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Monday, July 13, 2009

Some of My Weekend Projects

I told you I had been working on some other projects last weekend. Well I finished some of them up so I thought I'd share.

First off, this is my half finished bathroom. I am at a stand still so please comments welcome of what I'm missing. Keep in mind I can't change the lighting situation. I HATE shiny gold fixtures, but since I'm renting it stays. WARNING: All pictures taken at night, but yes I did use a flash but it still looks terrible.

LOL I'm laughing because I know how excited you are to see my bathroom. I know the shower curtain is not real prim, but I love it and I got it at TJ Maxx for $14.99. It is mustard and a teal color, which you will see later. Hmmm... this pic makes it look green. I'll have to do a close up.

Anyway, above the toilet. This shelf used to be navy blue country shelf. YUCK!!!! So I decided I wanted a mustard shelf. I LOVE it now. BUT I don't love how it's decorated. This is where I need help ladies. Suggestions???? I love the blue jars because it brings out the teal in the shower curtain.

Now the pegs... A little dress I made and dried lavender.

Opposite of the toilet is this very welcoming picture. I know how weird to have a picture that says welcome in the bathroom. Not sure if it's staying. LOL

Last but not least my peg rack I painted. I found it at the Goodwill for like $2.00. It was unfinished so it was perfect for me to paint up and use. Not sure what to put on the pegs though. Again suggestions???

I'm still working on my kitchen and the new island. So, give me a chance to finish a couple other projects in there and I'll give the big reveal. Let's just say everyone whose seen the island in person loves it.


  1. I think everything looks great and I LOVE the little dress!

  2. I agree with Jenn everything looks great. It's so good to see you doing things again, and seeing you posting on your blog. So glad you kept it.

    Tammy Smith

  3. Hey there, I really like that shower curtain and think it fits great! I also have that welcome picture and I too rent and cannot deal with lighting and painting issues. I so relate. Got a brass finish mini chandelier in my dining nook. Youre doing a great job making your new place a home.

  4. hmmm.
    maybe chunks( bars) of soap with a muslin tie on the shelf. you could always make your own, just pick up a few el cheapo bars at the dollar store and grubby them up.
    i am not crazy about the welcome sign in the bathroom. lol. it is funny though.
    on the peg rack-
    some stockings?
    a tea stained towel
    maybe some enamelware in there...

    i do like the shower curtain and you can make it work..

  5. Not sure about the chair in your bathroom. 2 chairs side by side. HA
    Mary glad to see a post so soon again. The weather here in our area today so
    Susan RN in Wooster

  6. I think you're off to a great start. The first thing that I thought of is maybe some homespun towels hanging on the peg rack, and fill the old canning jars with some toiletries like cotton balls, q-tips and bath salts?
    It may just be the lighting of the pics, but it looks like everything is in the same color range. Nothing "pops" except the welcome print. Maybe you need to have a few more items that bring out the shower curatin colors to pull it all together.
    I'm sure you will figure it out. You always decorate terrific!


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