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Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Late Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my birthday. I could tell you how old I am, but you know I would just say 29 again. LOL. My son takes great joy in telling people how old I am. Don't you just LOVE kids. Anyway, I didn't do anything for my birthday except work. Yep I was lucky to have to work a 15 hour shift. My partner, who happens to be a girl, got me present. We have only been partners for about a month and a half. She bought me a reed diffuser from Yankee Candle with a new fall scent called Harvest Fruit it is awesome. I have never tried the diffuser so I am anxious to see how well they work. Then my friend Steve bought me something and built me something.

The first gift was this beautiful stained glass piece. I had another one, but it broke. boohoo I wish I could get it fixed. Anyway, we had been looking at antique shops at stained glass pieces and he took it upon himself to buy me this new one. I LOVE it.

Now my next gift I have to lead up to. Saturday I got a bug up my behind and decided it was time to move my bedroom around. Now I have always found my bedroom hard to decorate. Do you have a room like this? I can never decide how I want it to look or what I want in it. So here is a RARE look into my messy side of life. This WAS my bedroom...

Keep an eye on this heater. hint hint...

HAHAHAHA an unmade bed. You caught me. Don't tell my Mom ok?

Once again I was at work and this was made for me and a picture sent to my phone. This is not what it looks like now because I have redecorated. But this is the way Steve decorated it for me to see. Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!

Stop back in a few days and I will show you the new bedroom look. I need to paint of few pieces and change a few more things.


  1. oh mary! i love it!! steve did a great job! does he have any brothers?? tee hee
    happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!!
    geez, i wish i would have known sooner. i would have sent a card. glad to hear you had a great day and i love the stained glass. :)

  2. Mary...Happy
    birthday!!! Age just isn't a factor!!! How nice to receive such wonderful gifts!!. Dianntha

  3. Well, happy belated b-day Mary. Mine was Tues, the 15th! Love the gifts you recieved.

  4. Happy birthday, Mary! Sorry you had to work so much on your birthday, but you received some nice gifts. You must be training Steve really well (or he is just naturally talented)???

    Have a great evening!

  5. Happy belated birthday. Oh please let us know how the bambo defusor works. I have looked at them and never tried one. What a nice gift.
    The stain glass is beautiful but your room makeover is Fantastic!!!!

  6. Happy Birthday a few days late. What talent Steve has, and he seems very thoughtful, too. You deserve it. Have a great day. Julie

  7. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Your room is really looking good...except the unmade bed (shame on you!)
    Steve did an awesome job...what a great surprise. Better keep a hold of that one!

  8. Happy Birthday to you!! And Steve? What a doll!!! It looks like you had an awesome day!!

  9. Happy late Birthday Mary my word what a great guy you have there!!!!! Cant wait to see the new look!

    Tammy Smith

  10. oh my Mary, you sure picked a good man!! That is awesome and he done a great job decorating too!

  11. Well, Happy belated Birthday! Sorry that you were stuck working, but sounds like it turned out nice anyway.


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