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Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Thrift Store Items...

Last week Steve and I decided to journey out a little further from the regular thrift stores we go to. We went a little further into Amish Country in Millersburg and Berlin. I am so glad we did! Though the Goodwill in Millersburg is NOT very good. I am just letting you know now if you plan to go there. However, the thrift store right across the street is AWESOME! The name escapes me at this moment. Darn oldtimers LOL.

So let's begin shall we?

LOVE this huge basket for $1.50. I'm gonna use it in the booth for my Americana pillows I'm making.

We got these tin looking cones for $.20 a piece. I have no idea what they are, but I'm gonna make flower holders out of them. That little bench I thought about painting, but I think I like it the way it is. Of course fabric... lol Got me some nice red and white striped fabric for the Uncle Sam I'm gonna come up with for a customer I met at the booth the other day.

I'm up to my eyeballs in bowls!!! lol This book has awesome fraktur patterns in it. I told Steve he was gonna do these on boards. I am going to attempt rag balls with the Styrofoam balls. Believe it or not I have never made them. Let's hope my analness doesn't get in the way and I try to do them perfectly.

These next two aren't thrift store goodies, but stuff I found at the quilt shop that's going out of business. I figure I can quilt this baby for $10.00.

I also bought this huge bag of repro print scraps for $2.25 and lo and behold I find this amazing quilt square inside. That alone is worth the money to me.

Now for the really good part...

Steve rescued this great pineapple bowl. LOVE it!!!

We found both of these in last two items in Berlin (Amish Country). Both will be used in my booth.

The inside is a little gross, but for what we want it for we can fix that. A steal at $25.00.

LOVE this kettle thingy. I can put ice in it and pop for my summer picnics. The lady at thrift store says some of the Amish use it for cooking. Ummmm... not so much for me that's a lot of food that could fit in there. lol.

Well, I don't hear the hum of the chainsaw outside. The city came this morning to cut down the tree in front of my home due to my landlord complaining that the roots were growing into the drainage pipe. The guys blocked me in my driveway. They don't realize I have places to go and people to see. LOL. OK Steve and I are going to the Habitat Restore in Akron. LOL. So until next time. Steve has been at it again making some one of a kind signs. I'll get pictures later.


  1. Wonderful goodies~ love the basket!

  2. Wow, Love all the goodies you found and LOVE I think I've told everyone we vacationed there last yr in Sept. It's almost 800 miles from here but worth every minute of it. We are planning on coming back this Sept. but with gas prices it is more and more doubtful. Is your booth close to the area? If we get to come would love to stop by your booth if its close. Have a gteat day.

  3. You are soooo lucky! (yes, I said that in a whiny, jealous voice!) I especially love the stuff you got at the quilt store. SUper fun stuff Mary! :)

    Have a great day~

  4. Just wanted to let you know---"LOVE this kettle thingy" is a canner. Just thought I would help out identify the object.

  5. Love your blog! Great finds! The "kettle thingy" I believe is also called a "boiler" and was used to "cook" laundry. We have 3 - they are great for storage! ~*~Lisa

  6. Awesome goodies!! That kettle thing is actually a boiler or canner--it came with a metal insert to put the jars in and lift them in and out. (got one myself)

  7. Here in New England that 'kettle thingy' would be called a Lobster Pot to boil up a bunch at a time along with some ears of corn...yum!


  8. Ok...I'm going green again (as in jealous)....None of our thrift stores have cool stuff like that! LOVE that little flag quilt piece...(And I'm giggling 'bout that "kettle thingy" and everyone's comments on it - too funny!) Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  9. Love all your wonderful goodies.
    What are you going to do with the Pineapple Bowl...I love it.

    I had one of those boilers years agol...many of them in the earlier days were called 'COPPER BOILERS' and they were indeed made of copper...maybe underneat there is Copper????


  10. Cool goodies I want the basket!



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