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Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Monday!!!!

Happy Monday!!! This day started with my electric going out and being off for who knows how long. I took my daughter to the orthodontist and came home to it. Did you know your heat won't come on either if you have an electric ignitor? LOL It got a little chilly in here. I am still sitting with a light jacket on as I type. Then I wanted to work on my quilt. DUH no electric you can't sew. LOL. So at least I could take pictures. But I couldn't post them until now.

So as promised the Christmas signs Steve painted... None of these signs have been prim'd yet just in case someone wants them un-prim'd.

Bumpy paint... in case you missed it here is the tutorial.

Steve's favorite...he wanted to put a cookie monster on it and I talked him out of it. LOL

One of my favorites...

Absolute favorite one!!!!! Not sure I can part with it. LOL

Not to shabby for the first time. LOL.

I am going to try to write things that I am thankful for during the month of November each time I post. This is number 1.

A year ago today my soon to be ex husband left me. I look back and see how far I've come from that dreadful night. Am I thankful for it? Yes and no for many reasons. It is what it is and I have moved on. I am thankful for all my friends and family who stuck by me and helped me through this year.

Also I just learned that a boy, who's parents I grew up with, broke his neck in a football game Friday night and is having surgery to try to repair the paralysis from his chest down today. Please say an extra prayer for him.


  1. Great signs!! I will keep the football player in my thoughts and prayers! My oldest son Andrew plays football and I cringe at every game and hold my breath when ANYONE gets hurt! Warm wishes and kind hearfelt get wells to him!!!!

  2. What a blessing to focus on what we're thankful for during this wonderful season...and what a blessing to have family and friends to see you though the other stuff of life!

    Love your signs!

  3. Mary,
    Happy Monday & Happy November to you. I remember last year when you posted what had happened & I know it's been a rough year for you. I'm so glad that you have come through it. Family & friends are something we should all be thankful for ~ I know I am. I love the signs ~ looking forward to seeing them primmed up.
    Gratitude is a great thing to include in our posts.

  4. I also remember when you posted about does not seem like that long ago. You know what they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
    I love your signs....I have been using your paint bubbling it!

  5. the signs look great!!!
    it would be hard to choose a favorite.
    your fabric is going out tomorrow. :)

  6. Love the signs! I too remember last year and i think you have done a wonderful job over the past year making things work for yourself! Prayers being said for that family.

  7. You have come so far in a year. I can almost feel the changes in your 'voice' as I think back to those first awful posts and your despair and heartbreak. Now, you have a wonderful uplifting sound to your 'voice' again. After all you have endured, I hope the future is happy and bright.

    GREAT signs!!

  8. Wow, your signs are fabulous. I love signs and yours are so great.
    Also, as I was reading your post, I was remembering the one from a year ago and how my heart ached for you, but you have been an encouragement to others and have allowed God to use your experience and your pain. It's been a long difficult year for you and I was even remember the post where you contimplated not blogging anymore. I'm glad you kept on going.
    Just sayin'
    I'll say a prayer right now for this football player.

  9. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am so happy my daughter, Heidi, found you. She has two blogs. I will tell her to pop in to visit you now. She has lived in the Netherlands for many years now, married to a Dutchman.
    I love the signs, they are all very nice.

  10. Hi again:
    I forgot to say, my Son thinks there will be no better deal than this laptop for the price and it has Windows 7.

  11. You have come a LONGGG way! You are so strong! And love the quilt, and the much fun he must have had!!!


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