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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Spoke to Soon

I ended up going to the urologist today as my doctor made me go. LOL. Anyway, the bleeding has started once again so I will be going in for an emergency scope and or surgery on Friday morning depending on what is found. Please keep me in your Thanksgiving prayers tomorrow as I will be worried sick all day. I am not allowed to eat or drink after midnight tomorrow night so I was sure to thank the doctor for allowing me to eat my Thanksgiving meal. LOL. I can not go without my pumpkin pie and sweet potato casserole.

I also went to see my attorney yesterday and had a lot of questions answered and given a clear direction. That feels like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. It will now be in HIS hands to reply. We will see what happens.

In case I don't sign on tomorrow HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! I am thankful for all of you.


  1. ENJOY that pie my dear! You certainly deserve it!
    Still keeping you in my prayers... especially with your upcoming procedure. Relax and have a blessed Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Kimberly

  2. Just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


  3. Mary, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always. I hope the tests turn out normal and that you can move on. Hugs.

  4. Mary,

    I've been thinking of you and praying for you! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and that all your tests are normal!


  5. Mary,
    I will be keeping you in thoughts and prayers. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  6. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Please keep us posted on what the urologist says. I know you will be worried tomorrow, but try to find a bright spot in your day.

  7. You're in my prayers, too! I hope you're able to enjoy your Thanksgiving and the pumpkin pie. Good luck on Friday and keep us posted!

  8. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal and I hope that Friday brings you good news! hugs, Linda

  9. Enjoy that Pumpkin Pie..have an extra slice too...hehe!!
    Thoughts and prayers being sent your way..
    luv Ann.xx

  10. Mary, enjoy your Thanksgiving Day and my thoughts will be with you and your family. Blessings! ~Beth~

  11. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! I will be thinking about you and I hope all is well!


  12. You enjoy every bite of that pie and then some.I'm glad you can eat your meal at least. I hope the divorce is as fast and painless as possible.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
    Much love, Ann

  13. Sending prayers and hugs to you. I am so glad you get to eat dinner before fasting. Hoping that all goes well with your procedure. Take care. Julie

  14. Hi Mary, Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that everything will turn out normal. Hugs, Janie

  15. I will be thinking of you Friday and praying also for you:)

  16. Mary,
    Something has stuck in my head since I commented Mom was just to the doctors on Tuesday. She was urinating blood...she has a UTI! She gets several of them a year, especially this time of year because she works retail and doesn't get enough to drink or time to use the potty. Did anyone consider something simple like a UTI before they went on to bigger, scarier things? Maybe they have, it just kept sticking in my head and I wanted to ask..


  17. Good Luck for Friday!
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers...

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your children...


  18. Yes blood in the urine is a sign of UTI.
    Hope all goes well for you.
    Sue From Wooster Ohio


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