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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What a Tuesday Post???

I know I know I don't usually post on weekdays, but my weekend was full and I worked a 24 hour shift getting off at 7am today. First, it started out I worked 7 hours of overtime on Saturday since my kids were at their Dad's house. Then I came home to find my internet service and phone service were down. So there I was on the phone with the cable provider at 9:30pm trying to figure it out. You know the old reset your computer, reset your modem, reset your computer, reset your modem on and on for about 45 minutes. The bad thing was I was on my cell phone because obviously my home phone didn't work. Well, I don't get good service in my home for my cell, so it kept dropping the call to the cable people. GRRRR... they were going to send out a service tech at 10pm to fix it, but I said it could wait til Sunday. So they came and had to give me a whole new modem so now I'm back online.

Sunday we celebrated my son's 10th birthday since his birthday was on Saturday but he wasn't here. He had already picked his cake he wanted me to make... chocolate cake and chocolate frosting and the candle numbers on top 10.... could it get any better??? LOL. I had the hardest time finding the number one for the cake 3 stores later I found one. So it was baked and frosted when Steve told me we could not leave as such. He had an idea. Well, my son came home and we went to meet Steve's Mom at the Mexican restaurant. (The first time meeting her for my son and I.) Next, it was off to Wal-mart to complete the mission. Here is the cake after Steve and Bailey decorated it.

Notice the "dirt" and "colored rocks". Crushed up oreos and confetti sprinkles and a little white frosting to look like cement.

Well later on my ex-in laws and my parents came over for cake in the evening. My Mother-in-law tells me she made something for me. She made me some pantry cakes from the recipe that Linda from Behind My Red Door. posted on her blog. They were fabulous. So I promptly put them under the fly screen I made from from The Pickled Pepper Patch directions. I had a hard time getting that ring off as you can tell. Please forgive me for not remembering the magazine it was in, because it was read to me over the phone. Anyway, aren't they awesome.

Lastly, as many of you have commented how nice it is to have me posting again. Let me just share this awesome sampler I received at Christmas from one of my fabulous blogger friends Julie from Country Girl at Heart. She basically has summed up what my home is now. I look at this everyday since I have it in a very prominent place in my living room. Thanks again Julie it is fabulous.


  1. I agree, I've missed you posting! Have a nice week! Karen

  2. You are welcome--so glad that you all have "happy hearts" now. Nice to read your posts again. Have super day!! julie

  3. It's always wonderful to see a post from you and the sampler says it all.

  4. My heart is happy knowing that your home is filled with happy hearts. You so deserve it!!

    hugs, Linda

  5. I'm glad you're posting again :-)

    Sounds like you had a crazy weekend! Happy birthday to your son!

    I love that sampler.

  6. My daughters Birthday was
    July 27 she is an adults
    and is the mother of my
    3 year old granddaughter.
    Her and her husband all lo ive so far away from me in
    Utah. Always happy to see your post Mary.
    Weather has been beautiful here in your and mine area.

    Did you go to Tumbleweed
    in Wooster? That is a good place.

    Susan RN in Wooster OH

  7. Mary, I so love seeing your home and the wonderful goodies you have! It just makes me feel good, and I get so many great ideas from you!! Jan


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