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Friday, May 20, 2011

Change is a Comin...

No worries not my decorating taste. LOL. I am rearranging my living room since I am selling the cabinet in my last post and because I'm pulling out some Americana for the summer. I am proud to say I am not moving anymore furniture in my tiny living room. What is in here is in here!!!! LOL. I am only decorating with the things I LOVE. I am pulling out the things I don't and putting them in bags. I am probably going to have to have a yard sale along with my booth to get rid of everything. SHEESH!!! LOL. You know it's funny. I started decorating yesterday and as I simplified things I began to feel calmer. Maybe I had just way too much and it was overloading my senses. As I sit here this morning looking around I don't have the urge to move a thing ok maybe the top of of the TV. We'll see. LOL.

First off I'm gonna show you my newest $4.00 find. I didn't say I wasn't going to buy more!!! I just said I'm getting rid of things I don't want. LOL. I have been looking at books and magazines and decided I needed more wood tones in my living room. I basically have painted furniture in this room. So the other day Steve and I went to the antique store and I found this dresser drawer. I though it would make a great shelf cubby. As you can see I'm still decorating it.

Do you want to see what I put in the old cabinet's space?

Seeing that candle light reminds me I was taught a very hard lesson yesterday. Did you know if you leave your accent lights on all the time like I do that when you turn them off to move them the lightbulb burns out? Yep every single one burned out. GRRRRRR.... Then I had another one that the candle sleeve is too big and I couldn't screw the bulb in far enough so I thought the light was busted. Dummy me took the sleeve off and started messing with the wiring. OH did I forget to tell you it was still plugged in? LOL Yep I gave myself a little shock. Can we say stupid??!!?? I told you long ago I would never hide anything from you so that you could learn from MY mistakes. LOL.

OK one last picture of the living room until it's done. I hate using a flash!!! Today is very overcast and the pictures weren't turning out very good.

The day I found that dresser drawer I also found something else I wanted, but resisted the urge to buy. Actually there were a bunch of things BUT all we got was the drawer and a zinc top to a Hooser cabinet I think. I had been eyeing that for almost a year. I could picture Steve using it on a cabinet for me. So any way we finally bought it for $24. I may use it in my new buttery. I will show you that later because I have the heating and cooling guys here putting in my AC and I am not gonna go back downstairs. I am really embarrassed because they are having to work around all my crap in the garage and basement. LOL. Buy I digress... anyway I also saw some wood bowls. You all know I have a fetish for bowls. LOL. I have been thinking about that bowl since I left the shop. So yesterday I went back since it is in the same building as my booth. Here she is. I just LOVE it cracks and all. Though you can't see the crack in the picture since it's blurry. I think I'm going to slowly replace my repros with real ones as I find them.

I also found all these great quilt scraps. I got all of them for $5.00. I'm not sure if I'm going to make pillows or frame them and hang them going up my steps. I know the one is very light and you can't see it, but it is a basket just like the one beside it. I just LOVE the red one...

I will take more pictures later after the AC guys leave. I want to show you the stove top dough board Steve made. It is really awesome! the stain he used is what I'm gonna use on my buttery counter tops when we do it.

Alright I need to get back to decorating. I need to get this done today! LOL. I will also be dog sitting for my sister til tomorrow. She and my brother in law are going away for their anniversary. Til next time my friends...


  1. Hi Mary, Love the drawer idea, I like things to be interesting, kinda catch your attention when you walk into a room. Really like the area you redone where your cabinet use to be. Old bowls, love to find them, just found two old bowls with paint, one red and the other mustard, love them. I always love seeing what you are up to when you decorate. Have a good weekend. Vicky

  2. Love everything you have done..The drawer idea is something I have done and I have even gotten them and put them under dressers for storage..Have a great weekend..

  3. I never turn mine off either!!!! My light stay on 24-7. It's a mood thing and makes everything so cozy.
    Love your posts.

  4. Your new bowl is awesome, Mary - LOVE it!! The patina looks so very warm - something no repros can quite replicate in my mind. Too funny (but not for you I'm sure) about the light bulbs....I learned it the hard way also - but not all at once. It took several times before I realized what was happening....gee, odd, but they only burn out when I unplug them and move them...hmmmm...uh, duh. Guess I'm slower than most! Have a great weekend - have fun "rearranging!" Robin

  5. Hi Mary, it all looks great as usual! Love what you did with the drawer. I've told you before that I need to come shopping with always find the best stuff. Anxious to see the stove top dough board. I know what you mean about the lights...I hate that...I blew one out the other day when I unplugged it to plug in my sweeper....that's what I get for cleaning LOL!! Thanks for posting my giveaway on your sidebar *HUGS* Have a great Sunday ~Kriss~

  6. Ah, change is good. I have been de-cluttering my life/house as well, and redecorating. I have put away a lot of my prims and have been adding more white, ironstone, McCoy, and have changed out the coverlets for old white linens and have changed the pillows on the couch as well.

    I have taken a lot of my prims to the storage unit to cycle through the shop/booth. I have cleaned out closets and drawers, linens and cabinets. I have taken things to work to sell and have taken things to consignment. I am planning a bit yard sale this weekend (Memorial weekend).

    I feel refreshed!

    I like your new shelf/cubby using the drawer. What a great idea! I love following your blog and seeing your latest treasures!

    Have a great week!


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