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Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Spring Decorating in the Kitchen...

This week was full of work. Not only my real job, but I have begun to Spring clean and redecorate for Spring. Our temperatures were high 40s, which brightened my spirit, for a few days until we got dumped on Friday. The snow was terrible blizzard like when I was driving to work. The snow plows did a pretty good job considering the amount of snow we got in a few hours. Tomorrow we are suppose to get rain and high near 50. Which means we may have some flooding. Sheesh when will it end. I am SO ready for Spring. So instead of talking your ear off and complaining I'm just going to show you Spring in the kitchen at the Homestead...

I also have the dining room done. I know what you are thinking...How could you improve on the dining room? Oh you have no idea. I've done a little more organizing and rearranging. I am just loving the new look. I will post pics on Wednesday of that. That way you have to come back. LOL.

I have also started my disappearing nine patch quilt because I actually had a clear table. LOL. So I will also start my tutorial series on that this week too. If you want to be ready. Start with getting your fabric and cutting 90 5 inch squares if you want a lap size quilt. If you want to start smaller cut 45 5 inch squares. Well, I need to get some laundry done today I'll see you soon.


  1. Your kitchen looks sooo nice..Thanks for sharing

  2. Spring looks good in your kitchen. I think we had 2 days where we could see the ground before we got more snow. Needless to say, I haven't been bitten by the spring cleaning bug. Can't wait to see what you did with the dinning room. I have actually made a couple squares of the disappearing nine patch, from the link you posted. I put it on hold to make the rag quilt I blogged, but hope to work on it again this week.

  3. Everything looks so cozy and lighter for spring. Glad to see you are back after your technical difficulties.

  4. So pretty! Love it all! I did some kitchen redocorating myself yesterday! I hope to get it posted this week!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. Wow , you have been busy ! Making me feel like quite the slacker ! It all looks wonderful I can't wait to see the dining room! Have a great week! Guess Ill see you again Wed lol
    lil raggedy angie

  6. Looks very nice! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  7. I love your kitchen!! I'll be back for the dining room.8-)

  8. Mary I always enjoy seeing the changes you make around your home. Can't wait to see what's next!
    I'm so ready for spring too.
    Have a great week.

  9. Everything looks beautiful -- can't wait to see what changes you've made in the DR!

  10. Your kitchen looks so wonderful! I love the photos.

  11. It looks great Mary! I'm so jealous!


  12. keep up the great work!! everything looks beautiful!!!! you could always come do mine.:)

  13. Your kitchen looks AMAZING!!! i can't wait to see what you've done in the dining room!

  14. I was wondering if there may be a potatoe bin cabinet setting beside your beautiful cabinet in the kitchen. What I can see of the painted design is pretty. I would love to see more of it. I have a very ugly potatoe bin I would like to redo. You have a wonderful prim kitchen. I will stop in to see the dining room. Blessings! Lara

  15. Your kitchen looks so nice! Thanks for sharing, cant wait till Spring.


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