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Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday and a Winner

Well, today we have a special day for two people here at the Homestead. The first, my son, turns 12 today. OK well not technically until tonight at 11:57pm. But since I'm a nice Mom I let him celebrate all day. LOL. He of course is my baby. He is officially a tween. He was my difficult baby. He decided he was going to have colic. uuuggghhh... We ended up having to feed him some really expensive formula at $25 a lbs. since his belly couldn't digest the cheap stuff. Then as he got older he wanted me or his Dad to lay with him while he fell asleep. Funny how we would always fall asleep first, but wake to the feeling of our eyelids being pried apart with two little fingers asking us if we were sleeping. LOL. Of course we had a hospitalization because of a darn rotovirus he caught. Yep that was fun cleaning up puke for an entire week before the doctor would do anything. He has tested my patience for years now LOL. But he is still my cuddler and always tells me he loves me still. AND he tells me I'm the best Mom in the whole wide world. OK I'm taking that as a compliment since I'm his only Mom and he has no one to compare it too. So don't rain on my parade. LOL. He came home the other day from the pool and told me about a girl who wanted to talk to him the whole time and swim with him while he was there. Then how she would push him in the pool while he was trying to get out. I asked him if he liked her and all I get was a shoulder shrug and a grin. (sigh) It's starting all ready. He will be in 7th grade this year. Wow!!!! His Dad also bought him a shot gun to hunt with for his birthday. That I'm terrified of but I have to let him grow up sometime. right? (This pic was taken at this Dad's house not mine LOL) Anyway, Happy Birthday Bailey!!!!

Next, my Giveaway closed yesterday. I had a lot more entries this time around. I assigned each of you a number in the order of your comments. I threw them in a bowl and had the birthday boy pick again.

Congratulations Annie of Scrappilachia!!!! Please email me your address so that I can send out your goodies. And thank you all for entering my Giveaway. The pattern is available for purchase on my left sidebar. Just email me and I can invoice you through Paypal. It is available as a PDF file so you can get quickly or I can mail you a copy which ever you prefer. I am close to having 400 followers and once I reach that I will have another giveaway.

I finished stitching my newest sampler and will be back tomorrow to show you. This one will also be charted and for sale hopefully by the weekend. This one is near and dear to my heart, but I will give the story tomorrow when I show you the finish. I'll also show you some other things I've been working on too. Last week was yet another busy work week. BUT I am almost to the point of being able to breathe in my budget. I am less than $3,000 away from being debt free from creditors. However, I still need to repay my parents when they bailed me out during the divorce. BUT at least they won't report me to the credit bureau. LOL.

Have a great day my friends!!!


  1. I know Annie!
    I am so happy for her!!!!

  2. YAY for Annie! I just became a follower of her earlier, what a sweetheart of a lady!
    You Miss Mary~ ARE a great mom! Also amongst your many other talents~ it goes by SO fast.
    Have a great day!

  3. Wow! Thanks so much Mary! I can't believe I won this! I've been reading your posts for months and drooling over all the great thrift finds, makeovers, the quilt tutorial,your fabulous decorating, and booth pictures! You are a very special person, and I know a great Mom! Happy Birthday to your special son! I'll send you my address. Thanks again!

  4. Congratulations to the winner and Happy Birthday to your young man! Enjoy him as he will be gone before you know it. Seems like mine was just twelve yesterday-he'll be 30 in October, he's my baby too!
    You are blessed Mary.

  5. Happiest of birthdays to your son!! Hope his day is special!! Congratulations to Annie!!! And thank you, Mary, for hostessing this great giveaway...a second time! Have a great week - looking forward to the debut of your new pattern! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Congrats to Annie and thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Happy Birthday Bailey ! Congrats Annie ! Thank you Mary for hosting such a wonderful giveaway.Hugs,Jen

  8. Hey Mary!! Happy birthday to your baby boy...he'll still be your baby even when he turns 20 like my oldest just did. Had to laugh as I read your post...the glory of motherhood...
    Congrats to Annie, know that she'll love it!
    I'll be getting in touch with you again for info on that stupid PDF, I've come to the conclusion that I need a secretary to do all this stuff, I just want to design & stitch!! Talk to you soon ~Kriss~


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