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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bathroom Makeover

I didn't post yesterday due to the fact I was taking my Christmas decorations down and putting them away. I am working on redecorating my living room and dining room so no pictures of that yet. However, since my last post I have decided to "Be happy with what I have" and redecorate my bathroom. Everything you will see I already had in my stash of stuff. It is not completely done and I have ideas of what I want, but it will wait until I get me other areas livable again. LOL.

Now imagine your bedroom closet... you know how big that is right? Well, my downstairs bathroom off of my kitchen is not much bigger. It is probably five ft by five ft (57 inches by 67 inches per my son). I can stand in the middle and touch both walls at the same time. LOL. So obviously pictures aren't easy to take. I did the best I could.

This is before... I never took the time to decorate it even though I have been here a year. I thought that if I didn't decorate it that I wouldn't be staying here for that long. So, now that I have come to terms with the fact we will be here for awhile it is time.

That closet is my kitchen gadget storage. Nothing like thinking your mixer and electric skillet is in the bathroom. LOL. I wanted to paint the room, but I couldn't wait that long to decorate it. So I washed down the walls and began to decorate. I actually did it the day of my last post.

Like the fan in the ceiling it has never worked since I moved in.

Pretty boring huh? And yes the door barely closes without hitting the sink.

Now on to the after... I normally DO NOT do themes in rooms, but I decided to do something out of the ordinary. HMMMMM imagine that me out of the ordinary. LOL.

I have had this in my basement for a long time. As many of you know I am not into hearts anymore. So keep an eye on this piece in other photos.

Of course a picture with the lights off. LOL.

OK you can see better now. Sorry about the ugly green towel. I didn't think about it being there when I took the picture.

I know I said I don't like hearts. I need to look through some more of my stuff and replace the candle holder. I think I want a little light or something.

I'm trying to get the whole wall for you to see, but the bathroom just isn't big enough so I broke it down in the next pictures.

So here is the new window. I saw something like it in a Country Sampler I think where someone had it in there bedroom. But I thought this looked good here.

This was a tought shot. I was actually sitting on my toilet(no not doing that LOL) taking this picture. This is behind the door in the corner. There is no better way to take this picture. Not sure I like it yet especially the candle holder, but I am still working on the dining and living room so more than likely it will move around a few times.

I too saw this somewhere either in a magazine or book or in one of your homes. I can't remember and couldn't find it again when I was looking. Only the quilt was hanging on a door where ever I saw it. I'll have to show you how I have it rigged up in another post.

Like I said it isn't done and I have a few more things to add to the walls. I'd like to do some Americana (or as Steve calls it my patriotic room lol) stitcheries for in there. We shall see how long it takes for me to get them done. It's OK I have time!!!! OK I apologize for the spelling mistakes for some reason my spell check isn't working today.


  1. Mary,
    I love it ! Those tiny rooms are hard to decorate. I think you've done a GREAT job!
    Thanks for sharing
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  2. Your bath looks great! My 1/2 bath is narrow too. Hard to take pics. Yours looks great. You could turn your heart towels over so you see the plain side too. I love the window frame though and it does look great! Jayne

  3. Love it Mary! Also like how you did the patriotic quilt!!!


  4. WOW oh WOW,who would have guessed that it is a "small" bathroom, you did a lot with your creative ideas! I like it...please continue to share with us as you change things out and create in your other rooms! LOVEEE IT!! Have a great weekend!

  5. WOW!!! Love, Love it!! You did an awesome job with your bath!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  6. Looks pretty good to me. Great job for such a confined space. If you don't like the heart on the candle holder try stitching up a candle cover. Just an idea.
    Glad you are working with what you have!
    Have a great day.

  7. WOW, great job!! It looks wonderful, Mary!

    Happy New Year, wishing you lots of happy blessings in 2010!

  8. I love it!...I was actually thinking of doing my "new" half bath in an Americana theme...this might have just inspired me even more!...great job!

    And isn't it funny how we never really "intend" on staying somewhere to long..BUT, eventually that is where we stay?!

  9. Great job! I love it. In my house in PR my guest room had the Americana theme, this is one of my favorite theme to decor. Your bath inspied me agin to put my decor out of the boxes.

  10. It looks great! I love Americana and think what you've done in your bathroom is wonderful! I especially like the window idea. Thanks for inspiring me!

  11. Hi Mary,
    You really did a great job! You gave me alot of ideas for my teeny-tiny master bathroom (you can wash your hand while sitting on the toilet). Thank goodness I have a pocket door. ;-)

  12. You've done a great job on your little bathroom. I love seeing what people can do with what they have on hand and you've done it well. I like what you did with the window frame. I hope you have a great year!

  13. I love it ALL! I think it turned out great!!
    You are AWESOME!! :)

  14. It turned out great!!!! Can you come decorate mine!
    I think all the fun decor actually make it look larger!

  15. It looks great. Enjoy, janie

  16. Wow, it look so nice! :) Much better than my bathroom!!!

  17. Oh my, I think we have the same size bathroom. This one is the tinyest room I've ever had. I like how yours turned out. Now post when you get those stitcheries done.
    Happy New Year

  18. You did such a great job on that bathroom! Love the Americana, but what can I say my husband is in the National Guard hee,hee!

  19. What a great transforamtion! It looks awesome! You inspire me!

    Oh, and Happy New Year!

  20. Wow! What a transformation! I'm loving the Americana theme... I'm getting ready to do my living room in the primitive patriotic. Already have lots of stuff bought for it. I have a cream colored step stool set back at work (Hobby Lobby) that I'm going to buy next week. I didn't know what I was going to do with it.. I just loved the way it looked. Now I know!! I'm gonna have to find a burgundy and navy one... or make my own. Thanks for the great ideas!!


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