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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mental Health Day in 1 1/2 hours

Warning: Long post BUT with pictures. LOL.

Today I decided I needed a mental health day. Sure there was laundry to do and a house to clean, but I decided to take some me time. I took a whole 1 and 1/2 hours to myself. I decided to head to Kidron Ohio which is only about 15 minutes away from my home. There is so much to do and see and today is Thursday so it is flea market and auction day too. There is an awesome quilt/fabric shop that I was mainly looking to go to. But of course there is a thrift store too that I haven't gone to in about a year since the divorce started so I figured I'd stop there too. So my mental health day is your mental health day. I took my camera along for the ride. LOL.

First stop the thrift store... MCC Connections a church based thrift store where the workers are purely volunteer and the money raised goes to missions. On the other side is the quilt side.

This is why I love this store... I was trying to be discreet taking pictures. LOOK at all the fabulous quilts!!!!! They have throws on up to queen size.

See that one on the left in between the windows? It was beautiful fall colors and was a double bed size. Guess how much???? $95.00 Yep that's it. I looked at prices and a twin ranges from $45-$79

Sometimes when you come in these tables will be full of ladies quilting. Plain (Amish),Mennonite, and English people enjoying each others company. I saw about three or four quilt frames set up with quilts on them.

Now on to my bargains... I spent $9.93. I bought another stencil but forgot to take a pic of it.

The washed out thing is cross stitch cloth.

Alright time to move on. Just about 1/8 of mile is downtown Kidron. This is where Lehmans is. This is a famous hardware store where everyone who comes to Amish country visits. It is not just hardware. It's kitchen gadgets, toys, crocks, books, paint, fireplaces, non electric lamps, and old looking stoves and refrigerators. It is a really neat place to visit.

I thought this was hilarious!!!

This is another part of the building. Look how they just built it right over the creek.

Next is the quilt shop I went to.

Remember my quilt blocks awhile back? Well I had the extremely nice lady who worked there help me pick some colors to finish my quilt. So I will finish this quilt. I just am not gonna promise when. LOL.

Then I decided to walk over to the outdoor flea market acorss the street. There really wasn't much to take pictures of. Plus I didn't want to disrespect any Amish by taking pictures and them being in them.

So instead colors of fall and a few horse and buggies...

Now I'm home threw some laundry in and contemplating dinner for tonight. I am so rejuvenated that I just want to immerse myself in my quilt. I think that house work will win over though.

SWAP LADIES I sent each of you an email yesterday with your partners name and email. If you did not get that eamil please let me know. I would like all fabric sent out by Nov. 3.


  1. We all need a mental health day! It renews the soul. Loved the pics and wished I was there to have gone to the shops. I'm not a quilter but I do love the labor of love that gals put into them. Glad you had a great day even if it ends in housework.
    Got my email with swap partner name. Already forwarded an introduction email to her.
    Thanks. Looking forward to the swap.

  2. i got my email. :)
    oh, look at all the patterns you got!! you are so lucky!!i cant think of a better "mental helth day". you deserve it!!

  3. Lehmans is o nice now that
    they have expanded.
    I have bought a lot of
    gifts there. Downstairs
    in the food market hubby
    bought his work shoes
    there. We also like the
    little village o Charm.
    Wooster OH

  4. It's good to take a ME day once in a all the stores you visited plus you are so lucky to live near the Amish and to quitely abserve them:)
    Have a good evening,

  5. Thanks Mary--I needed to look at those fun pictures today. I think I need a mental health day, too. Excited for the swap. Julie

  6. We all should take a mental health day sometimes. I took a bit of one myself today! Thanks for taking us along on yours.

  7. A mental health day sounds like a great idea ~ and it sure looks like you used your the best way possible. Shopping!

  8. How did you know I needed a little mental health help? Anyway, love the fabric shop. I need to visit some, I'm not a sewer, but enjoy the designs in the fabric and draw inspiration from it. Love Lehmans haven't been there in years.
    Got my swap partner, I'm so excited and trying to figure out what to do with her fabric.
    Have a fab day

  9. Hi:
    I live in Canton and have never been to this Thrift shop when I visited Kidron. I bet I will now. My daughter lives in Holland, she found your blog and forwarded it to me. She is a quilter.

  10. Hi! I am Nancy's daughter and the one that happened upon your blog. I immediately asked her if she knew this place. I grew up going to Amish country on the weekends. My mother still loves to go and so I was surprised that she did not know this place. But she is going to remedy I cannot believe the prices you mentioned for the quilts. I quilt and cannot even make them for that price. But then quilt fabric is very expensive here in Holland too.

    Hugs ~


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