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Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am Still Here

Just to let everyone know I am still alive and kicking. Thank you everyone for your kind emails, comments, and understanding I have read each and every one, but unfortunately I accidentally deleted some of you email addys so please forgive me if I didn't answer you back. I have been a bit scatter brained lately. This is the first I've been on the computer for awhile I just can't seem to find the time. I have been spending a lot more time with my kids and looking for another job. I am slowly adjusting to be being by myself and having my son go for visitation. I am use to him always being here with me. He says he got homesick when he spent the night this past weekend and it broke my heart. He is the one really suffering through all of this. He is torn and still believes his Daddy is coming home. I keep hoping too, but it is not going to happen I need to face the truth and try to move on. There is just too much hurt and anger between the two of us to hope for a reconciliation. Believe me I have tried to talk to him and tried to work things out even this morning.


  1. Sometimes things work out. it just takes time. Sending hugs to you and the kids, Janie

  2. Sometimes miracles happen, and all things happen for a reason, even if we don't know that reason at the time. I hope things get better for you and your son. Time will help heal... hugs to you and your family during this difficult time!!!

  3. mary, know we are all here... email me. what kind of job are you looking for??
    get to crafting. i sure love the canadian goose, hint hint. ;)

  4. Mary ,Im still thinking about you. Praying your heart mends fast. I'm sorry your son is having a hard time.I don't think it was very sensitive of your husband to have him stay the night so soon like that in her house.Maybe you should mention to him that it too soon yet for that.

  5. Mary,

    I've been thinking about you and praying for you too. I will especially remember your son...I'm sure this has to be hard on him! Thanks for letting us hear from you!




  7. Mary, we will continue to pray for you your son, and your husband. I know it must be trying, and there is no avoiding it, no matter how you wih it would go away. So very sorry this is happening to you. We will continue to be here for your support.

  8. I know how hard it is on your son, i did not handle it well when my dad left my mom when i was 13. My prayers are with him.

  9. You're all still in my prayers, Mary.


  10. Mary ~ I'll be saying prayers for you and your family..maybe a miracle will happen and you can all be together again.

    Take care and big hugz,

  11. Hi Mary,

    Sending you a big (((Cyber Hug))), and please know that you are in my thoughts every day. Things will fall into place bit by bit, and your spirits will get better when that happens. Keep your chin up and stand tall, good things will come your way.

    Wooly hugs,

  12. The best you can do now is be there for your son and not diminish either of you in his eyes. He must feel safe and secure with you both!

  13. I was at the grocery store today, and was thinking about you, and hoping you were having a good day. I'm so sorry about your son. I'm sure it is hard to see him hurt and not totally understand. Sending hugs--Julie

  14. Hi Mary, You have been on my mind a lot lately. Kids always have it hardest during a divorce. You are wise to spend extra time with him when you can. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, hugs, Linda

  15. Once again, I am so sorry for what you're going through. Remember to reassure your son that this issue is between the two adults in the family and is not his fault. I'm praying for you.


  16. Mary, I mailed your package today- media mail, so it will be a week they say :0( Glad your still with us, and reading everyones comments- ** Everyone is here for you!

  17. Kids really do feel the brunt of these types of situations. I'm so sorry that all of you are going through this.
    Sending you prayers and hugs. Hang in there.

  18. Mary,
    I think you are being such a bigger person about this...I think about you and your children daily. I don't think that it is right that hubby took your son over to his "friends" house so soon.
    We just have to remember everything happens for a reason. If only we knew at the time what the reason was for. I truely feel for you. I have been there. Please feel free to email if you need to vent....

    Sending you prayers and hugs.....
    my email is

  19. You have a good positive attitude..this will reflect onto your son's own adjustment . Plus.. friends at school..many share the same life experiences of having dad live elsewhere..sssand most are greatly loved and they know that.Best wishes in finding a job...stay strong .

  20. Mary,
    I just stopped by to say you are in my heart and my prayers. Sometimes it takes a little while for the dust to clear..
    I will make sure to say an extra prayer for your kids.
    Take Care-

  21. Mary dear,

    I keep stopping by to check on how you are doing. I think of you one of my dearest friends! My heart is with you, and your family!!! I also believe your a better person for how you are handling things!! Your son will know this, and you will have the bigger impact on his life. Dad should grow up some! (not at the expense of his son!!) And as time goes on... your son will decide where he wishes to be... and I have a very strong feeling it will be with you! All the love will heal his wounds too!! Give him hugs daily.
    (My parents divorced... when I was 16... and it was hard... but we all managed to survive. I think I am a better person... more patient because of some of the things that happened.) Keep your chin up dear!! I send you all of our prayers, and lots of hugs!! With love, your friend always!! Debi

  22. Mary, You're doing what you can do. A day at a time, a step at a time, a moment at a time. God is going to get you through. He is the One who loves you ALL, and He'll get you through this, just keep leaning on Him. Karen

  23. Just checking in on you Mary...
    Love you!!

  24. Mary...I have been offline for the past month, and just logged on...I am so sorry that you have been going through so much. God does have a plan....but while I say that, I know that knowing that may not always least right away! I am praying for you and your family.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.