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Monday, September 12, 2011

What Have I Been Up To

As I sit here Sunday night typing this blog it doesn't seem like I have gotten much done in my 2 days off. Friday I buckled down and got a few more UFO's completed up. My first project that took the longest was my rag balls. I was ripping and staining up my fabric to use all morning... You all know I have tried a lot of crafts but believe it or not I have never attempted rag balls. Why???? Well, I have OCD tendencies. Rag balls are just that rags of fabric either wrapped around styrofoam balls or other fabric. This is where my OCD kicks in... I want the wrapping to be perfect and I was afraid to try because I was afraid it wouldn't be perfect. Well, I overcame my fear. Though making the first one I had a little anxiety attack because it didn't look good. lol... but as I got going it got a little easier...

LOL the picture is a bit blurry because I couldn't stop shaking after all the coffee I drank. Yeah the yellow one was my first attempt... lol

I'll put up a quick rag ball tutorial later this week. :)

Then of course as you all saw in my last post I finished up my newest pattern. Just an FYI I designed a new pattern Sunday for Christmas. Yeah yeah I know I don't want to think about it either. lol. This one may take me a little while to stitch, but I have some smaller ones planned I just need to chart and stitch them.

I should back up a little on Friday morning I had a few errands to run... you know bloodwork I was told to have back in March, the bank, and then of course one of my favorite shops to see my BFF Rose. I had something to drop off for her as well as I am her prim magazine lending library. LOL. I let her borrow my magazines as they come in the mail after I look at them. Well, this time she had goodies for me. She made these scrumdelicious wax corn. I can smell them everytime I walk into my living room. She did a fabulous job on them!!! She also gave me a wax sheep that I forgot to take a picture of.

I have also been pricing some new merchandise for the booth and for my selling blog. Stay tuned because Sunday I decorated my living room for fall. I found some items I will not be using and will put on here to sell. I can't give you a definite day when I will post them because I am working from today (Monday) through Sunday... hopefully... because yesterday I started to get a sore throat and cough. I have no time to be sick this week. lol.

Lastly, I have to share this picture I took Sunday afternoon 9/11. A double rainbow... the second one is very faint above the main one. Thinking about 9/11 10 years ago about all the brave souls who lost their lives. What a perfect ending to such a somber day.


  1. Beautiful stitchery Mary. I seen the same double rainbow Sunday evening here in Shenandoah VA! It's on my blog if you'd like to see.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love rag balls. Yours are beautiful and perfect:) How nice of you to receive some wonderful wax items that smell so yummy. Good luck with the stitchen. -Steph-

  3. You did a great job on those balls, they will, look good in your home. Loved the rainbows, a good reminder. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Rag balls are always so neat looking! I don't know that I've ever seen a double rainbow before!

  5. now I'll have to cross rag ball making off my list of to-do's - cuz I'm on the OCD side too - and there's no way mine would ever come out that perfectly!! (That's why I embrace primitives so much - I keep telling myself it's not imperfect, it's primitive!) ;o) Love that wax corn - it's truly wonderful and bet it smells heavenly!! Gorgeous double rainbow...Two posts with double rainbows on 9/11....can't be a coincidence!! Wishing you a blessing-filled week. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Your patterns are enticing me to take up cross-stitching (yeah-like I NEED another hobby-lol)

    Email me your home address-I've lost it and I've got some goodies for you


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