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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Few More Thrift Finds...

OK most times I go to any thrift store I am looking for stuff for me. Stuff that I would use in my house. Since getting the booth up and running I now find myself buying stuff tweaking it and reselling it. Here just last week I found some really great stuff that I will more than likely keep. I know like I need MORE stuff. LOL. I just got done telling Steve last night I would like to condense my everyday decor down to one BIG tote. The fine print was that I would not condense my fall and Christmas stuff because I LOVE decorating for those seasons. My problem is I have many small totes that I just throw stuff in with no rhyme or reason. Than I forget what I have and then end up using the things I already have out instead of digging through everything. So why not condense into one place. Alright I know sounds good in theory. LOL

OK back to the great stuff I found!!!!

In this little grouping the cutting board table was just $4.00. I think Steve will be making a few of these.

A little closer look reveals cinnamon sticks, tiny pine cones, and the glass container ($.49) are all thrift store finds.

This next item I bought after seeing a couple of you buying stitcheries and cutting off the parts you don't like. I LOVE the poem "Footprints." I found this for $2.99. I'm still debating whether or not to cut off the bottom picture part. I know I want to darken it and paint the frame. Steve says he can alter the frame it's in to fit either way.

Now this next find was one that I made that goes against every fiber of my being. I preach about how I don't use hearts in my decorating. (yeah yeah I know I'm eating my words!!!!) But I couldn't pass it up. I"m such a sucker for tin candle sconces...

I bought a few more things I will be tweaking and reselling so I'll show you those when they are done. I also found out I do NOT like redipping candles or clothespins or whatever. LOL. Yeah that's a whole post in itself. BUT you will be happy to know I adapted and overcame to make my candles look like they were redipped.

I also got my quilt done for the Disappearing Nine Patch and am working on the last part of binding. Well, my friends I have lots to do today on my last day off. I go this afternoon to the ortho to have my foot xrayed. Let's hope it's healing correctly!!! But first I must go do some primping at the booth since we have pictures tomorrow for the newspaper.

Remember to enter the Giveaway in the yesterday's post if you haven't already. Thanks to those who put it up on their blogs too!


  1. Great finds! Yikes! How come I never find neat stuff like that?! Love the cutting board riser and the sconce especially! Smiles ~ Robin

  2. LOVE that cutting board table!

    what great finds. I am so excited they are building a new Good Will store right near me!!!

    Both a good and bad thing ;)

    I love the hunt!


  3. Love the cutting board. Have never seen one like it. Would love to shop at your thrift store. Only in a blue moon do I find anything I can decorate with in ours. Love all your finds. Good luck at the doctor and have a good day.

  4. I love the cutting board and how you used it on your table and all the GRAT finds that you found at th thrift shop even the scone is awesome. You sure did a super job on your hunt. I LOVE hunting for treasures becasue you NEVER ever know what you will find!!!!!

    Spring Blessings,

  5. Nice thrifty finds! I don't do hearts either. But that is a cute sconce. :)

    I think I need a booth to sell my extras in. LOL!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  6. Great finds. Nothing wrong with hearts, they just don't need to be on EVERYTHING!!! They were huge about 20 years ago, so they gotta be back on their way in...know what I mean?? And besides, it is a tin heart, not a pine heart on a shelf or other piece of furniture :)

  7. Love the little cutting board table, I don't use many hearts in my decorating either, but that candle sconce is just too cute, would have to have it, love that kind of stuff anyway. Thanks for sharing your finds, much success with your booth. Vicky

  8. Mary,
    I like all your finds! And Yep~ just like I said, we're two peas in a pod! LOL! When you were talking about totes and there's no rhyme or reason! YEP! LOL!
    Ok~ I am glad you gave hearts a chance! I have always liked them for a few reasons, but I don't like ALL of them, just some. It has to "speak to me" before I will bring it home. That sconce is way CUTE! I wouldn't cut the FOOTPRINTS sampler, I think it looks wonderful the way it is. Just age it if you wanted to, and paint your frame. What a lucky gal! I never find any stitchery pieces!
    I am happy that your booth is doing so well, and I hope your appointment went well!
    Have a good week.

  9. awesome goodies!! pickings have been BEYOND slim here lately!!!

  10. That cutting board table is great...I love everything! Makes me want to go to the Thrift store! lol I gave my email addy in the giveaway post but I DO have a blog! Hope you'll visit me soon! ♥


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