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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Playing With Wax for Ornies...

Well, I've been wanting to try to play with wax for a long time. I see all these beautiful wax sheep, pumpkins, and angels on different websites and think I'd LOVE some, but being on a tight budget they are not a necessity. So, after visiting a few of my friend's blogs and my BFF Rose making the wax corn for me I decided to give it a try.

I've sort of tried it before using an old coffee can and the double broiler method and got results I wasn't happy with, so I went with the crock pot method this time. Steve happened to have one that he wasn't using so he gave it to me to use. (He's so awesome!) But it seems like every time I go to the Goodwill I see crock pots pretty cheap. I also bought a 3/4 burnt red pillar candle at Goodwill. I've been picking up all kinds of candles at the Goodwill when I see them for this purpose. I threw the pillar OK I put the pillar in to the crock pot wick and all. I turned it on low and nothing happened so I turned it on high and the candle melted great. I also had a ladle I bought at the flea market for $.50. I figured I better not use my everyday ladle. LOL. OH... I wasn't thrilled with the idea of red wax so awhile back I bought some wax tint from Pat Catan's hoping that one day I would try this. I just cut off a little piece and threw it in when the other wax was completely melted. I also put some candle scent in it, but I don't believe I put enough in because well, you can't smell it. LOL. I also pulled the wick out of the melted wax with some tongs and just threw it away.

I also needed some molds. Since I was just having fun I tried 3 different molds. I had plastic, cast iron, and a tiny aluminum cake pan. I got the cake pan and the plastic mold at Goodwill.

I wanted to try this great eagle mold first. This thing is huge!!! It is about 9 1/2 in wide by 3 1/2 inches tall. I sprayed some cooking spray oil in my mold first. Then I used my ladle to pour the wax in the mold. First problem... the plastic distorted and there were places where the wax didn't reach so I put the ball jar lids under each of the edges to level it out. When the wax thickened a bit I put it in the freezer to cool it off. I only left it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes maybe. Just until it was completely set. Pulled it out, twisted the mold a little and out it popped. Now this part is where I need to experiment a little more. I didn't dust the mold with cinnamon before I poured the wax. After I popped it out of the mold I dusted them with cinnamon and rubbed it on. They look great but I'm not sure if the cinnamon will stay on them. I am also going to try to put holes in them today to hang them.

Close up....

After I worked on them I decided to try the cast iron and aluminum. I sprayed the molds just like above then poured the wax. I do not like how my corn turned out. I think I used to much spray because the cinnamon just turns dark and you can't see the kernels. I then tried the cake pan. I didn't fill it all the way up to the top. I poured just enough to to make it about 1/4 to 1/2 inches thick. These popped right out of the pan very easily. I used a paint brush to brush the cinnamon out the eyes, nose, and mouth of the jack o lantern. I actually made two jack o lanterns, one was in the freezer when I took the picture.

All of this came from one pillar candle found at the Goodwill!!! This was a pretty cheap form of entertainment yesterday :) I would still like to try another round of wax things experimenting with different techniques. Don't worry you'll be along for the ride. I'll post another entry when I do. :) I'd like to find some other molds to. I have some old jello molds, but I think I'd like to try molds of things like I see on prim websites. I just need to figure out where to buy them from.

Anyway, as promised I took some pics of my daughters full size quilt top I made. I'd like to finish it soon, but I need to buy the fabric and batting slowly when I have the money.

I'm off today so I have few more things to work on like putting holes in the ornies and sanding and staining a few things I painted yesterday. Hope you have a great rest of the week and weekend. I probably won't be back until Monday since I work all weekend long.

There was question as to what I meant by candle tint. This is what I used.


  1. Good morning Mary,
    Those all turned out wonderful! You know something? I bought a rabbit cake mold~ I believe it's the two-dimensional type where it has a front and a back. I think that you did a great job, so you are saying I should get another crockpot for molds now? LOL! I have so wanted to try these, and I have lots of molds to use. Thanks for stopping by my blog, now everyone knows! My craft room is a total disaster, LOL! But, I do know where things are believe it or not! LOL!
    Have a great day!

  2. Mary, wow, there you go again! I think these are great for your first try. I'm sure you'll figure exactly what works best for you. The quilt is just plain beautiful. Hope all goes well with you!

  3. I think your wax goodies turned out awesome! I always wanted to try this, but never got around to doing it. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing this with your blog buddies! I too have been wanting to make some of the wax ornies.This is just the inspiration I need to try it myself.Since it's wax, if I mess it up I can just remelt it! Your quilt is great!
    I am impressed that you have done so much is such a short amount of time.Will you hand or machine quilt it?
    Have a great day!

  5. THey turned out great in my opinion Mary! Super cute!!!

    What is the wax tint? I'd like to try this but not sure what it is.

    Carmen and the Primcats

  6. Hi Mary! I think your ornies turned out great. I have been wanting to try making them too.

    The quilt is beautiful!

  7. Hi Mary, Was wondering how to get the black look on the ornies. Have never heard of the wax tint. Will have to look for it. Love the quilt. A great job. Ugh, now the hard part. I hand quilted a spread a long time ago. Not for me. But I am sure yours will be beautiful. Have a great day off.

  8. oh man, I should have picked up that iron cornbread mold on ebay- darn.
    Where I live there are NO candle making supplies to be had- maybe I'll have to look in Montreal!

  9. We just never know what you'll be up to next Mary! I think they turned out awesome, as well as your daughters quilt! You certainly are ambitious.
    Have a wonderful day~

  10. Mary ,
    Love them all especially those eagles if you decide to sell them I would love to buy one ! and Ithink your corn looks great! But sheesh I wanna go find an old crock pot now Im loving everyone playin in the wax these day s! Have a great day ! hugs lilraggedyangie

  11. You've about pushed right over the edge with this one girlfriend....I'm a wee bit addicted to beeswax ornies and such...but swore I would not try it myself (I have this incredible tendency to make huge messes with projects like this)....but yours turned out so awesome - and you're showing us how....yikes I just might fall off that edge and into a wax crockpot! These are ADORABLE!!! Thanks so much for sharing....keep us posted on your experiments! Enjoy your day off! Bet you find something fun to get into! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  12. Now I gotta try my hand at making some of those - I too, love the wax ornies but am on a budget - thanks for sharing your ideas.

  13. You did a great job of explaining every thing. Makes me want to give it a try. When it comes to cleaning out the crock pot - do you just let the remaining wax harden and then pick it out, or what?

  14. Hi Mary - Thanks for sharing your wax tale - I have been wanting to try it myself for a while. I wonder if I can use the same idea to make scented wax tarts??? Thanks for the inspiration!~

  15. ok--now i've got to get a crockpot for wax--AWESOME idea!! i've been collecting old candles to melt and remold--I have this great turkey candy mold i want to try out for thanksgving!

    I LOVE the eagles!!!

  16. Wow!!! Thank you so much for all the great info. I have been wondering about wax for a little while. You just made it possible for me. Great job. -Steph-

  17. Hi Mary, your candle ornies turned out great! Espcially the eagle.
    I like the quilt you made and I like the color too. I'm also working on a quilt for my daughter. Mary

  18. Those turned out great!!!!

  19. Thanks for sharing, I was wondering for a long time how other girls make them and you give us a nice tips. Yours turned out great!

  20. Hi, I love the eagle. Your work is gorgeous. I too, love making these. I make them mostly for myself.The people I know would not appreciate them at all. So sad.The cinnamon will stay. I usually rub a little cinnamon essential oil on the ornie and then roll in the cinnamon.
    hugs, joey


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