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Friday, January 8, 2010

Home Day Makeover Day

As I told you I am finally off for a day this week. It's back to work tomorrow yuck!!!! The bad thing is we had a snow storm go through last night. It ended up not being as bad as predicted, but still bad enough I drove 35 mph all the way home last night after work. I HATE driving in the snow. I talked with one of my bosses this morning and another one of our ambulances went off the road this morning and had to be pulled out. Many of the schools were cancelled around here except ours. My kids were so mad when I woke them up this morning to go to school. The nice thing is I signed up for a phone alert through our TV station in Cleveland to alert me when our school is actually closed. So no more watching TV just wait for the phone to ring.

Hello winter... out my kitchen window...

If you look closely you will see the sidewalk where we shoveled once..

Anyway, I decided to stay in and clean and do laundry. I hurried through my cleaning so that I could do some crafting and would have something to show you. Later I need to pick up my daughter from school then I have a meeting with the human resource department of the local fire department. Once this is over I am an official member and one of two women on the department. It is only volunteer for the time being so if I show up I do if I don't, I don't. Blah blah blah enough about that.

On to the make over... once again everything was already in my stash. I bought nothing new!!!! 8 days into the year and everything I already had.

Before... not quite my style

After..... prim beautiful!!!!!! Sorry about the glare on the pictures

#1 black, barn red, with raw sienna... and of course dark stain...

#2 barn red, brown with dark stain...

Wait til I decorate with them and I'll take more pictures. Now question to any of you who have your bowls hanging on the wall. Do you have holes in the bowls or do you hang them another way? I've seen some of you had pictures of this but I don't know where to begin to look. I would like to do that with these. Please let me know or send me pics. Thanks so much everyone.


  1. Great job on the bowl makeovers!
    We have snow & it is down right frigid! Supposed to be that way all weekend...I plan on staying in & doing a few makeovers myself!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Love the bowls that you redid, the ones that I have hanging on the wall I bought from ebay last year with a ebay gift card that my son gave me and they have holes drilled in them and thin leather strip for hanging. Hope that helped you out:)


  3. Are those pumpkin bowls anyones style? LOL! They are sooooo beautiful now. Great great job! Looking forward to seeing some more before and afters from you.

    Wllow Ridge Primitives

  4. Wow - your finish is great Mary. Love the colors you chose.

    I have 4 that hang all came with hole drilled in them. 3 hang with rawhide, one with a strip of homespun.

  5. Wow! Simply beautiful job on the bowls! I love, love, love what you did with them. You are quite talented!

  6. Mary,
    Fantastic job on those bowls!!!
    Congrats on becoming part of your local F.D. We have about 6 inches of snow here and single digit temps.I'm off tomm. so I plan on stayin' in and doing some craftin' myself. Hope you have a GREAT weekend.
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  7. Well, I haven't done a thing with my bowls yet except stack them in the garage....I know, I know.
    I really love the make-overs. The bowls look SO much better!!:)
    Keep warm!

  8. Wow, seems like alot of you are having storms causing school to close, or not! We have been about -28 yesterday and -26 this morning. I can't remember when the last time school closed. We have serious winter. Not in the past 13 years anyway! I do like your made over bowls! They look primtastic! Hope you get the hanging part worked out.

  9. Gosh girl, it sounds like you have been busy...Great job on those bowls, they love very prim. See you soon!

  10. Awesome job on the bowls, Mary! It is bitter, bitter cold here today. My hanging bowl has a piece of rawhide. Have a great weekend.

  11. Love the bowls, I drilled small holes and hung with hemp cord.

  12. WOW, neat job on those wooden bowls, I have wooden bowls in a wall rack...but hanging them would be neat too...probably I would drill a small hole and hang with torn strips of homespun! I use homespun for so much at my house, when it starts to fade, I flip it over for the other side if I don't tea/coffee dye it :>)!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I'm loving your bowl makeovers! Most definitely prim beautiful!! That first one looks like a mustard color. I've not used raw sienna before, but I'm thinking I need to pick some up! The finish is very nice, Mary. I bought 3 big wooden bowls today at Gordman's and was planning on leaving them alone but I'm loving what you've done. I might have to play around a little with mine.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.