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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Christmas Swap... Create a Christmas

I know, I know, it is only the first of October, but if you are anything like me you are already thinking ahead to Christmas. For those who remember last year my Christmas was pretty terrible, but I know this year I am ready for a merry one. I LOVE anything home-made for Christmas. I believe it is the thought and time put into the item that means the most. So this year I have decided to try doing a swap. I am probably doing something over my head, but it came to me the other night while I was trying to sleep. If anyone would like to help me please let me know. LOL Don't everyone raise your hand at once. LOL. So the following will hopefully explain how I want it to work.

Gettysburg Homestead Create A Christmas 2009 Swap

This swap is for those who enjoy the magical feeling of Christmas. Not only do you give, but you will also receive. This swap is a little different though because I have added a few twists. It is somewhat of a challenge also. I know what you are thinking this is going to be difficult. That is why I am giving you advance notice of almost 1 1/2 months. I will be taking the names of everyone who would like to participate up until October 25th. You DO NOT have to be a blogger to participate. Those of you who are a follower or anonymous posters are free to join, but starting October 2 you must have posted on my blog at least 5 times if you are not a follower also. Please be aware you will be giving out your home address and email address to me, who will then pass it on to your partner only. Then I will close it up pick your partner and send out your swap partner's name, address, and email to you. Please feel free to contact each other. Please wait for a confirmation email that I received your interest in the swap from me before you post your home address anywhere. If you do not want your email address on my comments please email it to me separately at GettysburgHomestead(at)yahoo(dot)com

Here are the challenges. Are you saying there is more than one???? YES!!!!!

1. When you receive your swap partner you will have to send that partner 1 yard of your favorite material (at your cost). Now this can be any material not necessarily Christmas material. If you want to send a yard of muslin, wool felt, calico, or whatever please do. The receiving partner will incorporate this fabric into a gift for you and send it back to you. This gift does not have to be related to Christmas, just a plain and simple gift for any season. For instance, I send one of my quilting friends my fabric and they make me a table runner, or you send me some muslin and I make you a doll or sampler, or I send one of my penny rug makers wool felt and they make me a pillow, or my scrapbook friends make me a fabric covered scrapbook or picture frame. The possibilities are endless. Are you seeing how this works? Now I'm sure many of you are saying I don't know how to sew... well I have many blogger friends on here who post how-to's all the time or sell or give free patterns away on their sites. What I am trying to achieve is getting more people to try new crafts that they wouldn't ordinarily do. Get your creative juices flowing so to say!!!!

2. Next challenge is a re-do. A what??? I am going to help our economy so to say. LOL The next gift must be a Goodwill/thrift store find re-do. OK???? What are you talking about Mary???? LOL. This can be done in many ways. You could go find a wood shelf and repaint it, or you could buy an old skirt and make it into a pillow or add this fabric with the fabric in the above challenge to make something, or find an old wool blazer or pants and repurpose it into wool to make an ornie, or old patterns and paper mache them to stackie boxes. The possibilites are endless here to. The only thing I ask is if you have a blog please post a pic of your original item that you will be using prior to sending out your swap gift. Again, many of my blogger friends do redos all the time please read their blogs to get your ideas.

3. Is a free for all gift. You can make anything you'd like for your partner. This is where ornies can be in order. Whatever it is you would like to make or buy for your friend this is the project for you. Please do not go overboard as many of my friends are having financial hardships and I do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.

4. I promise this is the final one. This is the recipe part. Please send your favorite family recipe to your swap partner. This can be cookies, cakes, breads, soups, or casseroles, main courses, or whatever. I know many of you post recipes all the time on your blogs, but this is a special write or type on a recipe card or index card and send it. If you'd like to include your favorite Christmas memory with the recipe please feel free. This is what makes this recipe special are the memories that go with it.

Hopefully this is not too difficult and many of you will participate. I know things come up and you might not able to follow through. Please tell me right away so I can reassign your partner a new one.

All swaps must be sent out no later than December 10th. Don't worry I will periodically remind you in my posts of the approaching date. I will be posting this post on my sidebar so you can easily refer to it at anytime. Please tell your friends about this swap I think the more the merrier. If I forget anything I will add it on this post so please check back every now and again. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help in any way I will do all I can. Another thing I ask is that when you receive your swap gifts please post them on your blogs for all to see. For those without a blog please email me a picture and short description of your items so that I can post them on my blog to show off your partners wonderful talents.

Shew I think that's all. Again this should be fun not stressful. Hope to hear from you soon.


  1. I'm game.. you can count me in. Email me at or give me your email addy and I'll send my address

  2. Please, count with me. It sounds funny!. I like it. Send me an email: and I will send my address.

  3. count me in!! you already got my email addy. :)

    i am anxious to see how many join, i think this is an awesome swap idea!!!!

  4. I'm in! What a great idea... the ideas are already flying!

  5. Please count me in , this sounds like fun. is my email addy. I don't have a blog but love reading it.

  6. Count me in too! It sounds like fun!

    Oh, and Mary? I am so glad that you are happy!! Last year was a hard year for you!

  7. I would love to join. Sounds fun!

  8. Ok, this will be my first swap. I'm nervous, but I'm in!
    Great ideas!

  9. I'd love to join in ~ I found you on the blogroll at leehillprimitives and I found her through a comment on CozyCoopsCorner.

    Pretty neat that it led me to this swap ~ super idea!

  10. Okay, okay, I will stop by the Goodwill....twist my arm, why don't you....
    Just KIDDING! This sounds like a blast!!! Can I play????

    I am so happy you are deserve it! :)

  11. Please count me in--this sounds very fun!! Thanks...Julie

  12. Sounds like fun Mary! This will be my first swap!

  13. I'd like to be included in your swap.
    This will be my first time as blogging is new to me.
    It sounds like so much fun.

  14. Got my fabric today from my swap partner. Whooohoo, let the fun begin!
    Can you tell I'm excited.
    Been in the basement craft room too many days in a row.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.