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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Something Happened Saturday...

I am leaving here in a few for my seminar. I have a 2 1/2 hour drive ahead of me. Anyways, I was home yesterday trying to finish up some last minute projects and ran out of black embroidery floss and was not going to drive 20 minutes for it. So, I grabbed my Judy Condon books sat down and decided to redecorate and move furniture. I won't post all the pics yet, but I will show you a few. My header has changed as you can tell so I will show you those pics, but you'll have to wait for the rest.

I know they are a bit grainy, but I was trying a new camera setting and taking them at night. I'll take better ones later...

Now, moving furniture does not come without blood (and lots of it) sweat and tears. Can you tell???

Wow look at the shine on that forehead. LOL. I know it's hard to tell, but yeah I had a piece of furniture fall on me that happened to have a nail sticking out of it that decided to lacerate my forehead and then also give me a fat lip. I also have a HUGE goose egg around the cut to go with it. I'll show you the piece of furniture in my next post. Won't this be fun at the seminar with this little prize. I guess it could be worse it could be that big huge zit that we all seemed to get as teenagers right before the biggest dance of the century right? LOL. I did not go for stitiches, but probably should have or at least butterflies. But you know us medical people we won't set foot in an ER in less we are dead or dying. LOL. This one is gonna leave a mark.


  1. Mary, your home is so warm and cozy looking. I'm all for that!
    I love coming home to that cozy country feeling.
    Your head looks sore. I bet you were the talk of the
    I'm looking forward to seeing the other pics.

    Have a safe day.


  2. Mary, it all looks great & your header is awesome. Sorry about the scrape on your head, I know what you mean. I actually broke 2 fingers once moving furniture. Have a safe trip.


  3. Oh Mary, I do hope you feel better! That is a nasty little cut there. Yes, us girls do like to move the furniture around when we re-do the decor, don't we? Lol! Your home is just beautiful! Have a good day or hopefully a better rest of the day! ~Beth~

  4. Mary, I love your decorations and I lighting in your home is just wonderful. It's very welcoming! Hope your head doesn't hurt too much!

  5. OH Mary - I hate it when that happens! I always do things like that when I should wait for DH to help. I hope that the egg goes down and you don't have too bad a scar.

    And can't wait for the rest of the pics!

  6. Can we all say OUCH!! That looks like it got you good , plua a fat lip? Well, your pics look great and I love your header, can't wait to see the rest....if that helps at all!!LOL hope oyur feeling better! Take care!

  7. Mary what are we gonna do with you?
    I always end up with some kinda of injury myself too! Love the new look of things, the things we go through for decorating, feel better soon and have a SAFE trip!

  8. that had to hurt!!!
    Why do we do things alone and never ask for help???
    Can't wait to see more pics...take care and just tell the others they should see the other person...LOL

  9. Love your pics! But sorry to hear about your poor head! Gosh that had to hurt!

    Have a safe drive to your seminar and back. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  10. Love the pics so far Mary!

    Since you got that nasty gash and bump from a nail, I am wondering if your tetanus is up to date? They are good for 10 years, but if in doubt you should get another shot.

  11. Everything looks so prim...just love the way you decorate and all your creativity.

    Wow that looks like it would really hurt. You probably should have gotten at least the butterflies.

  12. Now that looks so painful...ouch!!!Hope you are feeling better after this accident...try to be careful.
    Your room does look wonderful and cozy too...thanks for sharing. Dianntha

  13. Oh my goodness! That's one heck of a gash! Did you attack the furniture back?! How dare it do that to you!

    I hope it doesn't hurt too much. Feel better...definitely ice it.

  14. Oh Mary, it looks so sore and a bad lip to go with it:( I usually always pull a muscle and have to go to the chiropracter after rearranging. Just would rather do it

    Your pictures are wonderful and I'll be checking back to see the rest!

  15. Yeow, Mary! They do say that the unsafest place in the world is your home.....ouch! That had to hurt!

    I love the photos! I love to see how everyone decorates! It always gets me in the mood! When you get done come on out to the Oregon Coast....I could keep you busy for a day or two!!!

  16. Ouch! That looks painful! I hope it goes away soon.
    Your photo's are a tease... I can't wait to see more of them! Drive safe to your seminar.
    Blessings, Birgit

  17. I love your pictures, Mary, and yes, that one's going to leave a mark. I am so sorry that happened and hope it's better soon.

  18. Your new looking header is fab and I am not talking about the owie on your head!!!!!! Goodness sakes girl! That sure did leave a mark!
    But I have to tell you-Your house looks so nice Mary! Love it-It's so warm and cozy looking!

  19. Oh Mary... bet your head is still hurting today! The price we pay for decorating..haha:) Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures...the one in your header looks awesome! Hope the rest of your weekend has been good! <3Lauren

  20. Well thank God it didn't knock you out! I can imagine that's pretty darn sore.

  21. Oh my goodness, I can relate, I rarely complete a moving around project without injury. Hope you heal up soon, dear. Love what you accomplished though.

  22. Ouch!! I moved things around on Saturday, but only got 3 slivers. I hope you heal scar-free!! Have a great day. Julie

  23. Ouch!! That is going to leave a really big mark!! I hope your feeling better dear!! I have two sore fingers from moving furniture this weekend too!! I cut them on the splinter on top of one!!
    Hope you have a better day dear!!!

  24. Mary, goodness! If that had been me I would have beat that piece of furniture into firewood! lol Hope you feel better soon!


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