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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Watcha Workin On Wednesday

Shew!!!! Wednesday already... I have been busy working, but have gotten a few things done by choice and some not so much by choice. Don't forget to check Leslie for others who are probably working on better stuff than me.

Lets see hubby was hunting all weekend since bow season started. He hasn't shot anything, but he saw the BIGGEST deer you've ever seen. I think it's kinda like the big fish that got away. I'm not so sure he saw it. LOL. Anyway, so I thought I'd get busy working on Christmas. So, my one friend asked that I make her snowman ornies to sell. She wanted two sizes. So this is what I came up with. I know the stain got blotchy, but I screwed it up. Yep imagine that. O alright I tell you what I did you twisted my arm. Now I have been staining for a long time so I have no idea how I did this. I put some cold coffee in the microwave to warm it up. hehe must have put it in a little too long because when I went to add some more instant coffee it bubbled up over the top of the container I had it in and ran everywhere. So... to all of you don't put instant coffee in really hot coffee. LOL. Lesson learned!!! So, I clean up a little a one not to waste I used what was left. I also let these out in the air to dry, not in the oven like I usually do. Oh yeah right the picture... They are not done yet of course (the hand was for size for my friend so she could tell how big they were)

I am also working on gingerbread men. I have only sewed them not clipped and turned so I'm not going to show those yet.

Let's see... oh yeah remember this picture??? AWWWWWW how cute.... looks great.... right???

This is how it looks this AM...

My hubby and I decided to go to Lowes to get a few things. I found my matching microwave to my fridge and oven. Ohhhhh I was so close to buying it, but didn't. OK what does this have to do with my fridge you're thinking... well my fridge must have heard talking about this new member of the family. Huh??? Well, when we got home my hubby noticed some water running down the front of my freezer door where the ice and water come out. He goes and wipes it up. Opens the freezer door and what???? why is our stuff melting??? Yep my NEW fridge took a poop. We bought it last April when we bought the house. Oh I was furious. It is Sunday, I can't find my extended warranty paperwork, and now what am I going to do with the the fridge and freezer stuff? GRRRRRR... look at my last post can it get much worse???? If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. LOL. So luckily we kept the old fridge that was in this house out in the garage for pop and water and freezer jam, etc. Just over flow stuff. We shuttled everything out there to save what we could. My hubby is now on the phone with Lowes asking them what to do. Of course they give him another phone number to call. So he calls it and tells them the problem and that we can't find the paperwork. No problem the guy says if you say you bought it I believe you and put us down for the four year warranty. Thank goodness for nice people. He said I'll call the repair people and we'll call you tomorrow. Great!!!! The call came in they can't get to you until Tuesday (yesterday). Fine please call when he is on his way since it would be somewhere between 8a-5p. Well both my hubby and me had to work so no one could be here. Hubby can be flexible since he works for himself. Well, he gets this call that the guy is at our house and never called. My hubby was about 30 minutes away and asked now what? The repair guy said he had another repair to make in our town and that he'd come back. My hubby was so mad because the place promised to have him call BEFORE he got there. Hmmm... bad customer service I'd say. Anyway, long story short, my freezer is fixed (some kind of fan on the back of the freezer) and I don't have to pay for it. YIIPPEEEE!!!! Now I just have to redecorate, but luckily I have pictures to do it the same way. LOL.

We have poured our concrete pad for our new outdoor wood furnace that should be arriving any day now. We decided that this would be the best heat source for our home this winter since the price of propane and natural gas are going to sky rocket. Last year we paid between $500-$800 a month for propane. If you don't know what this type of outdoor furnace is wait and I'll post about it when it gets here. I am so excited and hubby has been busy cutting wood. I might be able to stay warm.

Other than that not much has happened. I plan on getting some stuff done today and tomorrow since I'm off. You know laundry, baking banana bread, cleaning, redecorating. LOL.


  1. New appliances are made to break!Don't get me started. LOL

    I'm going to start of Christmas next week, taking a break this week.

  2. they just don't make appliances like they used to that is for sure!....Can't wait to see the goodies you are making!

