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Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Friday!!!

Alright my Friday is happier than during the past few weeks I think. I'm not sure if it is my computer or blogger or the combo of both. I have been unable to comment on blogs or for that matter internet explorer would not let me open some of your blogs. Or internet explorer would just keep shutting down and not let me on at all. So I figured I'd use Steve's computer... NOT... his is acting up with tons of red Xs so I can't see pictures. Then it gives me error messages. I hate being computer illiterate!!!! LOL. So here is my sincere apology that I have not been visiting some of you like I normally do. I updated my Microsoft stuff on my computer and downloaded Mozilla Firefox as my browser so I am going to try to get on at home tonight. Fingers crossed I fixed the problem.

So today I am at work and the chief is away so the employees play!!! LOL. I am blogging instead of chores. I need my fix since I have worked almost everyday for the last week or two and with my computer being down. This is my escape, me time if you will. I could go on forever about and read about prim and decorating since I am so passionate about it. Anyway, I attempted to take some pics AGAIN of my home. Let's see how they turned out shall we? I have more pics to go through and will hopefully get my Picturetrail updated this weekend. Along with taking pics of more stuff I'm cleaning out. So this is my sneak peak of summer decorating...

Below my dresser drawer turned cubby is where I'm going to hang that stitchery in my last post is going to go. I am down to the alphabet and I will be done.

My kitchen, which I have not started my buttery yet. But since I am selling one of my cabinets I had to redecorate a little.

Well, one of the other paramedics here today wants to do some training and practicing of intubating (putting tubes down people's throats). So watch for updates over the weekend. :) Oh and if you ever send me an email and I don't respond within 24 to 48 hours please email again. I am having problems of emails going to my spam folder. I am going to check that folder more now that my computer is up and running again. Thanks Robin for emailing me again and letting me know!


  1. Beautiful photos! I was having troubles leaving comments too. Kept telling me to sign into my Google account. Uncheck the box that keeps you signed in all the time under the sign in for Google, and it will let you comment. Don't know why, but it works, and other bloggers are remedying it this way also. So, guess it is not just me! :)

  2. Everything looks great, Mary!!

    Have a great one, Janie

  3. Mary, lovely pictures of your summer re-do's! Always enjoy seeing and hearing what you've been up to. Don't get to worried about the comment thing. MANY of us have had it for over a week now. I tried everyting to and found once in a while I could leave a comment under "Anonymous" but not always. Then someone posted that if you "un-checked" the "keep me signed in" on blogger you wouldn't have any trouble. Knock on my wooden head! I did just that and so far I haven't had any problems. Ya might try it and see. At this point what can it hurt. I wasn't saying very lady like adjectives for a bit and pulled out lots of what little hair I do have!!!! I'm not computer savvy either! So maddening when things just don't work when you want them to.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  4. hi, Mary
    Beautiful decorating!!!! It is blogger~ crazy~ crazy!!!2 days last week I could not comment~ some blogs I am having problems viewing~
    enjoy this weather~ Wow isn't it so pretty outside!!! Nice temps!!!

  5. Great decorating, Mary! Everything is looking so fresh and simple - perfect-simple, I mean. Blogger's been a bratty child of late - I did post some work-arounds that work for me on my blog a week or so ago....Lately, the signing out and signing back in and unchecking "keep me signed in" box seems to work for most - but using Firefox is what worked for me from the get-go. Not particularly fond of it, so am just using it for blogging - but it does what I need it to do!! Glad you figured it out...and you're not computer illiterate if you figured that much out! Have a wonderfully happy weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Hope everything gets working for you again! Mine was down for awhile too and was freaking out and was doing goofy things but now seems to be okay. I like your changes that you made and I am prim addicted too...big time.
    Have fun this weekend.

  7. Everything is beautiful !Love the drawer turned shelf .Hope to see more pics. Hugs,Jen

  8. Yeah, pics! You have been a busy girl! How is your booth doing?


  9. I love all of the pictures..I too have been having a problem leaving comments..Sometimes I can leave one if I choose anonymous in the comment as box..And most times not..It's been a real pain..Have a great week-end..


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