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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Watcha Workin On Wednesday...

Alright, I must apologize for my few and far between posts and comments on all your blogs. This is crunch time for me to get my stuff done for my wholesale shops that I have procrastinated about far too long for Christmas. I also have another seminar I must attend for two days this weekend for my regular job and then teach another class next week plus work my normal shifts. Then the shop closes down for a week Nov 2 to be exact to get ready for the holiday open house Nov. 7, which I will be working at instead of buying. That is why I have not been around. So for now I will only be showing what I'm working on for Christmas.

Now on to what I've been working on since last week. To find out what others are working on please visit Leslie's blog.

Tree topper star. She wanted something simple and this is all I could think of in a short period of time. Oh yes... before I forget...on my blog when the Christmas season rolls around you will see Merry Christmas NOT Happy Holidays. I celebrate Christmas and Christ is the reason for the season. Now I am not saying that those that are of different religions that celebrate their own holiday are wrong they are not they still believe in a God. I am saying those people who do not have a religion and insist everyone say Happy Holiday instead are the ones I have a problem with. So to those who think I shouldn't say Merry Christmas please grin and bear it during this CHRISTMAS season if you read my blog. (stepping off my soap box)

My Christmas goose made from my pattern which is available on my website.

I had other pictures, but I have misplaced my storage device of course. So once I find it I will show you what I decided for the Christmas trees I made last week.

I FOUND IT!!!!! Here's the rest of the pictures.

Now in other news...

I received the I love your blog award from Olde Country Creations. Thank you so much I really appreciate each and every award you all give me. Now for the bad part. Since I am so far behind I am unable to bestow this others. Please give yourself this award from me if you don't already have it. I appreciate and LOVE each one of you who read this blog and also comment when you can.

I was also tagged by AnnaSam to share 7 random facts about me. Then pick others to do the same. I will share the facts, but will leave it up to you to participate if you want.

1. I have started exercising and will begin weight lifting this week for me. This is something I am giving myself and doing for me.

Ok I just went blank... LOL. I have done this before and I don't want to say the same thing.

2. Oh yeah I am addicted to Airhead candy. If you don't know what it is it is chewy like taffy but sour.

3. I am a horrible cook. All of our meals as a kid came from a box.

4. I love all animals... except cats. They seem to attack me every time I get near them.

5. I am afraid of cows and mice. NO laughing.

6. I am only 5 feet 5 inches tall and would blow away in a strong wind, which is why the need for number 1. LOL.

7. I can't believe I am saying this to all of you, but this is my first step in recovering... I have very low self esteem and body image. The reason I am so skinny is I have been told I was fat so I kept my weight too low. You know this images you see of the movie stars where they look sickly skinny? That is me... I don't own a scale I have no full body mirrors at my house. For my new workout program I had to face my weight and body mass index. I have told them that seeing my weight go up due to muscle will be very hard for me. I will freak out. My goal for now is to put on 10 pounds of muscle and eat regularly.

So now you know and have stepped inside my personal life, which something I normally do not share. This will be a tough journey for me, but I will do it.


  1. Wow! You have been really busy, Mary....working, crafting..busy, busy, busy! I have just been "wasting" my days away it feels...

    Your new stuff turned out great :)

    I so dislike it when a group decides something isn't "right" and then starts fighting until it's taken away. So many wonderful, simple things are ruined all because a group of people did not agree. I'm not talking about racism or anything major like's the simple things like my kids not being able to have a simple Halloween Parade and almost missing out on Trick-or-Treating because of other's beliefs. I think we really need to be aware that everyone isn't the same and people are entitled to have different opinions and that doesn't mean you need to attack those that feel different than you. Sometimes the fights are over such tiny things, too. It's sad.

    Have a great day!


