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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rag Ball Tutorial

I just came off of a 24 hour shift and am sitting here drinking my coffee and sweating. Seriously, it's not even 70 degrees outside and I'm sweating. Must be hot flashes since I turned the BIG 37 on Tuesday. LOL. I treated myself to some new fall fashions at the Goodwill for a birthday present. Now I promised myself I would clean out my closet. I got to thinking that some of my clothes in there were bought before my 12 year old was born. I'm thinking it's prolly time to get rid of them. lol. I like to think if it still fits why get rid of it. I really think I'm not seeing the entire picture when I wear them because I do not own a full length mirror. Anyway, I just need to remember that just because they make it in my size doesn't mean I look good in it.

Alright, I know many of you already know how these are done and have already made some. For those of you who have not here's a quick and simple tutorial.

You will need some Styrofoam balls and fabric. These can also be made with fabric only and no Styrofoam balls. Anyway, I had already coffee stained my fabric for other projects. This is great way to use up your scraps. I took my fabric and tore 1/4 to 1/2 inch strips from the fabric.

Now take one of your balls and start wrapping one of your fabric pieces around overlapping as you go. Keep adding strips. When you end and start a new strip make sure you wrap over the loose ends so they don't come undone.

WOW! My pictures really stink on this tutorial... It's a good thing because this was my first one and I didn't do a great job. Yes, you all know I am particular, OK anal if you must, for things to come out right the first time I do things or I won't do it again. Yes I am my own worst critic. Hence I have many started projects that haven't been finished. lol

Anyway, in the end I had different size balls and finished them up. Woohoo!!! another UFO finished up. :) I must really stop drinking so much coffee in the morning when I take pics. LOL.

I've gotten two borders on my daughters quilt with one to go. The top is getting quite large and I have no idea how I'm going to finish it since I've never done one this big before. I think I may just tie it, but who knows. Otherwise, I have no idea what I'm going to do today. It's just me until the kids get home from school. Oh I have lots to do, but I don't know what I want to get into yet. I may play in some wax to see what I can make. This is easy because if it doesn't turn out you just throw it back in and remelt it.


  1. Wonderful tutorial - I made these many, many years ago and then got rid of was back in the 80's when we called it 'Country'.
    Now I want some more and call them 'Prim'
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. small rag balls make a cute garland! I made one for a friend and used red wooden beads from a dollar store christmas garland in between the balls. Now i want one!

    I'm still going through some stuff for you and should have a box of goodies out end of next week!

  3. Thanks for the tutorial! And I like the comments. Great ideas. i will make some up soon.

  4. Lovin thse rag balls..I will surely try them. Love all your blog and the inspirations you give.
    I am in Pa too and sweating..UGH the humidity..Fall weather again please.
    I am having a FALL GIVEAWAY tomorrow..Stop on by!
    Blessings Granny Trace

    ps. love your new header

  5. You're too funny Miss Mary....Hope you've cooled down some...Nothing like a rag ball - but I like all, guess that makes me a rag ball snob? Hope you enjoyed your day! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Had to laugh about the clothes!! I have SO MANY pairs of jeans to donate. I LOVE the low waist cut jeans now because I am so short in my torso that regular jeans come up to my ribs LOL!!!! I love to make rag balls too. Hope to talk with you over the weekend!! ~Kriss~

  7. I am sorry I missed your birthday!!!!!1
    I hope you had a fun one!
    No way could I handle a 24 hour shift. I give you a lot of credit!
    That is very hard to do, especially with the stresses you have to deal with on the job.
    I liked your tutorial. I want to try some. Have a good night.

  8. Thanks so much for the tut!!! I like the idea of the styrofoam ball. Save on the rags. ha!

    Hope you have cooled down. Hmmm....from one who has had more than my share of hot flashes....caffeine brings on the heat.

    hugs! Carol

  9. Thanks for the tut. Your fabric balls look great. Did you rip up some of your old clothes that you cleaned out of your closet:) -Steph-


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