  3. Hi Mary,
    I don't think appliances are made to last anymore like they used to you know Chris is manager for Best Buy and always tells Stush and I that this is a "throw away world"...but I always say "Yah, for your age not ours"lol. That's why he always says to get the extended warrenty on appliances. Glad yours didn't cost you anything, I'll have to show Stush your cement pad and your outdoor furance, we have all electric but I'm sure it will be expensive also to heat this winter.

  4. Oh no! I'm glad they were able to fix it and that it was under warranty. Too bad there was so much aggrivation with the repair service.

    We have an indoor wood furnace. My parents just installed an outdoor wood furnace this summer. They figured they had spent about $5000 last winter to heat their house with oil. For that amount they bought their outside furnace and the wood to heat this winter. So next winter they're already ahead! We just finished splitting our wood: Now we have to stack it...YUCK!

    Good luck with all that you have going on!

  5. I'm glad that your freezer is fixed and they didn't charge you.
    I can't even imagine having to pay that price for propane heating! we have a totaly electric home with a big kerosene heater for emergencies. We also lose power a lot, so in any scenario, anything can happen.

  6. Sorry to hear about your fridge troubles. Glad all is going well now. I know you are going to enjoy that new outdoor furnace when it comes in! Send us pics!

  7. Glad you got the frig fixed free of charge! Banana bread?? I'm comin over!

  8. What an ordeal! I'm happy to hear that everything worked out :)

    My fridge is almost 3 years old. It made a weird sound a few weeks back. Turned out I was vacuuming underneath in the front but not in the back and too much dust and stuff was on the fan, causing it to run off balance and make the noise. I was soooo freaked out and so happy that it was something simple!

    Coffee staining can be so tricky. It doesn't always turn out like you want it. I have in the past, washed stuff and got most of it out so I could restain the way I wanted. It might just work. I tossed the items in a pillow case, tied it shut with a hair tie and just tossed it in the washer. The snowmen are very nice :)

    Have a great day and I hope tomorrow is uneventful!


  9. What a mess! I'm so glad everything is fixed now, Mary. It sounds like something that would happen to us!

    Here's hoping that October will be a better month for you ;)

  10. Hi, Mary! I actually love the snowmen, but I really like extreme prim. Some of it will fade if you rinse it then redo it. Sorry about your freezer. We will be getting a new one soon. It's pretty old & we want to replace it before it poops out. We got a new stove last year. Propane is so expensive. We have a wood burning stove in our family room which is where we spend most of our time. We also have a fan going & it blows the heat to the rest of the house. A tank of propane lasts us about 1 1/2 years. Our dd & sil have an outdoor one & they love it. You can fill it in the am & it keeps a fire all day. Happy October.


  11. I'd like to hear more about the furnace! We're in the process of building.

  12. So, I was on the phone with my sister one day about 4 months ago and we were talking about how long we have had our appliances. I was telling her I didn't even want to say this out loud but yea, I've had my fridge for 22 years......guess what happened the next day? Yep, opened the freezer and ice cream spilled out on my foot! The pathetic part is it had to have been broken for at least 2 days and we didn't even notice! Glad yours got repaired! ~Beth~

  13. Glad the freezer got fixed. One of my biggest pet peeves is that "We'll be there between 8 and 5"--so frustrating. Hope your day is going well. Julie

  14. We too have an outdoor wood burner and we love it too. We also heat all our hot water with it so it helps with the electric bill too.
    Sorry about your fridge, what a pain! I have been busy but not doing anything as fun as you! Dianntha

  15. So glad your fridge could be brought back to life!
    I like your ornies!

  16. I agree with the first poster-my mom had her fridge just over a year when it pooped, just over her warranty. Crazy...
    Sorry to hear about all your stuff...

  17. I really like what you did the top of your frig. i will have to find an old window...

  18. Oh no, I think you madea comment once about having the same fridge. I hope ours doesn't give out, the last thing I need is a repair bill. Glad you were able to get it fixed.

  19. My husband and I discussed an outdoor wood furnace, but decided against it, we love the fireplace inside, and since we have heated for the past 12 years with an indoor wood stove, we decided to go with a bigger indoor woodstove, soapstone to be exact, and it is being installed Monday at the new house we just purchased on Wednesday. I will post pictures on my blog or his after it's done.


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