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Friday, December 11, 2009

My Stockings and Fat Friday Recipe

I promised yesterday that I would post a recipe for my swap buddies since I forgot to write it down and put it in their swap boxes. It's pretty bad when it's your swap and YOU can't even do it right. LOL. Well, since I haven't posted a Fat Friday Recipe in a LONGGGGGGG time I will do it today.

Sweet Potato Casserole

1 large can of sweet potatoes
3/4 stick of butter or margarine
1 1/4 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 eggs

3/4 cup crushed cornflakes
1/2 cup chopped nuts (may omit)
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 stick of butter/margarine melted

Warm potatoes and syrup in a pan. Mash until smooth using a blender (very important) I then pour the mashed potatoes back into the pan to add the sugar, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, and eggs. Mix well. I use a spoon or whisk but you could use a hand mixer. Pour in to a 8X8 pan or bigger (depends on how deep you want it. I have never used a 9X11 but I have one just a little smaller than that I like to use.)Bake uncovered for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.

Mix up the topping in a separate bowl. After the 20 minutes spread topping on the potatoes and brown another 10 minutes. That's all there is to it.

I have been working on my stockings that I had a mental block on. Thank you everyone who left comments on that post to help me. I haven't had a lot of time as I had my fire department physical yesterday, which gave me a clean bill of health to be hired. I also don't have any signs of hearing loss and my lungs are better than predicted on the computer program they used. Then we had a doctor appt for my daughter in the afternoon yesterday too. Then I decided to take my kids out to dinner at Longhorn. Therefore, I am not as far as I would have liked. I am home today, but I had to clean bathrooms and do laundry before I could craft. I get to craft if I'm good and I do my housework first. LOL. So the stockings still aren't done, but I thought I'd share my progress.

Well now they look like this... Not sure you can see the cuff but there is a green vine with red berries across it. Oh yea thanks Jess for letting me know the sayings looked good!!!!

My son saw me working on his sisters and asked how I was going to do his. I told him the same as his sisters and he said no he wanted a Santa. I laughed and said I didn't know how to do that so he told me a Christmas ornament. This is what I came up with... Guess my mind is made up that they all aren't going to look the same.

They are still missing something on the foot part. I'm still trying to figure that out and then I will coffee stain them. So now I'm off to figure out how to do mine and Steve's.


  1. I love what you have done. The cuff is just wonderful and the hand stitching is looking so nice. Whatever you decide about the foot and toe they will be loved by your family. Dianntha

  2. Mary,
    Those stockings are wonderful. And I cannot wait to try out that recipe.
    prim Huggs n Blessins

  3. I think the stockings are wonderful! I don't know what I would out on the toe either- maybe some twigs and berries?

  4. Love your stockings!
    My sister makes that casserole every Thanksgiving... we lovingly refer to it as "that sweet potato s***"! LOL !!!But it is always eaten up! Beth

  5. I love sweet potato casserole. The topping sounds yummy. Love your stocking too.

    Found your blog this morning and I've enjoyed reading it. I signed on to follow so I'll be back often to see what's happening at your homestead.

    Prim Smiles


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