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Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Newest Projects!

Uggghhh... LOL I typed the heading and clicked publish before I typed anything. It's gonna be a great day!

Thank you all for your comments on my last post. They were all spectacular ideas. We are all just so creative! I knew I could depend on my friends for inspiration. I really LOVED the 13 star idea BUT since I am still so new to quilting I figured I'd stay simple. I decided on this...

As you can see I am hand quilting it. It's gonna take me awhile and I'm not so sure it'll be done by July 4th, but hey I at least started it right? Steve said on my next one he would help me with the layout of the 13 stars. My NEXT one???? I do have other fabric for another one. WAIT what am I saying another project!!!! LOL. Alright I took all your advice on the fusible webbing. I actually had some in my stash o' craft stuff!!!! Ummmm... we won't get into that part of the project. LOL. I then taught myself the left handed crafter to do a blanket stitch. It's not perfect, but I can live with it.

Notice I didn't do a close up because I found the points of the star difficult to stitch. So enjoy it from far away. LOL.

In this next picture what do you see that's different?

I made this little bag. I saw someone in Country Sampler had one on a peg rack so I figured it would look so cute above my little desk. I think I should write something on the chalkboard. Oh yea $0.00 dollars spent I already had everything!!!! This project took all day. Well, OK the coffee staining did. It was so humid the stupid thing wouldn't even dry in my oven! So while that was drying I worked on the following project.

This is the first machine stitched piece I've done. Look familiar? LOL. Yep left overs from my quilt I made a few months back. Hmmm.... do I here someone say how about giving that away in a giveaway??? huh what???? Hmmmm.... LOL

Oh and I asked my customer if I could show their bonnet I made them and they agreed. I thought it came out awesome.

Alright all my "window peepers" LOL here's a few more pics before I close. I am on my way to the doctor today AGAIN for my back. I have now developed sciatica in the last week and am still having mid-back problems too. I am sleeping sitting up in 2 hour increments. You'd think I'd get more crafting done!!! LOL. So... who knows my career as a paramedic may be over before I know it.

On with the show...

Don't you hate me for teasing you??!!!


  1. I love the bag..nice job. I'm wanting to make some bonnets, can you suggest a source for a pattern? Have a wonderful day.

  2. Everything looks great! I love the quilt and one star looks just fine!Hope you get your back problems worked out....what about a chiropractor?

  3. The star looks prim perfect. You did a great job for your first time blanket stitching.

    I just love that bag you made. I just might have to make one for myself today.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  4. Oh sure are one creative lady :) Everything looks really nice and all turned out perfect.

    Such nice pictures, thanks for sharing :)

    Good Luck at the Dcotors!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I know I said 13 stars but I really like the one big star. I can see it hanging from that great blanket crane for July 4th. I have been learning the blanket stitch & have had a bit of a time with it. The bonett is really wonderful too. I just love that school bag you made. I have scrapes of muslin I think I will give it a try. You have so many great ideas. You are an insperation to me. Get some rest & take care.

  7. Hi Mary,
    I stumbled on your blog and love it and also love your background-I think I have that blog site saved cause I loved that background-I may have to change mine but not to be a copy-cat!!! I live in Ohio and close to Amish country. I am a newbie at this blogging thing but if you get the chance stop by my site!


  8. Love the flag quilt. Great job!!!

    Love all the pictures, have a good one. janie

  9. Oh my how I love your blog...IF ONLY I could have been close enough to come to your crafting day. But I can enjoy what you share with us...thank you for sharing yet again! Take care of your back...not fun and extra tough when you want to be a busy gal with crafting and also need to keep your job! Have a good weekend!

  10. Mary you definetly are one talented lady..Love the photos and the bonnet is awesome..Have a great weekend..

  11. Mary, the flag piece turned out really good....I love the bonnets still and hope we can still work something out with that I want one of those bags too!!! LOVE IT! what a great idea! Your home is looking so prim! May I come over and drool!LOL! Hope you have a great day!

  12. Love the large did a wonderful is suppose to be primitive!!!!
    The redware is so wonderful...I would love to start picking more pieces up!!!! Blessings and keep the pictures coming! Dianntha


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