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Monday, August 24, 2009

Ta Da....

The new piece of furniture, Steve built for me, will be revealed today. We finished it up on Saturday.

Ok this was before at the antique store. The picture I received on my cell phone. I had no idea what he had in store.

We stripped the paint off using spray oven cleaner from Dollar General and put it in the sun. Let the paint bubble and scrape off. Steve then took the garden hose to it to spray off the left over goo. Yes it took time, but well worth it just wait. Then he added some feet to the bottom and built the top from scratch.

Next step was to stain the wood. We weren't sure if they would stain the same since it was different woods being used. Uggghhh... this looks horrid but wait... Then I wanted different closers for the door. So Steve cut out blocks of wood and sanded til I approved. LOL.

Next step was black paint. I couldn't decided what I wanted so to be safe I chose black. Then before I could turn around Steve had already sanded and stained it again.

And now waxed and sitting in my kitchen... my new kitchen cabinet!!!! Steve painted the folk art on the front while I was at the hair salon on Saturday. Don't mind the mess I was just excited to take pics and show you.

Now all I have to do is decorate it.

So there you have it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!! I am planning my decorations for it. Oh and while we are on the subject of decorating I have a question for my you. Do any of you have small Christmas trees up year round? I have some fabulous pumpkin and gourd tree ornies I'd like to hang on a tree, but I'm not sure if I should get out a tree or not. Or I think I've seen brown fallish dead looking trees somewhere... if any of you know what I'm talking about please let me know where you saw them. As for now I'm getting laundry done and enjoying my kids first day of school by myself.


  1. How awesome is THAT! I love it!

    One idea for hanging ornaments year round (and not on a Christmas tree) is brances. I use pussywillow and forsythia branches in spring for blown eggs, summer I don't hang anything, then in the fall you could use some brances that maybe have a few leaves left on them. HTH.

  2. Oh wow!!! What a GREAT makeover!!!!

    Question... what is this Oven cleaer stripping thing?? I've heard others talk about it but never seen a tutorial or instructions. Can you tell me more or pint me in the right direction? I have a LARGE piece of furniture that is about to be stripped with regular stripper and elbow grease. If there is an esier way I sure would LOVE to know it!


  3. One word: GORGEOUS!!! I never heard of using oven cleaner to strip paint.. and you stain before paintng black - awesome! It is beautiful! can't wait to see your decorations!

  4. WOW! That Steve is a keeper! Love the new cupboard! Looking forward to seeing all your pretties on it!

    Have a great week!

  5. Wow, this is amazing and Steve is a good and handy guy for sure. That oven cleaner method seems to work really well.
    Great job to you both.

  6. Awesome cabinet!!! Does Steve hire out??? ;-) I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT TOO!!! Congrats!!!
    As for the idea of what to do with the ornies... this is my idea from last year....
    Tuesday, October 7, 2008
    Autumn has come here!! Both inside and out!! hope this helps... not sure I did it right... yikes.
    Anyway... I am planning on doing it again too... loved the effect soo much! :D
    Hope you have a wonderfully blessed day dear Mary... and Steve too!!
    Debi xoxo

    P.S. Mary dear,
    thank you sooo much for stopping by and being sooo kind to leave me such a sweet comment dear! THANKS SO MUCH!! :D xoxo

  7. That looks awesome Mary, hmmm can u send Steve to NC for a while, LOL!!

  8. WOW!! What talent you both have. He should open a store. That is so amazing, and I love the stained glass look--incredible. Have a great day. Julie

  9. That is so cool Mary!!
    Thanks you for sharing.
    Susan in Wooster OH

  10. Okay, when Steve is done in NC? Can he come to the Oregon Coast? Pretty Please? We'll send him home as soon as he is done, I promise!!!

    Last year, I took a manazinita branch, sprayed it black, stuck it in a coffee can with marbles to keep it anchored, and hung the stuff on it. I wish I had taken a photo.....if I can find one, I'll send it on. Then, at Christmas, I did one, sprayed it white, covered it with glue and tossed mica on it. It was gorgeous in the candle light...again, no least I don't think so....but I'll look for that one too.....Jan

  11. Holy Moly, what a transformation.
    You both really had a vision there!
    I love it.


  12. Wow I love it~ very very nice! Have a wonderful day Mary!

  13. I love the new look of that piece! I have some serious furniture envy going on over here! lol. I know what you mean about the trees. I have a small tree in my kitchen year round and when there is not a "holiday" to decorate it with, I hang kitchen gadgets on it... old tin cookie cutters, etc. Check Joanns for the dead looking trees. They had some last year! Have a good "first week of school" it's tough on us Moms!!!!


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