  2. So proud of stuff is wonderful...I love the star!!!! Also wanted to say I am proud of you for disclosing all your personal stuff.....I will make a about what I am working towards losing...10 gain from me. :) Wish it was that easy!!! Very Proud!!!! And P.S. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!! :)

  3. I'm also very proud of you, Mary, for sharing.

    And I'm perfectly willing to give you 10 of my pounds too! LOL


  4. Mary, I love all the decorations you have been working on for Christmas. My you are such a busy gal! I enjoyed reading about you & it seems we all have something about ourselves we would like to change or improve. Thanks so much for sharing. Pam

  5. Yeah, all this "Merry X-Mas" stuff... not in our house!

    Love your goose... so CANADIAN!
    Actually, all your new goodies are just awsome, as usual!

    Good luck with building up that muscle! You'll feel great for it.

    Have a wonderful day! Kimberly

  6. Well, what a great post. Of Course, I love all your creations and always just wait in anticipation to see what you've been up to.
    And, I appreciated your soap box today. It is Merry Christmas, Amen girl!
    I too have struggled with my self esteem all my life and at 43 am finding comfort in my skin. it's a battle when it's been in you for so long, but "you were beautifully and wonderfully made" that's what I try to focus on.
    Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.'
    It blesses others

  7. Well I love all of your CHRISTMAS creations!!! Those trees are adorable!! and the star tree topper I really love!! Ok so I love it all!!!:0) As for your personal sharing, its good to let it out, it frees you!!! Have a Blessed day!~Wendy

  8. Your goose is adorable! It would look wonderful on the kitchen table!
    I think it is great that you are working on your body image and facing these is so brave...and I say that is all seriousness....I am not brave and with that I will remain quiet about it. Dianntha

  9. Love your creations. You go girl--good for you in working toward a great goal. You can do it!! Julie

  10. From one very skinny girl (me) to another (you) Merry CHRISTmas! :)

    Love, love love looooooooooooooooove your Christmas trees!

  11. Mary~ I love your work...especially love the goose! Amen to Merry Christmas...I totally agree with you. Have a great day!

  12. I love the star and the goose!

    You make me crazy with trying to keep up! lol


  13. Love all the things you make Mary! Those trees are so cute! I wish you much luck on your workout goals. Oh and Merry Christmas! :-) Have a great afternoon !

  14. Merry Christmas ....I agree...thanks for the sweet comment and you can paint I've seen those wonder runners and floor cloth. Just love all your creations...know wonder your so stay so busy.

  15. I'm a "Merry Christmas" girl too, Mary! I love all of your creations! They're so festive and fun.

  16. LOve all your wonderful hand mades Mary! I celebrate Christmas but around here many do not so I say both!!

    Good for you on this new journey! I wish you the very best!!

  17. I love your goose! Oh and Merry CHRISTmas!! Good luck with your workout. ~Beth~

  18. Mary! First, you are one brave woman! I cannot imagine the strength that it took for you to share with everyone! Good for you!

    And, Brenda and I have nominated you for the Fabulous Fall Decor come on over and grab it! You are awesome!

  19. Moo! (Just kidding) Your work looks great, as always, Mary! I am especially fond of that red ticking star.


  20. Thanks for your sweet comments !I follow your blog everyday.
    My Mother was an antique dealer for 25 + years so I am very lucky to be given her collections.Otherwise...the way things are today,I would never be able to afford.Thanks so much Michelle

  21. I love all your hand-dids! You are so talented.

    About the weight thing, I totally understand what you mean. I have been overweight my entire life and have never had much self-esteem. So it was odd for me to become a preschool teacher, but my own lack of self-esteem gave me an insight to the kids around me that some never had. I was a great teacher! I loved doing it, and I would do it again.

    Just love yourself and be good to yourself, sweet lady. You are a wonderful, talented person and it shows on your blog. Not to mention the wonderful job you do everyday.

    Hang in there! And have a great weekend!

  22. Oh I love coming over here...and I am SO proud of you as well! Your CHRISTMAS stuff is awesome! We always say Christmas as well!

    You are a fabulous and wonderful person. You are always thinking and supporting shows AND everything you do each day as well! We're behind you and thank you for your sweet post, it was so nice to get to know you better. Blessings & big hugs to you Mary! Very proud of you hon!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.