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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Thursday!

Hello Friends! Thank you for the amazing response to my Giveaway! You still have a few days left to enter. If you haven't yet make sure you do. :)

I worked on my daughter's quilt over the weekend since I had a ton more blocks to make. lol I have finished the main part I just need to decide on borders. I'm not sure what I want to do with those yet. The pattern calls for a 3",4", and 5" border. I know for sure I don't have enough fabric left to do them out of the fabric used for the middle. Even though it's not prim I really like the colors.

The weekend wasn't all sewing. Steve spent Friday afternoon with me. We went to lunch then to the Habitat for Humanity Restore and the thrift store. I bought one thing and forgot to take a picture of it and at the moment I can't find my memory card for my camera. I took it to work yesterday and now it's gone. :( (I was reorganizing my pictures at work yesterday.) Anyway, so until I find it no more pictures. But I did take pics of some of my thrift store goods already.

I don't have a fireplace but I LOVED the punched tin match holder. The latch hook mat is for a little craft something I'm going to try.

Close up of the stitchery ditty bag pattern. Too cute!

I also went to the Goodwill with my sister on Saturday. I swear we both buy a lot when we are with each other. I found this graduated set of Ball jars. For the right price they are for sale. :)

I like the eagles on the fronts of them.

Last but not least. I had a candle holder like this one that got broke. So I was so excited to find this one. I know it's a Home Interior product but this one is actually kind of rusted around the edges and has some wear. Trust me... I know the pic is horrible. LOL. It is perfect! The candle light is from a light I have near it. I haven't put one in the holder yet.

Today is my only day off and I have a few things I need to do. I have some things I'd like to paint and redo. Wish me luck because it always seems I get side tracked and don't get stuff done. I have made a decision. If I don't get some of this stuff redone I'm going to re donate. I have way too much stuff AGAIN. Things at the booth have slowed downed tremendously and I don't want to be stuck with all this stuff. Like I said on Facebook, I get paralyzed with the thought of reorganizing all this stuff so I really think I am a Hoarder. I need to get busy and weed out before it really gets out of control.


  1. You can get the things taken care of, hope you relax and enjoy your day off. I really like the quilt, and also your other finds.

  2. Happy Thursday to you too. I LOVE the quilt you made for your daughter, it came out GREAT!
    I also LOVE the colors!

    I LOVE what you got at the shop, great goodies and NO you are NOT A hoarder, LOL!

    I also love the blue jars, I collect them and really love them!

    Have a great day!
    Fall Blessings

  3. I hope you have a great day off. Your quilt is beautiful. I saw the scraps before and wondered how it would all turn out. I am glad you got to go shopping with your sister. I love those times with mine. -Steph-

  4. Mary ,
    Awesome Goodies as always , love them all ! Your quilt is so beautiful ! and my dear just look at your hoard and giggle cause she who dies with the most junk...well leaves her children a mess to clean up ! :0) enjoy your day off ! hugs lil raggedy angie

  5. The quilt is looking good!

    Love your thrifty finds! I like the HI candle holder.

    Carmen and the Primcats

  6. Fun finds once again Mary! But I know oh too well 'bout that borderline hoarder thing! But, dang it!! It's just so much fun!! Why can't we just have endless spaces to fill?? ;o) The quilt is looking beautiful - your daughter must be loving it!! Happy September! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. That quilt is beautiful.

    I too love the blue color of those ball jars. I need to find some. :)

  8. I love your quilt, it's beautiful!
    I can't believe the wonderful finds you found at the thrift store!

  9. Hey Mary!! Great finds hoarding, us prim people just love to collect! Missed being on here I've been a little chaotic this past week. Talk soon ~Kriss~


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