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Monday, March 8, 2010

I Met a Fellow Blogger!!!!

I have to say that I have not met any of you in person until Sunday, but consider all of you my friends. This weekend Steve said that we could go anywhere I wanted. Well, I happen to notice that Linda of The Keeping Room had Sunday hours. I absolutely LOVE her home and if you were not aware she was just featured in Country Sampler Home Tour Edition. Anyway, I am an avid follower of her blog. I told Steve we were going to make a road trip so that I could meet Linda. We got out the GPS plugged in her address and away we went. The temperature was just above 40 and sunny. What a great day for a drive. It only took us about 45-50 minutes to get to her shop and home.

I did not take my camera as I would feel funny snapping pictures of her shop when she has them on her website. Plus I know I hate having my picture taken and I don't like asking others to have theirs taken either. Let me just say her shop is just AWESOME!!!!! She has tons of primitive stuff. I had a hard time deciding what I wanted first. We walked into the shop and Linda happened to be in the house. Steve and I walked around and savored everything. As soon as Linda walked in I recognized her from her picture in Country Sampler. LOL. I have to tell you that she is so nice and we instantly hit it off and just talked about everything. I felt like I had known her forever. I shopped and talked and Steve just shopped. LOL. He was in awe and prim heaven too. I think he has been converted. LOL.

Wanna see what wonderful treasures I found????

The awesome lamp, which didn't work at first but we figured it out. So disregard my email Linda. LOL

Some yummy scented wax corn (which I have been wanting) and mug rugs. The mug rugs Steve picked out.

The new Jill Peterson magazine... There are some great pictures and articles in this one.

Some sugar molds that I also wanted and was going to make, but these were well worth not making for the price.

The gourds were just awesome. I think every prim home should have some. LOL. I'm just mad I didn't see the ones on her porch til I was leaving. I wished I would have bought more.

The corn dryer that I have been wanting forever. I used an existing nail already in my wall. I will be moving it. LOL.

Now on to the stuff Steve had to have. He asked me if I wanted it of course.

First, he really loved this saying. Last night he hung it in my bedroom and kept saying isn't this so "cute". Of course I had to take the opportunity and make fun of him for using the word cute. LOL.

A clothes drying rack. We are discussing where it should go.

And finally the slaw cutter??? I know that's what it was used for but not sure if that's the correct name. I know where this baby is going, but we need something strong to hold it on the wall. So for now it is not hung. There is a funny story about why I got this. Steve saw one being used as a shelf in a home he was working in and instantly thought I needed one so he has been looking high and low for one. So he takes a picture with his cell phone so I could see it along with a few other pictures of the way she decorated. The home owner had no idea he took the picture and I'm sure she'd be a bit upset if she knew. LOL.

Not bad for only about an hour or so huh? I just love her shop so for those who live near Waynesburg Ohio make sure you stop in to see Linda. Thanks again Linda for being so nice.

On the way home we also stopped at the flea/market antique shop, which I bought nothing. And I had to go to Menard's (a home improvement store) with Steve since we went where I wanted to go. I looked a lot of stuff, but went to the lumber section and dreamed about all the stuff I could make with it. LOL. The one thing I didn't know was how expensive cedar wood is. I was thinking about making some outdoor flower boxes with it, but HOLY COW!!! I would have to go into debt for it. So back to the drawing board for what I want to do.


  1. How wonderful to meet a fellow blogger!
    The items that you and Steve purchased are fantastic!!!!!
    You sure found yourself some good stuff and a good man.
    Have a restful week!

  2. What a great, fun day! You got tons of goodies and sounds like you and Steve had a great time together. And how fun to get to meet Linda (and her, you!).

  3. Lucky you getting to visit Linda's shop and meet her in person - but even luckier to come home with such wonderful treasures!!

  4. Hi Mary...what a fun trip you had. I have been wanting to get to Linda's place since I first read her blog. I am going to take a trip to Amish Country and get to Mary's also this Spring.
    I met Lisa from Prims from Above purely by accident on Sat. in Washington Court House at North Shore Primitives. You HAVE to go there some time.
    Have a good week,

  5. WOW - You purchased some great prim goodies!! I have been wanting to go to her shop. My mom has been there and said it was fantastic. Nothing better then meeting a fellow blogger. I met Linda at Simply Country Seasons and it was indeed alot of fun. Hopefully we can get a group of gals together sometime soon for a gathering in Amish Country (Berlin, Ohio). It would be alot of fun!!

    Thanks for sharing your purchases with us!!

    Prim Blessings,
    Lisa (Prims From Above)

  6. I love that lamp!!..and what wonderful goodies you seemed to them gourds too!

    My sister just moved to Ohio and near Amish country with LOTS of Prim shoppes...plan on heading there soon to shop!...oh, yeah visit her too...LOL

  7. That's so great. There are a few bloggers I'd love to meet sometime, you are one my dear.

    Enjoyed your post.

  8. Seems lots of blogging gals are finally meeting up with each other in some way or another whether it's going to their shops or just a chance on the street meeting like Linda and Lisa in Ohio!

    Your purchases are wonderful - Love the sugar cakes...I like how she has them tied with cheesecloth.

    Steve is so nice to take you on a road trip to fun.


  9. What an awesome day...I loooove all of your goodies! How wonderful that you got to meet a fellow blogger!
    Hope you're having a great day!

  10. Hi Mary,
    It was a pleasure meeting both you and Steve.
    I knew it was you when I first saw you, I recognized your eyes from your blog photo.
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your purchases.
    Any time you want to bring a camera to my shop or home your are moe than welcome to do so, I have no problem with it.
    Love the arrangement with the light.
    Have a great week!
    Your friend,

  11. Lucky got some wonderful things. I love it all!!! Sure wish I lived close to all these great shops that everyone visits and brags about.

    And how sweet of Steve to keep his eyes opened for you and to choose that wonderful stitchery. You have most certainly converted this man :)

  12. Here's the " r " ...sorry about the type-o...wish they had spell check for the comment box!

  13. Hi Mary,
    Glad that you got to see Linda's store and talk to her, how neat!

    Love those gourds and lamp!!!


  14. Wow--what wonderful stuff!! Sounds like you had a great trip!!

    Tamera @ The Stone Fence Cottage

  15. What a wonderful trip you had. I hope to meet one of you sometime.
    I feel like I know my blog friends, but have never met any of you.
    You did indeed bring home some really nice finds from Linda's shop.

  16. crazy was that I would love to meet one of my bloggers!! This was such a great post to read and all those treasures, WOW LOVE THEM All!...Steve still seems like a winner to me, "Steve welcome to the dark side, see prim things are addictive! LOL" Mary if you are ever in Tennessee look me up, I would love to meet you! :D HUGS

  17. What a fun day!!! I love all your new stuff. I found one of those clothes dryers in Craig's G'ma's basement. Guess who has it now?! haha!
    BTW, your quilt turned out fantastic! :)

  18. Wow! How wonderful for you to meet a fellow blogger! That would be so much fun! It sounds like Linda has a delightful shop and home.

    I love all the things that you and Steve brought home! I am slowly bringing my husband over to the prim side. How sweet that Steve is on the "lookout" for some things for you. Sounds like a wonderful man!

  19. How fun to meet Linda and tour her shop! And even bring home some goodies!
    Steve is a real keeper! He loves the same things you do and he looks for thigns to please you. how sweet is that?
    Have a great weekend!

  20. That's so neat, that you've met another blogger/friend. I love when that happens. You found some great things, too! Sounds like a great day!


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