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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ARGGHHH My Batteries Went Dead

This was going to be a longer post, but the batteries went dead on my camera. So we'll deal with what we have.

Alright so last week I showed you the coffee stain and ticking fabric. Well I was going to use it as a towel for my upstairs unfinished bathroom. But instead I made a towel for my bowl rack. I know not exciting, BUT I got another idea while shopping this weekend. So I will make that and show you everything when done.

MY MIL and I went shopping this weekend to a new prim shop I had never been to. It is in Alliance and is called Hidden Den. OH MY WORD!!!!!! Girls I could've gone broke. This past weekend they had a "garage sale" and then also 20% off everything else. I bought a lot of stuff for a $1.00 a piece and also some other stuff for 20% off. BUT can't show you because dum dum me didn't know her batteries were dead. Anyway, I'll get pics soon. However, before they went dead a snapped a picture of the new tray I bought. I hope you can see that there a about three colors mixed into one and it is really bubbly and old looking.

Well, I have always loved this paint technique, and so after trying to figure it out I have come up with something that is close. I bought this candle holder at Goodwill for a $1.00. Of course I didn't take a before picture, but nothing exciting it was just a dark stain. So I have mixed black and Old Pewter paints to come up with this. Now you can't see the black in these pictures and it is by no means perfect yet, but I like how it turned out. And no that candle holder is not staying... LOL. TIDBIT... did you know if your candle is to small for your holder just wrap a rubber band around the bottom of the candle and then put it in the holder and Viola it fits much better. Anyway here it is...

Close up... (click on the picture and you can kinda see it better)

I am in the middle of making cabbage rolls for the first time so I better get off of here. I got the recipe from Steve's Mom who like I said is Serbian. She sat down and wrote me out about 6 recipes that I wanted because Steve likes them. So I have stuffed peppers, stuffed cabbage, Easy Lasagna, blueberry Cheesecake, and something else but I can't remember. I am starting my 3 day work week this week so I am hoping to get a lot done.


  1. hmm I wonder how far Alliance is from Wooster?

    Enjoyed your pictures Mary

  2. LOVE the tray and your redo. Very nice job on the paint Mary!

    YUMMO Galumpkies - I grew up on them - my dad is Lithuanian! You'll need to share your recipe is they came out good!

    hugs, Linda

  3. Great paint job, Mary! And, Oh, I've been to Hidden Den many times. It is AWESOME!!!

  4. Love the paint job!! It looks perfect!! And the tray is great! I'm coming shopping at your house! And then, I'll probably stay to eat....LOL! Jan

  5. Mary,
    The paint technique is awesome! Love your new find :) And it's great to hear you're still hanging out with your MIL! I know you were very close.

    I made cabbage rolls last Wednesday :) My ex-step father was adopted and his Dad was Polish. Pap taught Dick how to make stuffed cabbage the way he had it as a kid and one day he had me help him. I continue to make them at least once a year for my family. The kids complain but will eat the filling. Jer and I love them.

    Have a great day!


  6. I would Love to go to a prim shop--we don't have any in Utah--it stinks!! :)

    Great tip on the candle--I am going to fix a candle that I've had issues with for a long time--it always tips because it doesn't fit in the holder--thanks!!

    Good luck on the new recipes!! Julie

  7. I love your candle did a great job. Thank you for the rubberband tip on the candle... I didn't know that!!!

  8. Love your re-do! And your new tray is very similar to an antique dough box I have. The handles on the sides are very similar.
    I think you did great re-creating the look on your candle shelf.

    I love cabbage rolls, and stuffed peppers. We have them on a regular basis around here! They take a little time to put together, but are relatively easy.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. excuse me... are you going to keep us in suspense?? how the heck do you make the bubbly paint???
    inquiring minds want to know. :)
    ya know, it has been a LONG time since you gave us a tutorial.... (hint, hint)
    please send me some blueberry cheesecake when its done. :)

  10. I was just thinking this morning how much I would like some stuffed cabbage (AKA Halupkis)....yum!

    Can't wait to see the rest of your deals!

  11. The way to make the bubbly paint is after preparing your piece (undercoat) is dry. You paint the top coat and use a small torch to heat the paint to a bubble. You need to use extreme caution as the paint is flamable and burning is not the result you want. Make sure you do this in a very safe area where you will not lose control.
    A prim store near me does this on all the pieces she finds at the flea market on Sundays and then sells them top dollar!! Smart woman I must confess


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