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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just a Fun Little Poll

I thought this would be a fun post today. I like to know about the people who visit me everyday. Everyone can vote even if you don't have a screen name.

What type of curtains do you prefer for your home?

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The style of my home is?

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The color I use most in my home is?

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I like visiting Blogs because?

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I would like to see more of this on Mary's Blog

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Thanks for your votes I really appreciate them!

I will be back tomorrow with the torn apart dining room almost ready for paint!


  1. I would like to choose all the answers for "I like visiting Blogs because?" :o) I love photos, I love seeing that I can make something from a tutorial, I love getting to know someone a little more. I don't watch much TV, I'd rather be blog hopping!

    Have a great day! :o)

  2. That was fun!
    CAn't wait to see your dining room all put back together! :)
    Hope all is well with you and yours!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.