. Enjoy your day & you are welcome for the award. You deserve it. Your blog is great.


  2. Great pictures of the Fair :) You girls that are posting the Fair photos are making me fair-sick! LOL

    We have the 4-H stuff and all of that and I went through the buildings but didn't take a single photo that night. There were really BEAUTIFUL quilts and afghans and I was surprised to see the pretty ones got participant ribbons while some that didn't impress me at all got 1st or 2nd. My step sis used to enter a lot and gave up because she got nothing for really beautiful work..better than the ones that won and I'm not just saying that.

    The kids were impressed with the cows getting haircuts, too! LOL I told them how my Dad, every spring, would start clipping the cows and we would comb out their tails and all of that great stuff. Imagine how long it takes to clip 70 cows! That's how many we had in the barn. I know clipping the dogs takes at least 2 hours!

    Too funny about the coffee taking the stain off of your gloves but very interesting!

    Have a great day!

  3. I can't believe that coffee took off the stain. I will have to try that to my hands when I can't get it off. I use gloves but I use them for a long period of time and the stain starts seeping through on my forefinger. Looks so pretty. :)

    I like the new look of your blog! And the fair looked like a great time! Who doesn't like the fair?

  4. I'll remember that the next time I'm staining something, who would have thought?
    Love the fair that you went to and that pumpkin is so huge!!! Love the wagon and flowers too!
    PS Thanks for emailing me:)

  5. I love all the pics! Your son is a cutie!

    That is too funny about the coffee dissolving the stain! :D

    Have a great day!

  6. Looks like a fun day at the fair. I love small town things like that. I love that indian corn, that would be so fun to do some decorating with. Wow, I never new coffee could do that. I knew you could clean rusty dutch ovens with coke, I hope diet coke isn't quite as bad :) By the way I like that fall look on your blog.

  7. i love indian corn and punkins!! i am hoping to get some fair pics in the next couple days too.

  8. I love going to the fair. Our state fair is going on right now, but I don't think we will make it this year. I had no idea coffee would do that---thanks for the tip!! Julie

  9. Love the indian corn and the covered wagon!

  10. Do you see the Clydedales t the fair? We being older and empty nesters have not went to the fair in about 5 years. We will never forget when 14 year old KJ was abducted along
    a country road and leaving the fair. And murdered.
    My heart will always ache
    for her and her family.
    Pamela Wooster OH

  11. Your blog does rock! Congratulations!

    Wow....that's a huge pumpkin! I love your assistant and I love indian corn too!

    Great pics of the fair....looks like fun!


  12. Hi Mary! Your new blog template is lovely! That country fair sure looked like it was a lot of fun. You don't see things like that here. If they do anything like that, I sure have never seen it.

    Awww, that cow makes me sad. I'm sure the purpose is so the cow doesn't try and get away, or whatever. But it just looks sad with it's nose hooked up like that.

    I love indian corn! My mom has a mini one and I just think it's so cute. That's another thing I don't think I have ever seen here in Australia.


  13. I didn't get to ou county fair this year. It looks as if you had a good time at yours. I love indian corn too. I need to get some this year.

  14. Mary,
    Thanks for visiting by blog.And thanks for the warning about getting addicted but, its to late!! LOL. Your fair pictures are wonderful. But I just wanted to let you know that you did a great job on the amish dress and apron.
    Thanks again!!


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