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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Come Craft With Me

Come Craft With Me
Saturday, June 5, 2010

I have set the first date of Come Craft With Me. This is open to anyone who reads my blog and would like to come over to my home and craft. I want this to be a fun day for everyone meeting new friends and sharing a new craft with someone else. Bring a current project you are working on OR I will be glad to help you and show you how I painted my boxes in the last post. (More on how I'll do this later.) All I ask is everyone bring a dessert or finger food to share for lunch. You can stay as long as you like that day. Oh wait be aware I go to bed around 10pm LOL.

Now if you are wanting to paint paper mache boxes with me we can do this one of two ways:

1. I can buy the boxes and provide the paint with a fee of $7.00.

2. You can buy your own boxes and paint. I can provide you with a list of paints I like to use if you would like.
Let me know which way you are leaning towards.

If you are planning on attending please email me ahead of time (see the right side bar for my email addy) so that I can plan accordingly and give you my address. I want to make sure my little place will be big enough. LOL. I know I'm thinking big. Now watch no one will show up. LOL. Don't worry if you can't attend this one I will plan on one in July too. I can't wait to do this. I am so excited to meet some of you hopefully.


  1. I will be out of town that weekend.
    Thanks for doing this Mary. Going
    to Cincy to see Country Star
    Brad Paisley who is from my home
    state of WV. Maybe I can catch the next one.


  2. I will actually be in New Phila that day, but I'm otherwise spoken for or I'd be there paintbrush and munchies in hand. What a great idea.

  3. Jealous of you Ohio gals! You'll have so much fun! We aren't planning a visit home this summer, so I won't see Ohio till Thanksgiving...

  4. Oh how I wish I lived closer. I'd be there in a heartbeat. I'll be with you in spritit. I'll be crafting at home & thinking of all the fun I'd be having at your house.

    Have a great time~Becky

  5. What a great idea! Too bad Ohio is so far away from Maryland!

    Have fun!!

  6. Hmmm... wonder how far you are from me? Off to send you an email!


  7. Oh Mary I sure wished I lived closer to you, sounds like so much fun!!!! Hope everyone that gets to come has a wonderful day!!!!

    Tammy Smith

  8. Sounds like a great day! But add in the cost of a plane ticket... it's a little out of my price range if I have to buy boxes too ;)

    Have fun! Kimberly

  9. What great fun that will be to have a few gals together to work on projects and visit too! Sure wish I lived lots closer-Idaho is a bit to far to join in! Have fun and fill us all in on your fun crafting day!
    Love your new header Mary.
    Blessings to you and yours-

    Seasons of Thy Heart and
    Country Impressions selling blog

  10. oh...if it wasnt the day before our daughters graduation party I would have made the trip...what fun. Best wishes. dianntha

  11. Oh Mary...If I could, I would be there with you...crafting our behinds off for day...don't worry though...I would bring something sweet to put right back on them behinds!...hehehehehehe

    I am thinking I would love to attend one sometime with you though once I get settled in our new home!...I might gather up 2 of my blog crafting buddies and head up together!, I will definately keep this in mind!

    Wishing you lots of fun, crafting & new friends!

  12. How awesome to do something like this Mary!! I hope you get alot of response!! And yes I did string the green beans in my kitchen photo!! I am so hoping they dry nicely!!:0) Have a great weekend!

  13. I SO wish I could come!!!
    Have loads of fun--

  14. This is so nice of you to open your home to share a craft day. I do wish we lived close to each other. I hope you & others have a fun time.

  15. I wish I lived closer because I would definetly be there..Have a great Memorial Day weekend..

  16. I've hosted a few craft days before and they are fun! We even had kids there (they were playing with each other and didn't even bother us) and we still had fun.

    I wish I lived closer to you Ohio girls, I would love to join you. I'm going to buy some of them boxes at Hobby Lobby the next time they are on sale and paint them the different colors you do. By the way... what colors do you use? I always buy Folk Art acrylic paint. I love their colors. I wish I could be there to paint some boxes with you. Have fun~

  17. AWWWW...I missed this!!!
    I too live in Ohio...what area are you in?? I'd love to join your July craft day.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.