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Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Yesterday was my yearly check up. Have I ever told you how much I hate these appointments? Well lets put it this way I sweat so terribly from anxiety that my shirts are soaked even before the appoinment. Anyways, I am 35 years old which I am OK with until the doctor says his piece. I now must have my first mammogram screening. WHAT???? REALLY???? Now I will tell you that I am not well endowed and I can only imagine how they are actually going to be able to this. Take my mosquito bites and flatten to nothing. So instead of wearing a push up bra alone I will now have to stuff. LOL. Then he tells me I need to really drink milk, eat yogurt, and take a Vitamin D supplement. Uhhhh... do I have osteoporosis already??? I don't want to have to worry about this yet. He did try to make me feel better by saying that here in Ohio everyone has a low Vitamin D level because we don't get enough sun and that he takes a Vitamin D supplement. I will tell you that when I had my kidney issues at the beginning of the year that my level was low, so today I picked up some Vitamin D. It's bad enough that I feel old some days the way my body aches after work, but for your doctor to tell you in a round about way that are is another thing. LOL. OHHHHH and I gained 13 lbs since last year. No wonder I had to buy new jeans. :-(

Sunday I had a fabulous opportunity to standby with my partner and the owner of my company at work during the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Canton Ohio. They said there were several thousand people there walking for a cure. It was awesome to see all the people wearing pink and pictures of loved ones they were walking for. The survivors were wearing pink ribbons that said "survivor" on them. I didn't get pictures, but my boss did and said he'd be putting them up on the website. I just checked and they aren't up yet, but I'll let you know when they are.

Enough with that stuff I did manage to finish a few signs the other day. Nothing spectacular, but I like them.

The checkerboard is actually barn red not pink as it appears here. This was a scrap of unfinished wood I found. I put this sign on my front porch.

Another scrap piece of wood as you can tell there is a weird spot at the bottom. It is not this bright in person. The background is again barn red.

I just got a bunch a new Christmas stencils from my friend Becca at Folk art from The Harbor. If you haven't visited her website and you like to stencil or to look at some fabulous prim premade goodies you should check her out. She even made me a custom stencil that I will show you later. I used it today but the sign isn't dark and primmed yet. So who knows I may have some signs for Christmas for sale. Depends if I can get my behind moving or not.

Well, I need to get some things done this evening before EMS training tonight then back to work tomorrow.


  1. Oh you poor "old" lady!!!
    Doctors can be the worst sometimes!
    I really like the way your stenciled signs turned out...very nice!
    Enjoy the rest of your sunny Ohio day!

  2. Try being over 50 and hearing all you have to do!! But it is better to be proactive than try to fix things that broke!!

    Love your signs!!

  3. Don't feel bad, I hate those appointments too! Your signs turned out great! Have a great rest of the week!

  4. Hi Mary!
    Last time I had a mamogram it hurt alot, I think it's depends on the tech who is giving it.

    Love those signs too!

  5. I always say...whoever coined the phrase "the golden years" must have been too old and had hearing problems....cuz I am sure they said "the olden years!"...cuz the older I get the less 'golden' I see them as being!

    love your signs!

  6. Mary ~
    I'm with Linda & over 50 but go every year for my mammo & it's not bad. I go to this great place & when they are done they give you a warm flannel blanket to wrap in & when you leave a pink or red rose. I think 90% of the population is low on Vit. D ~ not enough sunshine.
    Love your new signs. My friend Kath just taught me to stencil & it's so much fun. I'll be sharing pics soon.
    have a wonderful week, my friend!


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