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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Odds and Ends Before Vacation

After today I won't be posting until the end of the week. The day has arrived that I get to go on my first vacation with both my kids. I worked, scrimped, and saved and was able to afford a short vacation. I of course will be taking the camera to hopefully get some great pictures. Not of me of course as I NEVER take good pictures EVER. LOL.

I just want to show you some awesome shots I took with my phone on Friday night. We finally got rain in the afternoon and it was overcast most of the day. I went out early evening because their was an eerie pink cast outside. I looked up and found the most amazing sky. I am hoping it shows up on your computer screen just how beautiful.

I also worked on a new project... Sorry about the green cast but I used my phone since I just cleared out my camera. I am taking it with me to work on in the evenings.

I will hopefully be back on Wednesday, but I may just relax and not post until Saturday. I have to be back to work on Thursday :( Have an awesome week everyone!!!


  1. Hope you all have a wonderful time on vacation Mary! Sounds like you could use a bit of R&R. Will look for your pictures when you return.
    Safe travels~

  2. Have a great vacation Mary!

  3. Enjoy, Have a great one! Janie

  4. Hi, just found your blog and it is lovely. I spent a lot of time in Ohio growing up and believe it or not I miss the snow in the winter.

    Take care

  5. Have a wonderful vacation, you are due for a relaxing and fun time! The pictures of the sky are gorgeous, awesome to see, thank you! I will watch for your return, most important is that you enjoy your time, you have had enough stress!

  6. Have a wonderful vacation.


  7. Have a safe and fun time on your vacation..

  8. I pray you really enjoy your vacation and are blessed with relaxing moments and good memories.


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