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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I will not be going tomorrow. His attorney got a continuance. The new date is Nov 9 the day after my 12th anniversary. The bright side is if we can work out this child support thing we will sign and have it completely over with that day. Had we gone tomorrow it would not have been completely done a separation agreement only then turned into a dissolution in a few months. I just found this part out. So I guess a blessing in disguise. I am still disappointed, but what can you do.


  1. Well, just think, when this is over, it is over!! It looks like this will work out the best! I am still praying and sending thoughts your way! Jan

  2. I'll be praying for you ~ I went through much of the same over 25 years ago. The waiting was the worst!

  3. hang in there mary. just know that we are all here for you!!
    actually, its ironic that it would be the day after your anniversary....... i hope that the ex thinks about it.
    look at it this way the divorce may be a pain,
    but not as bad as the pain in the a$$
    you were living with.
    tee hee
    we love ya mary!!!

  4. Divorce is such a nasty thing. I had to go through it almost 10 years ago.. bleh..When it's all done and the stress is over you'll be able to move forward. I will keep you in my prayers that the Lord keeps you strong. (((hugs)))

  5. I pray it does indeed end that day once and for all so you can continue to move forward!!


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