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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thrift Store Goodies

On my last day off my son had an orthdontist appointment in my hometown. Well, we left a little early to be sure we there on time. We ended up being 15 minutes early so I suggested we go to the Goodwill. He agreed of course! I had found a few things and so did he in that time constraint. After I found him we had only 5 minutes until his appointment time. I told him to put back the jeans on the rack and we'd come back after he was done. However, I shared with him the old thrift store pickers secret. When you put them back and plan on coming back you "hide" them in a a size that is totally different then what you have. That way some well meaning person doesn't find them and snag them. LOL. Don't tell me you have never done that! So tires squeeling in the parking lot we headed to the ortho. I'm kidding. But in case you are wondering we got there on time.

So on the return trip I had a little more time to look. I scored some pretty good stuff though this particular Goodwill is high priced I think.

Alright, I got these fabulous curtain panels. Ummmm yeah I will be taking the puff balls off. Very retro though don't you think? I told Steve I was going to put the puff balls around the tops of his socks for him. lol. Hey he brought up the footie socks that had the ball on the back. Do you remember those? Anyway we are headed out today for my daughters ortho appointment and I'm going to pick up some RIT dye and darken these babies right up. They will be for my bedroom.

I also found some wool to add to my stash for possible future projects.

I found these awesome books! Thing is I already have them lol. I love this set of books and every time I see them I buy them because they have awesome ideas. So... I am selling these instead of taking them to Goodwill. I am asking $5.00 a piece plus shipping. The Country Kitchen is SOLD

I got these next pewter pieces at the flea market awhile back and forgot to show you.

I'm pretty sure this is a stair tread, but I'm going to use it as a table runner.

And of course I always pick up wood bowls when I see them. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to sand this down or not.

I bought this bowl dirt cheap because it had a crack. Well, by the time I got it home it totally broke. Grrrr... so I glued it back together and I think I'll still keep it and display it. I really like it. It looks like a redware piece to me.

The basket was SOOOOO cheap too less than a buck.

My sister is now looking out for me at the thrift store too. I got a phone call from her that there was a brand new quilting frame still in the box with extenders to go with it for $15.00. I told her to snag it and that I'd pay her back. I have no idea where I'll put it, but I may have to save it back for one day when I have a quilting room.

On my day off I have a ton of plans. Namely, getting my cross stitch tutorial worked on. I have been working a ton AGAIN, but I promised you I'd do it and my friend Kriss has been working on her part too. I'm hoping to get it done Friday though it might be a little later in the day. I work the next two days and then have the whole weekend off. I can't wait! I may hit up a thrift store today while I'm out because on their sign it said all this week is 20% off everything. So, you have to at least check it out right?


  1. Once again Mary, you came home with some great finds! I love the design on the plate too.
    Take care.

  2. Hi the Kitchen book still available? If so, I would love to purchase it.

  3. I have been looking for a basket like that for forever!
    You certainly did have a great shopping trip!

  4. The cream curtains with the ball fringe and from country curtains. They are colonial curtains that I have throughout the back of my home. Love them! Great find

  5. I do think it's a stair tread ~ but I use them as runners all the time. They are the perfect size and shape!

  6. Yikes, Mary - you're making me wish my son still had ortho appointments! (Ok - not really - cuz then there would be absolutely NO money for any fun stuff!) You scored nicely!! That plate is wonderful - too bad it broke! And pewter always tugs at my heart...and the basket....All delightful!!! Hope you're having a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. OK Mary, I have decided I don't like my Goodwill Store, because I never find the neat kind of things that you do...I am so jealous LOL! I went into my local thrift store on Saturday, and walked and looked not once but even a second time thru...and I am telling you NOTHING > like you find! I did find a pair of denim capris for $4.00, and I did buy them, but they just don't work as a prim ;>), but they fit nicely! Later girl, love your blog!

  8. Nice finds :) I have been picking things up at thrift sales and GS for the last 4 months and have them stashed in garage..I will try putting some things together to make up some gatherings for my craft sale in Aug but will try and take some pictures to share first. I LOVE finding a good deal on something I have to have..Just bought 7 e-patterns tonight because it was such a good I better get busy I guess :)

  9. What a bummer the plate totally broke, it looks like redware to me too. The basket is awesome, your thrift store is the best. Still plugging away at the tutorial...I'll shoot you off an email ~Kriss~


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